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Financing The European Social Fund
The Esf (European Social Fund) is the main instrument with which europe supports the creation of employment, helps people to get better jobs and ensures fairer job opportunities for all eu citizens. To that end, the ESF invests in human capital of europe: workers, young people and all those seeking employment.
Periodo 2014-2020
The participation of the SEPE extends to the entire national territory, in accordance with the classification of areas established by the european Union for this period 2014 - 2020 that is as follows:
- Least developed locationAutonomous Community of: Extremadura
- Area in transitionAutonomous communities of: Andalucía , Canarias , Castilla La Mancha and Murcia and the autonomous city of Melilla.
- Most developed areaAutonomous communities of: Aragón , Asturias, Baleares , Cantabria , Castilla y León , Cataluña , Comunidad Valenciana , Galicia , La Rioja , Madrid , Navarra and País Vasco and autonomous city of Ceuta.
This division of the national territory implies the existence of different cofinancing percentages of the european Social fund, contained in decisions for approval of each Operational Programme, ranging from 50 per cent of total expenditure eligible for the most developed, 80 % for the rest of the territory or 85 per cent for the community of Canarias by its nature, an outermost region of the european Union.
A special case of funding in this programming period is the Youth employment initiative (IEJ)in the operational programme for youth employment, the percentage of funding is of the 91 , 89 per cent, in the entire national territory.
In the programming period 2014 - 2020 the public employment service has been appointed State Intermediaryin the operational programmes Plurirregionales of Youth Employment (POEJ), Social inclusion and the Social economy (POISES) and employment, training and education (POEFE), by signing the appropriate arrangements for attribution of roles between the authority of management of the european Social fund in spain and the directorate General of the SEPE.
Likewise, in each of the aforementioned PP.OO. holds the status of Payeethe aid of Structural Fund, as the implementation of actions that are provided for in them only the SEPE.
The SEPE participates in three operational programmes.
Adopted by decision of the Implementation of the european commission C ( 2014 ) 9891 , 12 december 2014 as amended by the C ( 2016 ) 4416 , 18 july 2016 . It includes both direct support of the European Social fund and the separate allocation for the youth employment Initiative, currently being a final recipients of the same all under 30 years 3 december 2015 , in accordance with the commission's decision C ( 2016 ) 4416 , and minors 25 years (or persons with a disability degree equal or exceed the 33 %), since the beginning of the eligibility of this, P.O. 1 september 2013 until 3 december 2015 .
The SEPE has planned, in this Operational Programme, a total financial allocation 937 , 37 millions of euros of total costs eligible for the entire period, the total contribution of the european Social Fund 798 , 75 million euros, 544 covered by the initiative for youth employment.
The structure, objectives and expected results of the participation of the SEPE Operating in this programme is described below:
AXES 1 A, 1 B, 1 C, 1 D, 1 E: Promotion of sustainable employment and quality and labour mobility.
- Sustainable integration into the labour market of young people, particularly those without work and non-integrated systems of education or training, as well as youth at risk of social exclusion and those from marginalized communities, also through the implementation of the Youth Guarantee.
- Increase the undertaking of the young persons not employed and non-integrated systems in the education or training as a means of access to the labour market through the creation of enterprises.
- Reductions in Social security contributions for self-employed workers.
- Encourage the development of entrepreneurial skills among young people.
- Improve self-employment and entrepreneurship among young people, including the various forms of enterprise in the framework of the social economy.
- Remove the barriers that hinder or prevent the transformation of ideas entrepreneurs of young people in specific projects.
- Fostering the entrepreneurial spirit and the culture of entrepreneurship among young people.
- Increase the recruitment of an indefinite nature of young persons not employed and non-integrated systems of education or training, in its brokering and the economic incentives.
- Reductions in Social security contributions for recruitment of persons with disabilities special employment market, Companies and by the organization Nacional de Ciegos españoles (ONCE).
- Reductions in Social security contributions for recruitment of temporary workers.
- Encourage recruitment through the use of wage subsidies and other measures aimed at people employers to create new opportunities for young people.
- To foster among young people not occupied or integrated into training and educational systems to obtain quality jobs and stable.
- Enhance the recruitment in sectors with the greatest potential for job creation, in particular within the framework of the green economy, icts, research and healthcare.
- Promote, as far as possible, the blue employment through its five pillars: energy blue, aquaculture, tourism, maritime and coastal environment, marine mineral resources and the blue biotechnology.
