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Summer work

Catalogue of publications of the General state administration


Held by the public employment service State
Condesa of Venadito, 9 . 28027 Madrid

NIPO: 120-21-044-3

Update to january 2021

Summertime is holiday time - the perfect time to go out and look for work while you learn a language. You can find information on looking for work on the following websites.

EURES (European Employment Services)

EURES is a cooperation network that links the European Commission and the Employment Services in EU countries, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland, as well as other partner organisations. The EURES network provides high-quality services to both workers and employers.

The purpose of EURES is to provide workers with information, advice and recruitment/placement (jobseeking) services.

EURES is much more than the European job mobility portal, and much more than just an employment website.

EURES has a human network of more than 1,000 EURES advisers throughout Europe, which is accessible to both employers and workers.

In Spain, you can contact the EURES advisers in your autonomous community, who provide three basic EURES services: information, guidance and job-matching in the European labour market.

European Youth Portal

The European Youth Portal offers links where you can find summer jobs in European Union countries, as well as information on internships and apprenticeships.

Where can you look for a job?

Within the European Economic Area (EEA), the free movement of persons is a basic right that allows EEA nationals to work in another country without the need for a work permit.

What practical considerations do you need to take into account before looking for work?

Living and working in another European country can present a number of obstacles, such as adapting to a new culture, working in a foreign language, and learning to understand new tax and social security schemes.
The best way to prepare is to get well informed about your chosen destination. Other factors to take into account are your personal qualities, such as your initiative, openness to change, qualifications and foreign language skills.
Before you start looking for a job, you need to be aware that it is not necessarily easier to find a job in another country than it is in your home country.

At the same time, there may be opportunities in some sectors of the European labour market, such as tourism and services (financial services, management consultancy, information technology and some segments of the health sector), as well as temporary agricultural work.

You can find information about living and working in each of the EEA countries on the following websites:

  • The ‘Living and Working’ section of the European Commission’s EURES website, which offers information on the labour market, health, housing and more.
  • The EURES Portal, run by the State Public Employment Service (SEPE), where you can look for job offers in the country that interests you, as well as basic information on living and working in that country.

What else do you need to take into account?

Make sure that your CV is clearly written, well-structured and targeted specifically at the job that you want. EURES Spain recommends that you tailor your CV and cover letter to the models commonly used in each country.
You can find specific models and tips for tailoring your applications on the ‘CV and letter’ tab for each country on the EURES-SEPE website.

The EU has adopted a standard European model for CVs called ‘EUROPASS’, which allows a candidate’s qualifications and skills to be clearly presented in the different EU countries. This CV model is currently available in 28 languages.

Working as an au pair is a good temporary option abroad, allowing you to earn extra money and, at the same time, improve your knowledge of the language and culture of the host country.

What is an au pair?

The au pair programme is focused on cultural exchange, where young people live for up to a year with host families in another country. They help the family by taking care of children and other household tasks, in exchange for full board and a small allowance.

Working hours vary depending on the person and the country where the service is being provided, but most au pairs usually work between 20 and 40 hours a week, with at least one day off a week.

As a general rule, au pairs do not have a formal employment relationship with the host family but are protected by the European Agreement on Au Pair Placement within Europe and the rules that apply in each specific country. Although not all European countries have signed this Treaty, most follow similar provisions. Some countries, such as Ireland, consider it more like an employment relationship, subject to the country’s laws on rights and duties.

The European Committee for Au Pair Standards (ECAPS) defines the characteristics of the au pair programme in Europe. While there are some differences between countries, the following guidelines apply to most:

  • Au pairs can be both male and female.
  • They are usually aged between 18 and 30.
  • Au pairs are employed from 3 to 12 months, depending on the country.
  • Experience in looking after children and/or babies may be needed, depending on the regulations of the host country - providing references is a plus.
  • Au pairs must not have a criminal record.
  • They should be in good health.
  • They need basic knowledge of the language of the destination country (keeping in mind that one of the main aims is to improve language skills through practice and/or taking a course in the host country).

European Agreement on Au Pair Placement: includes a model text for an English-language agreement between the family and the au pair.

Some resources for looking for au pair job offers worldwide:

  • International Au Pair Association (IAPA), where you can find tips for au pairs and families, as well as a general directory of the main au pair agencies in each country belonging to the IAPA, via the ‘Member Search’ tab. Organisations that put au pairs in contact with families usually charge a registration fee to the family and/or the au pair.
  • Newaupair
  • Aupair-world
  • Findaupair

Au pair agencies in Europe:

Au pairs in Switzerland (requirements and job search):

Au pairs in Germany:

Au pairs in Ireland:

Au pairs in Spain:

In non-EURES network countries:

Au pairs in the UK:

Au pairs in the USA (information and job offers):

Job offers received by EURES, as a European employment services network, are published on the EURES employment portal.

