
Traducción automática

El presente sitio Web está traducido a varias lenguas españolas oficiales en sus respectivos territorios, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 3 de la Constitución Española de 1978 y sus Estatutos de Autonomía.

Las lenguas son el catalán, el euskera, gallego, valenciano, inglés y francés. Se advierte que, con carácter general, puede existir un desfase entre la versión en castellano y en las otras lenguas, derivado del proceso de traducción a las mismas.

Special employment centres

Special employment centres are companies whose main objective is to provide workers with disabilities a productive and gainful employment appropriate to their personal characteristics and facilitate labour integration in the regular labour market.

Special employment centres can have the following characteristics: created by public administrations, directly or in collaboration with other agencies, by entities, by individuals, legal or communities of property, who has legal capacity and work to be businessmen; public or private, with or without spirit of lucre; and registration of public service Centres state employment (SPEE), or, in their case, in the corresponding Autonomous administrations; management is subject to the same rules affecting any company.

The final recipients of this programme will be disabled workers of special employment centres that are in one of the cases described below:

  • People with cerebral palsy, people with mental illness or people with intellectual disabilities, with a degree of disability recognized equal to or greater than 33 %.
  • People with physical disabilities or sen soria l, with a degree of disability recognized equal to or greater than 65 %.

Support units to the Professional Activity may serve also to disabled workers Special centre of employment not listed above, if and when the dedication to these workers does not undermine the attention of those included in the previous section.

The grant funding and labour costs of Social security derived from hiring temporary or indefinite duration equal to or greater than 6 months of workers these support units. The amount of the subsidy stipulated in 1 . 200 euros per year for each worker with disabilities who is in subparagraph end recipients.

Subsidizing 1 . 200 euros will be reduced prorata depending on the duration of contracts, and depending on the duration of the day on the assumption that the contract is part-time.

These grants are awarded for maximum periods of one year and will be conditional on the existence of budget available for that purpose, as recorded annually in the budgets of public service jobs State.

The aid that can receive consist of:

  1. To partially fund projects generating jobs (creation of centres or extension. The Ministerial Order of 16 October 1998 ).
    Grants of:
    • 12 . 020 , 24 euros per job created with a stable, if the CEE exceeds the 90 by 100 disabled workers on the total of your template; or,
    • 9 . 015 , 18 euros per job created stable if the number of workers with disabilities from CEE falls between the 70 by 100 and 90 by 100 of the total workforce.

    It may grant previous grants provided that the special employment center properly justified investment involved in the project for some or all of the following actions:

    • Grant for technical assistance (feasibility studies, audits …).
    • Partial subsidy of interest loans of up to 3 points of interest.
    • Grant for fixed investment in projects of social interest recognized.
  2. Support for the maintenance of jobs in CEE (Ministerial Order 16 October 1998 ).
    Support for the maintenance of jobs in special employment centres, consist of:
    • Bonus of 100 by 100 the company quota to Social security, including those of occupational accidents and occupational disease and joint quotas..
    • Grants of wage costs for an amount of 50 by 100 the minimum wage. In the case of contract of part-time work, the grant will experience a reduction proportional to the workday done.
    • Grants for adaptation of jobs and elimination of architectural barriers in amounts not exceeding 1 . 803 , 04 euros per job
    • Grant, once, designed to balance and clean up financially to special employment centres
    • Addressed to grant balancing the budget those special employment centres without profit spirit and are of public utility and indispensability.
    • Special employment centres may receive technical assistance for the maintenance of jobs and may be granted ex parte or automatically when the study of the file so demands.
  3. Aid to support units to the Professional Activity (R.D. 469 / 2006 , 21 April).

Is understood by units of support for the Professional Activity the multidisciplinary teams, framed within services of Personal and Social Adjustment of special employment centres, through the development of different functions and committed, help to overcome the barriers, obstacles and difficulties that disabled workers of these centres are in the process of incorporation into a job, as well as the stay in the same.

May be beneficiaries of these subsidies entities holders of special employment centres and these centres, where they own legal personality.

The composition of units of support for the professional activity, it is a function of the modules defined in Article 6 the R.D. 469 / 2006 , 21 April.

  • Grants for projects generating jobs and maintenance jobs in special employment centres, as they are not subject to the regime of concurrency competitive, go directly to the provincial directorates of SPEE of Ceuta, Melilla and País Vasco . In other provinces processing is performed before the corresponding unit of the Autonomous Community, having transferred these powers. Regarding bonuses of contracts, these will be applied directly by employers in quotation bulletins before the TGSS (General Treasury of Social security).
  • In the case of aid to support units grant requests will be processed in solitary intersection competitive and conform to the deadlines and procedures to settle in their respective invitations to adopt provincial directors of SPEE of Ceuta, Melilla and País Vasco , and will be published in the official gazettes of each province.

In the rest of the Autonomous Communities, having taken the transfer of these powers, will be what is available in the respective types of grants and which will be published in the Official Gazettes of these communities.

Both for accessing any type of aid, as for subsequent continuity, special employment centres must meet the requirements in the R.D. 2273 / 1985 , 4 December (Regulation of special employment centres) and Article 13 the law 38 / 2003 , 17 November (General Law grants).