- Preserving employment during the crisis of COVID- 19 through flexibility and stability in employment.
- Support for caregivers of children 30 years including in cases of Temporary Regulation of employment (ERTES) derived from the crisis of COVID 19 .
- To preserve and maintain the employment of young persons under the age of women 30 years.
- To alleviate the effects that the health crisis caused by the outbreak of COVID- 19 has been on this group in the labour market
AXIS 5 : Sustainable integration into the labour market of young people who are not employed, or involved in the education or training, particularly in the context of the Youth guarantee (IEJ/ESF).
- Sustainable integration into the labour market of young people, particularly those without work and non-integrated systems of education or training, as well as youth at risk of social exclusion and those from marginalized communities, also through the implementation of the Youth Guarantee.
- Enhancing the employability and skills of young persons not employed and non-integrated systems in the education or training.
- Reductions in Social security contributions arising from the training provided under contracts for the training and learning.
- Achieving direct improvement of employability of young persons, through the acquisition of skills and competencies required, so that possible incorporation in the labour market on a stable and lasting peace in the time.
- To increase the level of training of young people who left school at an early age to join the labour market and that once they have lost their jobs do not find job opportunities, enhance especially the increase in the collective training levels.
- Get the conversion and retraining of young people with high levels of training but not suited to the requirements of the labour market.
- Implementation of mobility, both national and european, which will contribute to improving the training and employability of young people.
- Improving the training and new technology of young persons not employed and not integrated into education and training systems.
- Increase the undertaking of the young persons not employed and non-integrated systems in the education or training as a means of access to the labour market through the creation of enterprises.
- Reductions in Social security contributions for self-employed workers.
- Encourage the development of entrepreneurial skills among young people.
- Improve self-employment and entrepreneurship among young people, including the various forms of enterprise in the framework of the social economy.
- Remove the barriers that hinder or prevent the transformation of ideas entrepreneurs of young people in specific projects.
- Fostering the entrepreneurial spirit and the culture of entrepreneurship among young people.
- Increase the recruitment of an indefinite nature of young persons not employed and non-integrated systems of education or training, in its brokering and the economic incentives.
- Reductions in Social security contributions for recruitment of persons with disabilities special employment market, Companies and by the organization Nacional de Ciegos españoles (ONCE).
- Reductions in Social security contributions for recruitment of temporary workers.
- Reductions in Social security contributions through purchases of beneficiaries of the national Youth Guarantee.
- Encourage recruitment through the use of wage subsidies and other measures aimed at people employers to create new opportunities for young people.
- To foster among young people not occupied or integrated into training and educational systems to obtain quality jobs and stable.
- Enhance the recruitment in sectors with the greatest potential for job creation, in particular within the framework of the green economy, icts, research and healthcare.
- Promote, as far as possible, the blue employment through its five pillars: energy blue, aquaculture, tourism, maritime and coastal environment, marine mineral resources and the blue biotechnology.
- Preserving employment during the crisis of COVID- 19 for young people and not occupied not integrated into the education or training, as well as youth at risk of social exclusion through flexibility and stability in employment.
- Support for caregivers of children 30 years were beneficiaries of the national Youth Guarantee when they acceded to the use or prior action, including in cases of Temporary Regulation of employment (ERTES) derived from the crisis of COVID 19 .
- To preserve and maintain the employment of young persons under the age of women 30 years.
- To alleviate the effects that the health crisis caused by the outbreak of COVID- 19 has been on this group in the labour market
AXES 8 A, 8 B, 8 C, 8 D: technical assistance.
- To achieve effective management and quality control that will lead to meeting the objectives of the Operational Programme to ensure a minimal error rates.
- Development and maintenance of computer systems for monitoring and control.
- To ensure good management of the Operational Programme, mainly in the levels of programming, monitoring, evaluation and control as well as to consolidate and improve systems and models of management and control the operational programme envisaged. These outcomes will be supported by information systems and electronic management creating effect to this programme. In Addition, is projected to decrease error rates through improvements in systems of such inspections both in situ and administrative measures and the control systems.
- Criteria for selecting POEJ Operations PDF: 717 KB
- Operational programme for Youth Employment PDF: 4 , 9 MB
- Management and Control systems POEJ PDF: 1 , 8 MB
Adopted by decision of the Implementation of the european commission C ( 2015 ) 5696 , 6 august 2015 .