Be careful if you decide to start looking for a job on a cruise ship beyond what EURES has to offer, since this is an area where there are many seemingly legitimate companies offering dubious jobs which are dependent on the payment of various amounts of money.

Below are a number of tips that we hope will be useful.

To succeed in finding a job in this sector, you will need a high level of fluency in English, with common requirements including knowledge of a second and third language, as well as professional experience in the position that you want.

You also need to bear in mind that if you work on a cruise ship there are specific working conditions, rights and obligations. Working hours, rest periods and holidays are different from jobs on land and the legislation which applies to these conditions varies from country to country. You also need to bear in mind that many of these companies are not governed by European Union legislation.

A range of positions may be available, in areas such as healthcare, maintenance, beauty and personal care, children’s entertainment, hospitality, cleaning, photography and retail.

What does working on a cruise ship involve?

Living and working on board means working 10 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Is there any time off?

Although they work 7 days a week, crew members amass rest periods which they can enjoy once before the end of their contract.

How long are the contracts?

Depending on the type of job, between 4 and 10 months.

What are companies looking for?

Cruise ships have comprehensive selection processes, since each position has very specific functions, needing specialised preparation and requirements.

Prior experience is often required, but there are also lower-level positions where it is not always necessary.

Requirements for onboard personnel include having a friendly persona, the ability to convey positivity, an easy-going attitude to interpersonal relationships and the ability to work in a team. Because of this, companies often look for professionals from the hospitality and services sector, with qualifications in tourism, hotel management or public relations.

Alongside these requirements, some selection processes require basic maritime training in order to gain a merchant mariner credential, as well as a certificate of maritime proficiency on board passenger ships, in line with the requirements of the STCW convention, signed by the members of the International Maritime Organization, including Spain. These are training schemes that are easily processed with the payment of a small administrative fee (none in the case of subsidised courses).

Websites with information on the STCW/95

International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers

Job seeking websites:

Below are some websites with information on looking for a job. It is better not to pay agencies that only offer information on companies, since there is no guarantee that there will be a job available. It is best to apply for vacancies directly from the companies:

Cruise line employment websites:

Other links:

For positions in onboard entertainment: singers, dancers, entertainers, musicians, etc.

The hospitality and tourism sector employs large numbers of professionals, which are reinforced with extra staff during the high season, usually from June to October.

Below you can find some websites with jobs in this sector in different countries.


  • Lhotellerie-restauration You can create your own space as a job candidate, including your personal details and work experience.
  • REsoemploi A website run by a group of employers which publishes job offers available in their restaurants.
  • Synhorcat The website of the French hotel and catering workers’ union, including a section with job offers from its members.



You can find job offers in the catering sector and other tourism-related work in Spain. Keep in mind that fluency in several languages is essential. You can sometimes find these offers on the SEPE website in its EURES Spain section.

All types of job offers, including work in this sector, are published on the Spanish employment portal.

Most of the large hotel chains, entertainment companies and service agencies have websites with a section for staff vacancies.

Remember that temporary employment agencies and recruitment agencies operate in various countries. You need to enter the name + internet country code domain, for example: adecco.it (Italy), manpower.fr (France), randstad.be (Belgium) and michaelpage.ie (Ireland).

Other European countries

  • Caterer  Job offers in the hospitality sector in various countries.
  • Leisurejobs Website with job offers in the leisure sector in Europe.
  • Free-job Job offers in Switzerland.
  • Jobindex For students and graduates in Denmark.
  • KellyServices  Platform covering all European countries.

Lifeguards work at swimming pools, beaches and inland waterways to keep bathers safe.

A lifeguard’s job is to watch over and supervise bathing areas to prevent accidents, warn bathers of dangerous situations and, in emergencies, carry out rescue procedures.

Lifeguards need good observational and communication skills and the ability to react quickly in cases of emergency.

The requirements for the job mean that you need to be over 16 years of age, physically fit and a good swimmer.

If you have certification as a lifeguard issued by the Royal Spanish Lifesaving and Rescue Federation (RFESS), you can obtain international certification.

Certification as a ‘Lifeguard + First aider’, issued by the RFESS and bearing the logo of the International Life Saving Federation (ILS) is recognised as a direct equivalent of the ILS International Certificate. Recognition of this equivalence does not mean that the certificate enables you to work in other countries - you will need to check each country’s legislation - but it may be useful for validating certain areas of knowledge and as evidence of training recognised by the highest-level international body in rescue and lifesaving.

