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What is a guarantee Juvenil?

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Qué Es Garantía Juvenil

Youth Guarantee initiative is a union that claims facilitating access of young people to the labour market.

That is geared to all young people not occupied or integrated into the systems of education or training, can be offered employment, education or training, including the formation of an apprenticeship or internship, having just formal education or to be unemployed. Recommendation union, requires each young person may receive an offer in a period of four months after its registration.

To that end, establishing the national Youth Guarantee as a file to which young persons, registered on a voluntary basis, form a single list of demand at the disposal of the bodies responsible for proposing concrete offers.

Youth guarantee is intended for people jóvenes en búsqueda de empleo que no se encuentren en situación de estudiar o formarse, neither work for themselves or for others, and want to achieve their full integration into the labour market.

Young persons may apply to be registered as long as they meet the following requirements:

  • Have spanish nationality or, to be citizens of the union or the state party of European Economic Agreement or in switzerland or be alien holding a permit to reside in spanish territory, necessary to work, as well as unaccompanied minors provide accreditation of child protection services of the autonomous community that individually justified the access, through the registration to activities or programmes of education or training that are of benefit to them.
  • Be registered in any location of the spanish territory.
  • Have more than 16 years or less than 30 at the time to apply for registration
  • Not having worked in the calendar day preceding the date of submission.
  • Having received training in the calendar day preceding the date of submission.
  • Having received training actions in the calendar day preceding the date of submission.
  • Statement expresses you are interested in participating in the national Youth Guarantee, acquiring a commitment to active participation in the proceedings being conducted in the framework of the Youth Guarantee. In the case of persons seeking employment sufficient to register in the public employment services.

Through the links below you can manage altogether if you wish your application for registration:

The advantages of the Youth Guarantee aid to the recruitment and calls for education, training, practices, learning, employment and self-employment.

To ensure that young people can enter the labour market and in line with the programme and the Youth Guarantee has been adopted, in collaboration with the autonomous communities and union organizations of the Youth Guarantee Plan Plus 2021 - 2027 This plan develops. 69 action 6 axes and is aimed at improving the qualifications of young people to gain the skills and technical skills required to enter the labour market.

To achieve the objectives for improving the employability and entrepreneurship for young people, the plan is based on guidance and follow-up of users are personalized and users in all of the proceedings of support; training to the acquisition of competencies and the improvement of professional experience, taking into account the needs of transformation of productive model; improving employment opportunities through incentives targeted especially to persons who require special consideration; equality of opportunity; enterprise and entrepreneurship development and improvement of management.

Aid to the recruitment

There are also at the state a variety of supports for the recruitment of young people under 30 years, as well as bonuses and cuts to Social security for self-employed people that are available at bonuses and allowances the public employment service.

In your community autonomous

The Autonomous Communities have a decisive role in the implementation of the security, thus implementing various programmes and measures aimed at young persons registered in the file of the national Youth Guarantee. Stay informed via the internet and social networks and by specialised counselling services for the various entities to put at your disposal.

Calls for education, training, practices, learning, employment and self-employment

Be part of the file of the national Youth Guarantee will allow the entities involved in various plans for youth employment can count on you in its different calls for education, training, practices, learning, employment and self-employment. These are opportunities custom-designed for young people, with the objective of improving your incorporation into the labour market and focused in the fields and sectors that increased demand have today.