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Employment of women and Gender Mainstreaming in policies of support for the activation for employment
The challenge of equality
The component 23 the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience is directly related to the principles of equal opportunities of access to the labour market, the fair working conditions and the protection and social inclusion included in the european pillar of Social rights.
To advance the challenge of real equality between women and men, education, training and lifelong learning through an accompaniment adapted, are essential elements on which build projects and programmes of investment Employment Women in the field of employment.
Proposed actions to foster gender mainstreaming in all the active employment policy
Its main objective is to make progress on the effective incorporation of the principle of equality between women and men in the design, implementation and evaluationof activation policies for employment.
The SEPE leads this project with a service of technical assistance provided by the tools to mainstream a gender perspective in the annual plans for employment of public employment services(both central and regional).
You can find more information on our site dedicated to the project.
Agenda for the support of women in rural and urban Area
Will cover training actions in the fields, digital and ecological of long-term care, entrepreneurship and the social economy. Organize calls for proposals for a subvention to the public and private entities responsible for conducting training.
- Excerpt from the resolution 15 may 2023 the state employment service, which approves the convening for the granting of public subsidies, for the financing of investment component 23
- Order TES/ 1121 / 2021 , 11 october, establishing the regulatory basis for the granting of public subsidies, for the financing of the 'programme of support for women in rural and urban Areas ”, in the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience.
- Excerpt from the resolution 14 december 2021 the state employment service, which approves by processing procedure, the call for the granting of public subsidies, for the financing of investment component 23 .
- Excerpt from the Resolution of the SEPE of 21 december 2021 , which approves, under the procedure, the call for the granting of public subsidies, for the financing of investment component 23 "programme of support for women in rural and urban Areas", within the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience, in the territorial scope of the city of Ceuta
Training programmes and insertion for women victims of gender violence or sexual exploitation and trafficking with commitment to recruitment
Will cover the itineraries of integration for those women, in two stages. In the first six months, the participants will custom itineraries of social inclusion, and the next six months to have a dual training staff with commitment post by employers.
- Publication in official gazette of spain 27 september 2021 the announcement of tenders
- Publication in the beijing platform for recruitment of the public Sector 19 september 2021 subcontracting
- Publication of the tender for the convening of CEUTA and MELILLA (publication in official gazette of spain 5 may 2022 the announcement of tenders, 27 april 2022 : General Directorate of public service of State Employment service. Subject to (...) the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla. File: PA 13 / 22 )