Appointment Electronic

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Definition - mission, vision, values

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The public employment service Estatal (SEPE) an autonomous body attached to the ministry of labour and Social economy. The SEPE, together with the Public employment services of the autonomous communities, are at the National employment System. From this state structure are promoted, designed and developed measures and actions for employment, whose implementation is decentralized, adapted to the different realities.

The agency is composed of:

  • Central services.
  • 52 provincial directorates.
  • An extensive network of offices distributed by the person 50 provinces of the spanish state and the cities of Ceuta and Melilla, from which you can manage the process of unemployment benefits. In Ceuta and Melilla, also manage the process of employment and training.

In addition, the following services:

  • A telephone service to the citizen ( 060 ) *.
  • A telephone service to apply for Appointment ( 91 926 79 70 ).

The SEPE works by and for society. The activity that focuses on meeting and to investigate the needs of our public:

  • Active workers.
  • Unemployed workers and long-term unemployed.
  • Entrepreneurshaving a business idea.
  • Youth.
  • Companies.

*Telephone 060 Channel: call centre of the General state administration. (The calls to 060 are not included in the flat rates of providers, and can thus be an added cost).

To contribute to the development of employment policy, to manage the system of protection for unemployment and ensure information on the labour market in order to achieve, with the collaboration of public employment services with the autonomous communities and other stakeholders in the workplace, labour market entry and stay in the labour market of citizenship and enhancing human capital.

Achieve excellence in management of our services to citizens, taking advantage of new technologies, and lead the contribution of the national system of employment to increase the quality of the labour market.

The values that define the principles that the SEPE considered to achieve its objectives are as follows:

  • Culture of service to citizens: The SEPE works by and for society. The public service vocation of the organization makes the level of satisfaction increase with each user satisfaction. All the activity of the agency should focus on investigating customer needs and guide the work to meet those needs of the most effective manner.
  • Innovative capacity: The value added of the SEPE imposed by the people working there, since the new reality of work requires innovation in the treatment of the search and guidance in employment. In this way, the changes adopted by the organization have a knee in users.
  • Collaboration with other actors: With the aim of offering the best service to citizens, the SEPE, as a public service, enhances the cooperation with other actors in the workplace and improving coordination with other institutions, including at european level.
  • Commitment to the staff of the organization: The SEPE has a team with high level of public-service. Good service to the citizen is a good human resources management, whose foundation is the communication, the organizational clarity, the commitment to the people of the organization and their professional development. The organization should give much value teamwork, collaboration and improved working conditions.
  • Quality management: Through the quality achieved by transferring the rest of values to the field of practice. Give service is to do so effectively, in time, in a sustainable and responsible, with initiative and continuous improvement. Quality begins in the identification of needs of clients, and continued in the assessment of the quality perceived by them.

Regulations of the Agency our