The SEPE has provided for under this Operational Programme a total financial allocation 327 , 94 millions of euros of total costs eligible for the entire period, the contribution of the european Social Fund 251 , 04 millions of euros.
The structure, objectives and expected results of the participation of the SEPE Operating in this programme is described below:
AXES 2 A, 2 B, 2 C, 2 D: Promoting sustainability and the quality of employment and promote labour mobility.
- Active inclusion, in particular with a view to promoting equal opportunities, the active participation and improved employability.
- Increase the recruitment of persons, or at risk of social exclusion.
- Reductions in Social security contributions for recruitment of persons with disabilities through special employment centres.
- Increase in access to quality jobs and maintenance of the most vulnerable and those of some kind of discrimination (based on sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, sexual orientation or gender identity, age and/or disabilities).
- Greater involvement and commitment of enterprises in the shift towards a more inclusive labour market and in the recruitment of targeting groups at risk of social exclusion.
- Preserving employment during the crisis of COVID- 19 of persons belonging to groups or at risk of social exclusion through flexibility and stability in employment.
- Aid for persons with disabilities, including workers in cases of Temporary Regulation of employment (ERTES) derived from the crisis of COVID 19 through flexibility and stability in employment.
- To sustain jobs working people, or at risk of social exclusion.
- To alleviate the effects that the health crisis caused by the outbreak of COVID- 19 has been on the labour market.
AXES 8 A, 8 B, 8 C, 8 D: technical assistance.
- To achieve effective management and quality control that will lead to meeting the objectives of the Operational Programme to ensure a minimal error rates.
- On-site checks.
- Development and maintenance of computer systems for monitoring and control.
- To ensure good management of the Operational Programme, mainly in the levels of programming, monitoring, evaluation and control as well as to consolidate and improve systems and models of management and control the operational programme envisaged. These outcomes will be supported by information systems and electronic management creating effect to this programme. In Addition, is projected to decrease error rates through improvements in systems of such inspections both in situ and administrative measures and the control systems.
- Criteria for selecting POISES Operations PDF: 894 KB
- Management and Control systems POISES PDF: 2 MB
Adopted by decision of the Implementation of the european commission C ( 2015 ) 9273 , 17 december 2015 .
The SEPE has provided for under this Operational Programme a total financial allocation 1 . 036 , 28 millions of euros of total costs eligible for the entire period, the contribution of the european Social Fund 779 , 63 millions of euros.
The structure, objectives and expected results of the participation of the SEPE Operating in this programme is described below:
AXES 1 A, 1 B, 1 C, 1 D: Promoting sustainability and the quality of employment and promote labour mobility.
- Facilitate access to employment of jobseekers and inactive persons, including the long-term unemployed and persons being removed from the labour market, as well as local employment initiatives and encouragement of labour mobility.
- Increase the recruitment of a continuing nature of the unemployed and/or job seekers, including protracted ones and those of older persons.
- Reductions in Social security contributions for indefinite hiring persons with disabilities by companies in the regular market and by the organization Nacional de Ciegos españoles (ONCE).
- Enhancing the quality and sustainability of the recruitment, foster a stable and undefined character come guaranteed by an assessment of the measures funded, so as to redirect to the case is not shown that sustainability.
- Momentum of recruitment in order to promote research, development and innovation, taking into account the different gender gaps in these areas.
- Improvement in the equal access to services of brokering.
- Promotion of policies and practices of shared responsibility and equality between women and men to reconcile working life, family and personal.
- Improving the employability of persons unemployed or inactive, particularly those with greater difficulties of access to the labour market, through the acquisition of experience, including local employment initiatives.
- Reductions in Social security contributions by temporary recruitment of persons with disabilities by companies in the regular market and by the organization Nacional de Ciegos españoles (ONCE).
- Reductions in Social security contributions for recruitment of temporary workers.
- Increase of qualifications or skills, through a professional experience of the population lack this or less experience.
- Increase in the recruitment of these groups in emerging sectors.
- Momentum of employment in rural areas, especially in those remote areas of services and resources, to contribute to the settlement of the population.
- Promotion of policies and practices of shared responsibility and equality between women and men to reconcile working life, family and personal
- Promote self-employment, entrepreneurship and the creation of enterprises, including micro-enterprises and innovative small and medium-sized enterprises.
- Greater powers for entrepreneurs and to increase the number of enterprises and initiatives of self-employment created, facilitating sustainable funding to improve the quality and efficiency of support services and consolidation.
- Reductions in Social security contributions for self-employed workers.
