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Empleo para personas con discapacidad

TheRoyal Legislative Decree 1 / 2013 , 29 november, which adopted the consolidated text of the General law on rights of persons with disabilities and their social inclusion provides in article 37 that, persons with disabilities can exercise their right to work in:

  1. Regular employment in companies and public authorities, including employment services with support.
  2. Sheltered employment, in special centres for employment and labour in enclaves.
  3. Self-employment.

For its part, access to public employment is governed by the provisions of the rules and regulations of the matter.

It will be purpose of employment policy to increase the rates of employment and occupation and employment of persons with disabilities, as well as to improve the quality of employment and an appetite for their working conditions, through active measures against discrimination, the competent public agencies to increase their employment opportunities and career development within the labour market, and promote the necessary backing for the search, obtaining, job retention and return at the same.

Article 42 of Royal Legislative Decree 1 / 2013 , 29 november, which adopted the consolidated text of the General law on rights of persons with disabilities and their social inclusion, provides that public and private enterprises that employ a number of 50 or more employees will be required to that of including at least the 2 % are working people with disabilities to support at least 33 % of degree of disability, which will be the consideration of persons with disabilities in the Field of employment, persons pensioners of Social security that have recognized a permanent disability pension in the level of total, absolute or major disability, pensioners and those pensioners who have recognized a retirement pension or retirement permanent incapacity for duty or futility.

This obligation applies except collective agreement or will the employer, provided that they apply alternative measures (information processing with SEPEhere).

The framework for the provision of grants for the promotion of employment of persons with disabilities was established by the Royal Decree 818 / 2021 , 28 september, which governs the activation programmes for the use of the national system of Employment.

Thefinal target audiencesworkers shall be persons with disabilities. In some cases, the successful people should be in addition, in any of the cases described below:

  • Persons with cerebral palsy, persons with mental illness or people with intellectual disabilities, with a degree recognized equal or exceed the 33 per cent.
  • Persons with physical disability or sen soria l, with a degree recognized equal or exceed the 65 per cent.

The programme of labour inclusion of persons with disabilities protected labour marketthe integration of persons with disabilities in the labour market, through the granting of public subsidies to promote the establishment and maintenance of jobs in special employment centres which have received their qualification as such.

These subsidies are intended to support any measures or the combination of several of those mentioned below:

  1. Subsidy to fixed investment linked to the creation of permanent employment in the labour market, both by new recruitments indefinitely for the transformation of contracts of indefinite duration determined that they are carried out with persons with disabilities.
  2. Grant from the wage costs of persons with disabilities employed in special employment centres, without prejudice to any bonuses to the contribution to Social Security under current regulations.
  3. Grant, for each job, to meet expenses incurred as a result of the adaptation of jobs, including physical universal accessibility, sen soria l, learning and communication, and appropriate measures in accordance with the needs of each specific situation, except that these measures ensure an excessive burden for the club, as well as the provision of personal protective equipment, to prevent the risk to persons with disabilities employed workers and the removal of barriers or obstacles that prevent or hamper their work.
  4. Assistance to special employment centres by providing, through support units to the professional activity regulated in Royal Decree 469 / 2006 , 21 april, establishing the enabling units in the professional activity within the framework of the personal and social adjustment of special employment centres.

The Special employment centres are companies whose main objective is to provide working people with disabilities a productive and remunerative work appropriate to their personal characteristics and to facilitate their integration in the regular market.

Special employment centres can reflect the following characteristics: created by the public administrations, directly or in collaboration with other agencies, by entity, by individuals, legal or communities, to have legal capacity and to work to be entrepreneurs/as; public or private, with or without profit spirit; the qualification and registration Centres of the public employment service Estatal (SPEE), or, where appropriate, in the corresponding Regional Administrations; management is subject to the same rules affecting any business.

The employment of persons with disabilities regular working marketaims to facilitate the employment of persons with disabilities into the regular market via the granting of aid or subsidies provided for in the following articles.
Aid or subsidies will be directed to finance one of the following steps or combination of several of them:

  1. a) the promotion of indefinite contracts through the provision of subsidies to companies, individuals employed workers and not-for-profit private entities of the regular labour market that indefinite hiring persons with disabilities who are seeking employment and services in unoccupied and who are registered in the public employment service. This registration in the public employment service cannot be claimed in the event of moving from the labour market protected the company was taken by show of hands. It is subject to grant the transformation of indefinite contracts, temporary and training workers with persons with disabilities.
  2. (b) the transit of working people with disabilities from employment in special employment centres to employment in the regular market, especially through labour enclaves regulated in royal decree 290 / 2004 , 20 february, regulating labour enclaves as a measure of employment of persons with disabilities, spurring their recruitment indefinitely.
  3. (c) adaptation of jobs, including physical universal accessibility, sen soria l, learning and communication, and appropriate measures in accordance with the needs of each specific situation, except that these measures ensure an excessive burden for the club, as well as provision of personal protective equipment, to prevent the risk to persons with disabilities employed workers and removal of barriers or obstacles that prevent or hamper their work.
  4. (d) action and individualized guidance in the workplace, provided by specialized labour preparadoras people within the framework of the provisions of the royal decree 870 / 2007 , 2 july, which regulates the employment programme with support as a measure promoting employment of persons with disabilities in the regular market.

Cooperatives of Work Associated labour and involve men and women workers with disabilities as partners and partners, have the right of the benefits set out in this programme, it being understood that references to permanent contracts were extended to the inclusion of people working partners.

The grants and subsidies of the SEPE competition will be processed directly to the Provincial Directorates of the SEPE of Ceuta and Melilla, in accordance with their respective calls.

In the rest of the autonomous communities, having assumed the transfer of such powers, as otherwise provided in the respective appeals for grants.

With regard to the bonuses of contracts, these will be applied directly by employers in the price before the TGSS (treasury of Social security).

  • Royal Legislative Decree 1 / 2013 , 29 november, which adopted the consolidated text of the General law on rights of persons with disabilities and their social inclusion.
  • Law 3 / 2023 , 28 february, of Employment.
  • Royal Decree 818 / 2021 , 28 september, which governs the activation programmes for the use of the national system of Employment.
  • Decreto-Ley Real 1 / 2023 , 10 january, urgent measures in the area of incentives for employment and enhancing social protection of persons artists encouraged the recruitment of persons with disabilities.
  • Order TES/ 1077 / 2023 , 28 september, establishing, in the area of competence of the public employment service, the State regulatory basis for the granting of subsidies intended to the financing of active employment policy programmes provided for in Royal Decree 818 / 2021 , 28 september, which governs the activation programmes for the use of the national system of Employment.
  • Law 43 / 2006 , 29 december, to improved growth and employment.
  • Royal Decree 469 / 2006 , 21 april, establishing the enabling units in the professional activity within the framework of the personal and social adjustment of special employment centres.
  • Royal Decree 364 / 2005 , 8 april, which regulates the alternative compliance with exceptional nature of the booking fee in favour of disabled workers.
  • Royal Decree 427 / 1999 , 12 march, amending the Royal Decree 1368 / 1985 , 17 july, which regulates the employment relationship of special character of the disabled to work in the special employment centres.
  • Law 66 / 1997 , 30 december measures, fiscal, administrative and Social council.
  • Royal Decree 2273 / 1985 , 4 december, approving the regulations of the special employment centres as defined in article 42 the law 13 / 1982 , 7 april, of the Social integration of Disabled.
  • Royal Decree 1368 / 1985 , 17 july, which regulates the employment relationship of special character of the disabled to work in the Special employment centres.