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El presente sitio Web está traducido a varias lenguas españolas oficiales en sus respectivos territorios, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 3 de la Constitución Española de 1978 y sus Estatutos de Autonomía.

Las lenguas son el catalán, el euskera, gallego, valenciano, inglés y francés. Se advierte que, con carácter general, puede existir un desfase entre la versión en castellano y en las otras lenguas, derivado del proceso de traducción a las mismas.

Quality and evaluate training

The system of vocational training for employment in the workplace integrates the training addressed to unemployed workers and workers and is one of the main active employment policies financed public. Competencies in the area of vocational training for employment are shared by the General administration of the state, which has the competition rules, and by the Autonomous Communities, which have the skills of execution.

Continuous evaluation allows to know the impact of the training conducted in access and maintenance of employment, improving the competitiveness of companies, improving the qualification of workers, the adequacy of the formative actions to the needs of the labour market and the efficiency of economic resources and means employees.

The evaluation of this system is regulated by article 21 the law 30 / 2015 , 9 September, where there are three levels of evaluation complementary:

  • The annual Plan for quality evaluation, impact, effectiveness and efficiency of the whole system of vocational training for employment in the workplace, coordinated by the public employment service state, with the participation of the competent bodies or entities autonomous communities and business organizations and trade unions more representative. This Plan will include the evaluation of the training scheduled and managed by companies for their own workers.
  • Continuous evaluation, the responsibility of the competent bodies for management, programming and control of vocational training for employment in their respective fields.
  • External evaluations deemed necessary to respond to specific targets and indicators previously defined, carried out by independent entities outside the system of vocational training for employment. They may also be evaluated interadministrativas about the quality and impact of training.

The public employment service State has launched the following lines of work to assess vocational training for employment:

The public employment service State promotes quality of training opportunities for employment conducting a monitoring and evaluation of the formative actions within its competence in order to ensure its effectiveness and constantly adapt to the needs of the labour market.

To this end, has developed a specific procedure and an electronic information system, so that participants complete online the satisfaction questionnaire (quality guest), which allows for measuring the quality of the training taking into account, among others, the view of the participants in the different training actions, as laid down in the regulation governing the system of vocational training for employment.

This electronic system allows a more open, effective, efficient and quality between SEPE and citizens, and introduces the control elements necessary to ensure the correct filling out questionnaires.

In his role as coordinator of the national employment system, the public employment service state, together with the competent bodies of the autonomous communities and with the collaboration of the foundation for job training, has formed a working group to develop annually the evaluation Plan of the quality, impact, effectiveness and efficiency of the whole system of vocational training for employment in the workplace.

According to the established rule, the annual plans of evaluation of the whole system of vocational training for employment to develop must be brought to report of the General council of national employment system, a consultative body vocational training for employment, involving public administrations and social partners.

Within the framework of the approach taken by law 30 / 2015 , 9 September, annual plans of Evaluation should contemplate and observe the purpose of the system itself:

to) enhancing training throughout the life of unemployed workers and busy to improve their professional skills and their itineraries of employment and training, as well as their personal and professional development.

(b) contribute to improving the productivity and competitiveness of companies.

(c) respond to the requirements of the labour market and to the needs of companies, providing workers with the skills, knowledge and practices appropriate.

d) improving employability of workers, especially those who have the greatest difficulty of maintaining employment or employment.

e) that Promote the professional skills acquired by workers, both through training and work experience, are the object of accreditation.

(f) and Bring involving workers from the advantages of information technologies and communication, promoting the decline of the digital divide, and ensuring the accessibility of the same.

Available information is located in the web of National employment system .

The evaluation questionnaire quality formative actions within the system of training for employment.