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El presente sitio Web está traducido a varias lenguas españolas oficiales en sus respectivos territorios, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 3 de la Constitución Española de 1978 y sus Estatutos de Autonomía.

Las lenguas son el catalán, el euskera, gallego, valenciano, inglés y francés. Se advierte que, con carácter general, puede existir un desfase entre la versión en castellano y en las otras lenguas, derivado del proceso de traducción a las mismas.

What is EURES

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EURES (EURopean Employment Services), is a network of cooperation for employment and for the free movement of workers, one of the fundamental principles of the european union (EU), as stated above in the corresponding articles of the treaty creating the european community.

The objective of the EURES network is to serve the workers, entrepreneurs, and any citizen wishing to benefit from the principle of free movement of persons, providing information and advice on offers and demands of employment, and developments in the labour market and on living and working conditions of each country

The EURES Network was created in 1993 by decision of the european commission, (replaced by the decision of the commission 23 december 2002 ) to enable the free movement of workers within the european economic area. EURES placed in relation to the european commission with the public employment services of the countries of the european economic area (member countries of the eu, Iceland, norway and Liechtenstein), with switzerland and with other agencies.

The network includes members EURES (public employment services and european commission), the cross-border partnerships and other EURES partners (associations of workers, employers' organizations, universities and other local and regional institutions), all stakeholders on employment issues.

The objective of the EURES network is to serve the workers, entrepreneurs, and any citizen wishing to benefit from the principle of free movement of persons, providing information and advice on offers and demands of employment, and developments in the labour market and on living and working conditions of each country

Service catalogue Eures-españa (IS)

EURES Spain Service Catalogue (IN)

EURES services offered:

Information on:

  • Employment opportunities and staffing requirements in the countries of the european economic area.
  • Working conditions.
  • Living conditions.

Career guidance and counselling:

  • By helping it to identify the different search and to design a job offer attractive.
  • Career guidance for the employment of persons will be going to decide and prepare for mobility scheme


  • Introduction of job vacancies in the EURES system.
  • Dissemination concerted offers: throughout europe, in individual countries or regions, or by groups of professionals.
  • Consultation by potential candidates.
  • Introduction of the nominations received in concert
  • Assistance, counselling and support in the preselection, if agreed upon.

EURES services to job-seekers

Help in finding employment in another country: formalities required, ways of life, customs, practices different on the world of work, etc.

You will receive information on:

  • Living and working conditions in these countries.
  • Offers of employment in the existing community Network.
  • Guidance and advice on finding employment.

Before seeking employment in another country must be given to some issues:

  • Language: Do you have language appropriate to the type of work you are looking for?
  • The professional qualifications: Do you have the necessary training and experience required?
  • The academic degree or professional has, is recognized in the country to which they want to go?
  • What do you know of living and working conditions of the country: accommodation, right to health care, under what conditions and if you also have our relatives, procedures of the entry, residence, etc.?

In all these issues, EURES advisers and mentors can help.

Guide for persons seeking employment in europe

EURES services to Employers

We help you spread your labour supply in europe, providing a computer system at eu level that allows for the dissemination of job opportunities, especially those requiring the domain of other languages, the special need of qualifications and experience or seek skilled professionals, hardly reclutables in the market.

We help you achieve:

  • Qualified candidates for vacancies at european level, with the qualifications and skills necessary specific (languages, specialization, etc.).
  • The dissemination of the offers of employment outside the national level in any of the countries of the european economic area plus switzerland.
  • First-hand information on legal and practical aspects, linked to the international mobility.
  • Advice on Social security procedures and formulas for employment, on temporary displacement of their workers to another country.
  • Information on the competent authorities in each country in respect of employment, Social security, unemployment etc.
  • Mailbox EURES offers Employers: employerstoeures@sepe.es

Guide for recruitment in europe

You can request the services of the EURES network at employment offices in the public employment service of:

  • Autonomous city of Ceuta
  • Autonomous city of Melilla

At the public of the autonomous communities:

You can check the EURES network of advisors in all provinces and in the rest of european countries, who will help you and advise on what you need.

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