How do you apply for the international certificate?

Contact the Federation member of the country where you completed your training and ask for the ILS Certificate application form. Your federation will send the application to ILS headquarters and send you the international certificate when it arrives.

Job seeking

You can be employed as a lifeguard by local authorities, leisure centres, private clubs, hotels and holiday centres.

Amusement parks are a good option for finding a temporary job.

These parks employ a large number of people each year to cover many different positions (including waitstaff, cooks, ticket clerks, gardeners, carpenters, painters, maintenance staff, entertainment staff, office staff, retail staff and lifeguards), offering a range of opportunities for finding temporary work.

The best way to get a job in an amusement park is via the parks’ websites.
Below is a list of major amusement parks, sorted by country. Check their websites to find their current job vacancies.






In non-EURES network countries:


People who do temporary work in agriculture are called seasonal workers. Their work mainly involves harvesting fruit and vegetables.

For seasonal work under normal conditions, it is best to make sure that before you travel, you have a contract with an employer who you have worked for in previous seasons or who you have contacted through another worker or by another means.

It may be difficult to find jobs in some places, such as some regions of France where grape harvesting has been mechanised. Keep in mind that while work in the agricultural sector does not require fluency in a foreign language, some grasp of the language will be an advantage when looking for work and to ensure that you are not completely lost once you are on the job.

Keywords for looking for work in the agricultural sector:

English - farm worker, agricultural worker, ranch hand, farm hand, field hand, harvest employee; French - ouvrier agricole, emploi/travail agricole, vendangeur, cueilleur; German - Landarbeiter(in), Erntearbeiter(in); Dutch - landarbeider; Norwegian - gårdsarbeider.


In France, the fruit picking period lasts from May to September and the grape harvest is from the end of August to September. Keep in mind that the work may last only a few days, depending on the demand.

There are several ways to search for fruit picking work in France:

  • Approach fruit farms directly and leave your CV.
  • Go to the French employment service website, Pôle Emploi, using a keyword in French related to the job you want and indicating the scope of the search (whole country: FRANCE, or a specific area).
  • In France, there is a network of agencies that helps seasonal workers find work. Directory of the «Maison des saisonniers», agencies specialising in temporary employment.

Another useful website is ANEFA (the National Association for Employment and Agricultural Training). This website offers information on fruit and vegetable picking, as well as a guide to the French grape harvest, which is updated every year.

Some départements publish ‘Livrets des emplois saisonnieres’, which include addresses and/or contact numbers for companies that need seasonal labour for particular jobs and dates:


Agricultural workers are not usually hired through the national employment service. Farms have their own recruitment channels. It is not a good idea to go to Norway without a job, as the cost of living there is very high. Going to Norway to look for work involves a significant financial investment.

Job opportunities in agriculture are generally for skilled agricultural workers. With the right training, you can find work for the whole year. These kinds of jobs can be found in the livestock and dairy sectors, as well as in crop cultivation.


Job opportunities in the Netherlands can be found at the seasonalwork website.

Your CV should be written in English or Dutch and uploaded to the website. The website has a section in English, but most of it is in Dutch.

There are plenty of job offers in strawberry and asparagus picking. The strawberry picking season is from May to August, and the asparagus season is from March to June.


The best way to find work is to contact companies directly. There are no specialist websites, but you can use the general job websites:


It is not a good idea to go to Switzerland without a contract, because there are not many jobs available. The agricultural season is short - just July and August - and the grape harvesting months are September and October. Late October to early November is the season for potatoes.

Some websites enable you to search for jobs in any country:


  • Emploi List of websites and individual job vacancies.
  • Jobdété Summer jobs and seasonal work.
  • Jobs-été Mainly for young people.
  • Monjobalamontagne Jobs mainly in tourism, hospitality and retail in the mountain regions of the Alps and Pyrenees...
  • Redfrancia Selection of job offers in various sectors including hospitality and catering, Spanish teaching and healthcare...
  • Saisonnier Specialist in seasonal work with available jobs listed by category and département.
  • Travail-saisonnier Seasonal and longer-term jobs (save time searching by not specifying a region).



  • Crossroads Contract, part-time, permanent.
  • Jobsplus
  • Pentasia Allows you to choose other European countries.
  • People Search by sector and position.
  • Quadconsultancy Allows you to choose other European countries.
  • Youth Jobs in Malta for young people(full-time, part-time, reduced hours, summer job).


Nordic countries

... as well as the Public Employment Services for each country.