- Increase of enterprises set up, as well as their viability and sustainability.
- Elimination of barriers that hinder or prevent the transformation of ideas entrepreneurs in specific projects.
- Building entrepreneurship education and culture of entrepreneurship, while seeds of self-employment and entrepreneurship.
- Adequacy of support services and consolidation of businesses and employment initiatives, to the characteristics and needs of all persons, increasing their quality and efficiency.
- Promotion of inclusive undertaking to implement and develop company in areas such as assistance and health services and the green jobs.
- Facilitate access to funding of entrepreneurship, including the possible use of financial instruments
- Improvement in the equal access to the support services and business consolidation.
- Promotion of policies and practices of shared responsibility and equality between women and men to reconcile working life, family and personal.
- Promote adaptation of workers, enterprises and entrepreneurship to change.
- Adapt skills workers to the needs of the labour market, as well as to improve their contractual status to ensure their retention in employment and to enable their career progression.
- Reductions in Social security contributions for conversions in indefinite recruitment of persons with disabilities by companies in the regular market and by the organization Nacional de Ciegos españoles (ONCE).
- Better adaptation of persons employed to the demands of the labour market and with the new trends in productive changes, especially in the area of new information and communication technologies (ICT) and in sectors such as the blue or green economy, through enhancing the professional qualifications.
- Further integration in companies of innovative elements, both technological and organizational, to promote adaptability for working people and companies.
- Impetus for investment in human resources to increase export processes and internationalization of enterprises and smes and thus contributing to economic growth.
- Increase the socio-economic sustainability of rural areas, by adapting the training of workers to the needs of employment in rural areas.
- Improving the quality of recruitment, by promoting its indefinite character and stable.
- Improvement in the equal access to services for the adaptation of qualifications of employed persons
- Preserving employment during the crisis of COVID- 19 through flexibility and stability in employment.
- Aid for seniors 30 workingwomen included years in cases of Temporary Regulation of employment (ERTES) derived from the crisis of COVID 19 .
- To sustain jobs working people, or at risk of social exclusion.
- To alleviate the effects that the health crisis caused by the outbreak of COVID- 19 has been on the labour market.
AXES 8 A, 8 B, 8 C, 8 D: technical assistance.
- To achieve effective management and quality control that will lead to meeting the objectives of the Operational Programme to ensure a minimal error rates.
- On-site checks.
- Development and maintenance of computer systems for monitoring and control.
- To ensure good management of the Operational Programme, mainly in the levels of programming, monitoring, evaluation and control as well as to consolidate and improve systems and models of management and control the operational programme envisaged. These outcomes will be supported by information systems and electronic management creating effect to this programme. In Addition, is projected to decrease error rates through improvements in systems of such inspections both in situ and administrative measures and the control systems.
Priority Area A: Encourage the repair of the crisis in the context of pandemics such as COVID- 19 and its social consequences, and preparing a green recovery, digital and resilient economy.
Priority of Investment 13 . i:
Promote the repair of the crisis in the context of pandemics such as COVID- 19 and its social consequences, and preparing a green recovery, digital and resilient economy.
- Supporting access to the labour market, the creation of jobs and quality employment, as well as maintaining employment, including youth employment, and support to self-employed workers and entrepreneurs
- Support for the successful people including in cases of Temporary Regulation of employment (ERTES) derived from the crisis of COVID 19 .
- To sustain jobs working people.
- To alleviate the effects that the health crisis caused by the outbreak of COVID- 19 has been on the labour market.
Criteria for selecting POEFE Operations PDF: 994 KB
Operational Programme for employment, training and education PDF: 6 MB
Management and Control systems POEFE PDF: 1 , 7 MB

- The structural funds General regulation
- Regulation on the European Social Fund
- Regulations on electronic data interchange
- Regulation on the framework of performance and categories of intervention
- Regulation on exchanges of information between authorities and Beneficiaries, Intermediate Agencies
- Manual of procedures (september 2017 ) (PDF, 4 MB)
- Manual of procedures (november 2018 ) (PDF, 3 MB)
- Manual of procedures (february 2019 ) (PDF, 3 MB)
- Manual of procedures (october 2019 ) (PDF, 3 MB)
- Manual of procedures (february 2020 ) (PDF, 3 MB)
- Guidelines for the adaptation of the operations and procedures for management of the european Social fund under the situation of health crisis caused by COVID- 19 (may 2021 ) (PDF, 593 KB)