Appointment Electronic

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El presente sitio Web está traducido a varias lenguas españolas oficiales en sus respectivos territorios, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 3 de la Constitución Española de 1978 y sus Estatutos de Autonomía.

Las lenguas son el catalán, el euskera, gallego, valenciano, inglés y francés. Se advierte que, con carácter general, puede existir un desfase entre la versión en castellano y en las otras lenguas, derivado del proceso de traducción a las mismas.


The announcement of Andalusia


Labour contracts
to aid tasks to r + D + i.

Investigación, Desarrollo e innovación o I+D+i: son las tareas de investigación que hacen las organizaciones para mejorar su trabajo.

Here you can know
all calls for grants, and activities
you can request
in the autonomous community in andalusia.

You can too quiet.
if you are part
of National System of Youth Guarantee
and you live in Andalusia.

Autonomous community:is the name of the territories in which is divided Spain. For example, Andalucía , Galicia or Comunidad de Madrid .

National System of Youth Guarantee: it is a file in the appear all young people entered into the draft Youth Guarantee.

Draft local cooperation Initiative

Aid to offer includes
work opportunities for young people
who had not worked before

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Here you can find out more
on the draft.

What organization offers this aid?
Autonomous community of Andalucía

For whom is this?
Corporations and other organizations

You can ask …
Since the 7 september 2018
and 18 october 2018
until 4 october 2018
and 31 october 2018

The draft Employment Bonus Young

Aid for young people.

Then, encouraged to make them
indefinite contracts.

Open-ended contract: is the agreement between a company and a person to work on it forever.

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Here you can find out more
on the draft.

What organization offers this aid?
Autonomous community of Andalucía

For whom is this?
Corporations and other organizations

You can ask …
Since the 12 july 2018
and 31 december 2019

Grants for young people

Aid for young people
in research
and help tasks (I + D + i.

Grants: these amounts of money given to specific projects or expenditure.

Research, development and innovation and r + D + i: are the tasks of research organizations to improve its work.

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Hereyou can find out more
on this aid.

What organization offers this aid?
Autonomous community of Andalucía

For whom is this?

You can ask …
Since the 1 november 2018
and 1 june 2020


Offer 25 contracts of employment
to aid tasks to r + D + i.

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Here you can find out more
on these opportunities to work

What organization offers this aid?
University of Córdoba

For whom is this?

You can ask …
Since the 26 february 2020
and 18 march 2020

Emprendejoven project

Is a project to improve
the skills to work
for young people living in Sevilla
and neither work nor study.

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Hereyou can find out moreon the draft.

What organization offers this aid?
Diputationof Sevilla

For whom is this?

You can ask …
Since the 26 february 2020
and 13 march 2020

Provincial: are the administrations of each province of Spain.


Labour contracts
to aid tasks to r + D + i.

info icon

Here you can find out more
on these opportunities to work.

What organization offers this aid?
University of Cádiz

For whom is this?

You can ask …
Since the 14 april 2020

Grants for young people
Aid for young people:

  • live or go to live in small towns

  • and neither work nor study.

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Hereyou can find out more
on this aid

What organization offers this aid?
Diputation of Córdoba

For whom is this?
Companies, persons employed women
and other organizations
in the province of Córdoba

You can ask …
Since the 31 july 2021

Grants for young people

info icon

Here you can find out more
on this aid.

What organization offers this aid?
Chamber of commercein Jerez.

For whom is this?
Companies, persons employed women
and other organizations
in Jerez.

You can ask …
Since the 11 june 2021
until 30 june 2021

Chambers of commerce: these are organizations.

Grants for young people

Aid for young people
in research
and of assistance to the tasks of I + D + i.

For this assistance,
there are a total of 10 and a half million euros.

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Hereyou can find out more
on this aid.

What organization offers this aid?
Autonomous community of Andalucía

For whom is this?
Universities and other research institutes

You can ask …
Since the 3 august 2021

Grants for young people

Aid for businesses
they have recruited young people
through the Training Plan.

They must have worked for them
during 6 months.

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Hereyou can find out more
on this aid.

What organization offers this aid?
Chamber of commerce Córdoba

For whom is this?
Companies, persons employed women and other organizations Córdoba

You can ask …
Since the 2 april 2022
until 31 december 2022

Grants from the young programme Now

Aid to recruit
young people who had not worked before
to develop social projects.

Social projects: are projects that improve the lives of individuals.

info icon

Hereyou can find out more
on the programme.

What organization offers this aid?
Autonomous community of Andalucía

For whom is this?
and other local entities

You can ask …
Since the 10 june 2021

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Subscribe here
in the system of Youth Guarantee

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The companies get in your profile
through this link


Notes here
your documents SEPE

Public service
State employment or
: is the service
the administration of
Spain responsible
to address the issues
related to the
work of the spanish
and the spaniards.