Appointment Electronic

Traducción automática

El presente sitio Web está traducido a varias lenguas españolas oficiales en sus respectivos territorios, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 3 de la Constitución Española de 1978 y sus Estatutos de Autonomía.

Las lenguas son el catalán, el euskera, gallego, valenciano, inglés y francés. Se advierte que, con carácter general, puede existir un desfase entre la versión en castellano y en las otras lenguas, derivado del proceso de traducción a las mismas.

Legal notice of SEPE portal

Legal notice of the portal of the SEPE


The web domain is ownership of the public employment service. The State Employment service Estatal (hereinafter SEPE) is an autonomous agency of the General state administration, whose jurisdiction are those relating to the promotion of employment, training for employment and unemployment protection. The registered office of the SEPE is located on the street Condesa de Venadito, no. 9 , 28027 , Madrid , with CIF Q 2819009 The H.Al will be redirected to the official website of the SEPE.


The SEPE informs you that access to and use of the website and all sub-domains and directories under the same (hereinafter referred to jointly as Web), asícomo services or contents that through it to obtain, are subject to the terms of which are set out in this Legal notice, without prejudice to any access to services or contents dedichos could indicate the acceptance of additional general conditions.

All this with the aim of fulfilling the role of general information and attention to the citizen in the terms of article 4 the royal decree 208 / 1996 , 9 february, regulating the management information services and attention to the citizen, as well as the provision of employment-related services, training, and unemployment benefits.

Thus, if any in-depth considerations in this Legal notice are not of their agreement, please do not use the Web, since any use of the same or of services and contents in it including will involve the acceptance of terms legalesrecogidos in this text. In this regard, “ user ” shall mean any person accessing, browsing, use or participate in services and activities carried out on the Web.

The SEPE reserves the right to make changes to the Site sinprevio notice, in order to update, correct, modify, add or remove the contents of the website or its design. The contents and services offered by the Web seactualizan periodically, it is therefore recommended to check the validity and accuracy of information, services and contents included in the web.

The SEPE does not guarantee the perfect operation of the communications network, without any liability on the availability of your server. The server may be disconnected without prior notice. The SEPE is not liable for any damage or injury suffered by the user from the access to this server or the use of information or applications contained therein.

The SEPE declares that it has taken all necessary measures to ensure the functioning of the Web space, security in the exchange of information and data in the various services offered, avoid the existence and transmission of viruses and other harmful components to users.

The SEPE is committed to at the end-user maintenance on the potential and availability of the page, through news notices and established on the website.

The SEPE shall obtain the minimum technical information essential to provide a good service through this website. In particular, when the user connects to the Site, the SEPE analyses exclusively the type of browser used and their version, with the objective of identifying the style sheet, and that the display of the Site is correct, as well as the language and the character set your browser with the same reason, for example, for the correct visualization of accented characters.

The present website is translated into several languages spanish records in their respective territories, in accordance with article 3 of the spanish constitution of 1978 and his statutes of autonomy. Language is catalan, basque, galician, valencia no, english and french.

It should be pointed out that, with a general nature, cannot be a gap between the spanish version and in other languages, resulting from the translation process.

The terms and conditions that are reflected in the present Notice may vary without prior notice, so we invite you to review these terms when you visit the Web. ElSEPE is not responsible for damage caused by the use of the tools and information contained on the Web site in connection with the adoption of decisions on the initiation, development or as a result of administrative procedures. Such decisions must sercontrastadas in the centres, agencies or departments. In any case, information and content of this site may not be pleaded contradictory processes with the public administration, not taking responsibility for any discrepancies that might exist between the printed documents by the competent authority and the electronic publication on these pages.


Both the design of the website and its source codes, such as logos, marks and other signosdistintivos appearing at the same, belong to the SEPE or entidadescolaboradoras unless a different title and are protected by intellectual and industrial property rights, like the images and other content available on the server of the SEPE.

Use, reproduction, distribution, marketing, public communication, transformation or cualquierotra similar or similar activity is prohibited, to constitute a violation of intellectual property rights of the SEPE or that which is a holder, except in cases of express authorisation of the SEPE. Unauthorized use of the information contained in the Web, as well as the losses incurred in the intellectual and industrial property rights of the SEPE may give rise to the exercise of the actions attributed by law.

The license to use any Web content given to the user is limited to the discharge by the user of such content and the private use of it, provided that the above-mentioned contents remain Integral. In any case the access and navigation of the user implies a renunciation, transmission, licence or total or partial cession of these rights on the part of the SEPE.

Accordingly, it is not permitted to delete, avoid or to manipulate the copyright notice ("copyright") and any other identifying data for the rights of the SEPE or of those who have been incorporated into the contents, as well as technical devices for the protection, fingerprints or any information or identification which might be contained in the contents.

