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Summary of measures introduced by the " 4 / 2013 (current law 11 / 2013 of 26 July) in terms of unemployment benefits

The Real-Decreto law 4 / 2013 , 22 February, of support measures the entrepreneur and stimulating growth and job creation, provides the following steps in terms of protection for unemployment:

I) voluntary Compatibility contributory unemployment benefit with self-employment (Article 2 the royal Decreto-ley 4 / 2013 ).

If a beneficiary of contributory benefit starts a self-activity from 24 February 2013 including, you can combine voluntarily such activity with unemployment protection provided it meets the following requirements:

  • Start a self-activity causing high as employed in the special regime of Social security of workers employed or self-employed or in the special regime of seafarers.
  • Is less than 30 years at the start of the activity on their own account.
  • Has No employed person responsible for the duration of the compatibility.

Must request in public service state employment compatibility in the request form of contributory benefit or request simplified, in the office of the term 15 days from the start date of the activity on their own, without the possibility to invoke the compatibility after that period.

If the worker meets the requirements would recognize the compatibility, not being earned from the date of the same fulfilling obligations as a jobseeker or those arising from compliance with the commitment of activity.

The compatibility of unemployment benefit with self-employment can have a maximum duration of 270 days since the start of it, except that the worker had less time pending lost unemployment benefit, in which case, the compatibility finishes when It runs out.

(II) suspension, resumption and extinction of unemployment benefits by realization of working for others (Article 5 . 1 and 5 . 3 the royal Decreto-ley 4 / 2013 )

Workers under 30 years to start a self-employment causing high for the first time in the special regime of Social security of workers employed or self-employed or in the special regime of seafarers, suspend entitlement to benefits or subsidies, if the work is shorter than 60 months, which, when cease in the same, may resume the perception of the right suspended provided they meet all the requirements for this.

If self-employment is equal or greater duration to 60 months, there will be the extinction of the right to benefit or subsidy by unemployment.

(III) single payment of unemployment benefit (Article 4 . 1 the royal Decreto-ley 4 / 2013 )

From the day 24 February 2013 including, the fertilizer at once by the amount that corresponds to the investment required to develop the activity, with the ceiling of 100 %, apply to the beneficiaries of contributory benefit that are on the date of application:

  • Men under 30 years of age.
  • Women under 35 years.

From the day 24 February 2013 including the recipients of unemployment benefit of contributory level may obtain until 100 % of the outstanding amount of perceiving for making a contribution to the social capital of a commercial entity, provided that they are less than thirty years in the date of the application of the single payment, and allocate the amount received for payment Only the equity of a business entity that, or either of new constitution, or has been created within twelve months immediately preceding the date on which the input occurs. In the latter case, it requires not having maintained a contractual link with the company.

  • Should work in this business entity, or develop a professional activity, either through an employment relationship of an indefinite nature. In the case of posted work, the same has maintained by a minimum of 18 months.
  • Should cause high in any of the Social security schemes.

Cannot obtain this payment method anyone who has appeared earlier as economically dependent self-employed and had signed a contract with any client.

The beneficiaries of the unemployment benefit contributory level less than thirty years in the date of the application of the single payment, may allocate their amount to costs constitution and commissioning of an entity, as well as payment of fees and the price of specific services for advice, training and information related to the activity to undertake.