
Traducción automática

El presente sitio Web está traducido a varias lenguas españolas oficiales en sus respectivos territorios, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 3 de la Constitución Española de 1978 y sus Estatutos de Autonomía.

Las lenguas son el catalán, el euskera, gallego, valenciano, inglés y francés. Se advierte que, con carácter general, puede existir un desfase entre la versión en castellano y en las otras lenguas, derivado del proceso de traducción a las mismas.


Definition and actions of the placement agencies

Employment agencies are governed byLaw 3 / 2023 , 28 january employment,(published in BOE num 51 , 1 march 2023 ), in particular, in its article 43 , which stipulates the regime of the placement agencies, as well as the conditions of operation.

Are public or private entities that engage in activities that aim to provide for a job for the unemployed. They are an instrument of both the Public employment service of the State and Public employment services of the autonomous communities, which, in order to achieve this end, will assess profiles, skills or knowledge of unemployed persons, and conduct proceedings related to the search for employment, such as vocational guidance, information or selection of staff. Brokering activities carried out by employment agencies will be subject to monitoring and assessment by the public employment services.

To this end, Royal Decree 1796 / 2010 , 30 december, regulating employment agencies, specified that it must have computer systems compatible and complementary with the information system of public employment services, so that they can provide regular information about offers and demands of employment and other activities. The placement agencies should provide data, documentation and information needed to make the system of Integrated Public Information of the employment services, as well as required by the public employment services to assess the qualitative and quantitative result of their brokering activities. It will have to submit an annual report of activities during the previous year.

In order to integrate all the information provided by employment agencies, the Royal Decree 1796 / 2010 , 30 december, to create a Common Telematic (ETC) within the framework of the information system of public employment services (SISPE): access to ETC.

How is a placement Agency?

If an entity wants to develop activities placement agency, pursuant to article 43 of the Law 3 / 2023 , 28 january employment,declaration, should submit reports to the public employment service of the Autonomous Community of having its principal place of business. And in the SEPE, if you have work in the Autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla.

With the statement responsible, the agency's performance of placement shall be valid throughout the territory of the state and unlimited duration. Users can initiate your activity from the date of submission of the declaration responsible, without prejudice to the powers of audit, monitoring and inspection that have been attributed the competent authorities in the respective areas where that activity.

Collaboration with public services

The placement agencies should operate in space Common Internet portal https :// www.sistemanacionalempleo.es.

From this link can be downloaded:

  • The document “ obligations and requirements for employment agencies ”.
  • The “ declaration Responsable ” to operate as a placement Agency, as well as the basis of presentation of the same.
  • And could be registered on the link, as well as configure electronically access to Common Telematic Space for the sending of information of your activity public employment services.

Through the labour intermediation, public employment services of the autonomous communities and the state, directly and through employment agencies, should ensure a public service.

The activities of all employment agencies will be coordinated by the public employment services, but not all employment agencies shall have the status of partners, will have this condition when there is a collaboration agreement with one or several Public employment services.

The collaboration of these agencies may include the provision of public subsidies, administrative staff or any other legal form conforming to the implementation of standards at state and autonomous governments.

These agencies provide their services free of charge for employees and employers, as their services, it should be remunerated by the respective public employment services, as provided in the respective cooperation agreement.