Appointment Electronic

Traducción automática

El presente sitio Web está traducido a varias lenguas españolas oficiales en sus respectivos territorios, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 3 de la Constitución Española de 1978 y sus Estatutos de Autonomía.

Las lenguas son el catalán, el euskera, gallego, valenciano, inglés y francés. Se advierte que, con carácter general, puede existir un desfase entre la versión en castellano y en las otras lenguas, derivado del proceso de traducción a las mismas.

The SEPE in social networks

The public employment service SEPE State is also in social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Likewise if you feel, YouTube.

In all these networks we intend to establish a new channel of communication between the citizen and the administration, in order to help you in everything possible and provide all the information generated in the SEPE, which will be expanded in the web page

To participate in social networks, the public employment service only ask State that uses always a correct language and educated and that you respect the privacy of others.

The team of communication of SEPE reserves the right to communicate to the different social networks the abusive acts by users, así como bloquear a aquellos que incurran en comportamientos tales como:

  • Expresiones ofensivas o enlaces a páginas con contenido ofensivo, así como enlaces o referencias a sitios ilegales, de contenido violento, sexual, racista o discriminatorio.
  • “ Spam ” (unwanted messages), messages of advertising or promotional material.
  • Personal data outside the author of the commentary.
  • Repeated reiterations or comments.

Comments posted by supporters of the different accounts of SEPE in social networks correspond to their authors.

The texts that offers the SEPE in their social networks, just as in the web page, have a merely informative, i.e. has no legal validity. For legal purposes, should be accessed the texts published in the Official Journals and Newsletters. Furthermore we will develop the precise efforts to avoid mistakes and, in its case, to repair them or to update them as soon as possible; but we cannot guarantee the absence.

Here we will inform you of our privacy policy and legal notice.


The official profile SEPE in Twitter it is @empleo _ SEPE. The aim of our presence in this social network is to provide information on the public employment service State and other relevant information on everything relating to employment. Via Twitter also look at the messages directly from our followers and try to channel or assist in its consultations.


The official website of the SEPE in Facebook it is @SEPE.EMPLEO. Through this social network share the contents of the most important SEPE website, in addition to other relevant information on everything relating to employment. You can contact the SEPE through direct messages to the Facebook page, where we will try to help you with everything in our power or funnelled into appropriate departments.

Likewise if you feel

Likewise if you feel is a social network geared towards the professional world. you will find Likewise If You Feel SEPE page, which get follower to see on your wall staff all our updates. We Will Publish content, data and reports on employment.


From YouTube we want to share with all citizens informational videos on everything concerning the supply and demand of employment. In a very simple way you will find our videos with tips and tricks that Fairytale some of the keys to the State employment service Public.