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El presente sitio Web está traducido a varias lenguas españolas oficiales en sus respectivos territorios, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 3 de la Constitución Española de 1978 y sus Estatutos de Autonomía.
Las lenguas son el catalán, el euskera, gallego, valenciano, inglés y francés. Se advierte que, con carácter general, puede existir un desfase entre la versión en castellano y en las otras lenguas, derivado del proceso de traducción a las mismas.
Qualifications of the counselling centres, counselling, enterprise and innovation to employment
Calificación de la Red
de Centros Públicos de Orientación,
Emprendimiento, Acompañamiento
e Innovación para el Empleo
Los Centros
que formen parte de la Red
tienen que reconocerse
y se publicarán en el Boletín Oficial del Estado.
Puedes consultar la resolución
con los Centros reconocidos
pulsando en los siguientes enlaces:
- Resolution 12 may 2022 the directorate General of the public employment service by the state, which qualifies the counselling centre, Entrepreneurship and innovation for the use of the autonomous community of La Rioja .
- Resolution 7 june 2023 the directorate General of the public employment service, State amending of 12 may 2022 , which qualifies the counselling centre, Entrepreneurship and innovation for the use of the autonomous community of Cantabria .
- Resolution 12 may 2022 the directorate General of the public employment service by the state, which qualifies the counselling centre, Entrepreneurship and innovation for the use of the autonomous community of La Rioja .
- Resolution 12 may 2022 the directorate General of the public employment service by the state, which qualifies the counselling centre, Entrepreneurship and innovation for the use of the city of Ceuta.
- Resolution 12 may 2022 the directorate General of the public employment service by the state, which qualifies the counselling centre, Entrepreneurship and innovation for the use of Comunidad de Madrid .
- Resolution 12 may 2022 the directorate General of the public employment service by the state, which qualifies the counselling centre, Entrepreneurship and innovation for the use of the autonomous community of País Vasco .
- Resolution 12 may 2022 the directorate General of the public employment service, by the State which is described as the state centre for Guidance, enterprise and innovation for employment.
- Resolution 12 may 2022 the directorate General of the public employment service by the state, which qualifies the counselling centre, Entrepreneurship and innovation to the use of the autonomous community of Navarra .
- Resolution 12 may 2022 the directorate General of the public employment service by the state, which qualifies the counselling centre, Entrepreneurship and innovation for the use of the autonomous community of the region Murcia .
- Resolution 12 may 2022 the directorate General of the public employment service by the state, which qualifies the counselling centre, Entrepreneurship and innovation for the use of the autonomous community of Castilla-La Mancha .
- Resolution 12 may 2022 the directorate General of the public employment service by the state, which qualifies the counselling centre, Entrepreneurship and innovation for the use of the autonomous community of Cantabria .
- Resolution 12 may 2022 the directorate General of the public employment service by the state, which qualifies the counselling centre, Entrepreneurship and innovation for the use of the autonomous community of Andalucía .
- Resolution 12 may 2022 the directorate General of the public employment service by the state, which qualifies the counselling centre, Entrepreneurship and innovation for the use of the community of Castilla y León .
- Resolution 12 may 2022 the directorate General of the public employment service by the state, which qualifies the counselling centre, Entrepreneurship and innovation for the use of the autonomous community of Canarias .
- Resolution 12 may 2022 the directorate General of the public employment service by the state, which qualifies the counselling centre, Entrepreneurship and innovation for the use of the city of Melilla.
- Resolution 12 may 2022 the directorate General of the public employment service by the state, which qualifies the counselling centre, Entrepreneurship and innovation for the use of the autonomous community of the balearic islands.
- Resolution 11 july 2022 the directorate General of the public employment service by the state, which qualifies the counselling centre, Entrepreneurship and innovation for the use of the autonomous community of Principado de Asturias .
- Resolution 11 july 2022 the directorate General of the public employment service by the state, which qualifies the counselling centre, Entrepreneurship and innovation for the use of the autonomous community of Extremadura .
- Resolution 4 august 2022 the directorate General of the public employment service by the state, which qualifies the counselling centre, Entrepreneurship and innovation for the use of Comunidad Valenciana .
- Resolution 1 september 2022 the directorate General of the public employment service by the state, which qualifies the counselling centre, Entrepreneurship and innovation for the use of the autonomous community of Aragón .
- Corrigendum to the resolution 12 may 2022 the directorate General of the public employment service by the state, which qualifies the counselling centre, Entrepreneurship and innovation for the use of the community of Castilla y León .
- Resolution 29 september 2022 the directorate General of the public employment service by the state, which qualifies the counselling centre, Entrepreneurship and innovation for the use of the autonomous community of Galicia .