The SEPE respects the intellectual and industrial property rights of others; therefore, please contact the SEPE if you know the violation of these rights in the following


The law applicable in the event of a dispute or conflict of interpretation of terms that make up this Legal Notice, as well as any matter relating to the Web services, is spanish law.
For the resolution of any conflict that may arise during the visit to Webo of use of the services that it can offer, the SEPE and the user agree to be bound by the courts of the user's home, provided that the same is located in spanish territory.


In order to gain access to services and procedures of the SEPE through electronic certificate must prove their identity and, where required, electronically sign written submissions. For these purposes, will be accepted digital certificates admitted by the General state administration.


Included in the text of the legal notice content of the annex to the Royal Decree 1495 / 2011 , which develops the law 37 / 2007 , which should be made available in the area of reuse designated, preferably in the electronic site administrative Body, agency or entity.

Obligation of the general conditions

The present general conditions, available on a permanent basis under, tied to any actor reutilizador merely by making use of the documents submitted to them.
Authorization for re-use and non-exclusive assignment of intellectual property rights.

The present general conditions enable leverage of the documents submitted to them for commercial purposes and non-commercial use. Refers to the use of reuse documents that are on file with the organs of the General state administration and other agencies and entities of the state sector referred to in article 1 . 2 the royal decree 1495 / 2011 , 24 october, which develops the law 37 / 2007 , 16 november, on reuse information public sector, by individuals or legal entities, for commercial or noncommercial purposes, provided that such use does not constitute a public administrative activity. Reuse authorized includes, by way of example, activities such as copying, distribution, modification, adaptation, extraction, reordering and combination of information.

The concept of the document is set out in subparagraph ( 2 article 3 the law 37 / 2007 , 16 november, on re-use of public sector information, including any information for any material support or electronic mail as well as their graphic expression, sound or image used, including, as a result, too, the data in their levels more disaggregated or “ product ”.

This authorization carries with it, in addition, the assignment of free and not exclusive of intellectual property rights, as appropriate, for such documents, authorised the realization of reproduction, distribution, public communication or transformation, necessary to develop the business of reuse authorized, in any manner and under any format, for the whole world and the maximum period permitted by law.

Similarly, the SEPE authorises the download free of the manuals, print, and publishing information materials included in the Web for purposes of reproduction and distribution, unless specified otherwise, explicitly on the website.

General conditions for reuse.

  • It is prohibited to distort the meaning of the information.
  • It must include the source of the documents which are the subject of reuse. This may be as follows: "Sources of information SEPE".
  • It should be mentioned that the date of the last update of the documents which are the subject of reuse, as long as it were included in the original document.
  • There may indicate, imply or suggest that the SEPE, head of the information involved, it sponsors reused or supports reuse carried out in it.
  • They must be preserved, not altered or be suppressed the metadata on the date of updating and conditions for re-use applicable including, where applicable, in the document made available for reuse.
  • The texts provided in the site are informative only, i.e. have no legal effect. For legal purposes, should consult the texts published in the Official Bulletins and journals.
  • Internet users should be subject to the following conditions:
    • To facilitate, in the event that for certain services accessible via the Web is necessary to complete a form of access, true and legal information in the use of the services offered through this website, recognizing take full responsibility for the information provided. The Site allows the creation of user accounts for citizens and companies interested in using certain services offered by this website.
    • Authentication is conducted by means of electronic identity card, electronic certificate recognized admitted by the General state administration, as well as user ids and passwords supplied by the public employment services.
    • In no case shall the SEPE responsible for the contents provided by the users, but will act diligently in the elimination of illegal contents, morals and order, as aperciba.
    • Use the site and its services without contravening the present general conditions and those other particular conditions which govern it as well as existing legislation, good faith, generally accepted uses or public order.
    • Not to use the Web or its services for unlawful purposes or which may lead to an injury to the SEPE or any third party, or that may cause injury or prevent the normal functioning of the same.

Exclusion of liability

The use of data sets will be undertaken by the users or reuse under your own risk, yielding exclusively to them to respond against third parties for damage arising out of it.

The SEPEno will be responsible for the use of your information so agents reutilizadores nor for harm suffered or economic losses, directly or indirectly, produce or may produce economic damage, material or on data, caused by the use of information usable.

The SEPE does not guarantee continuity in providing reusable documents, nor in content, or in the form, and accepts no responsibility for any error or omission contained in them.

The agent reutilizador is subjected to the rules applicable in respect of the reuse of public sector information, including the sanctions regime under article 11 the law 37 / 2007 , 16 november, on re-use of public sector information.


In the website have included links to websites of third parties (“ links ”), the majority to Internet pages of other public administrations, which had been deemed of interest to users. Those links are Only provide may interest you. However, those web sites do not belong to it, nor does a review of its content and, therefore, it could not be responsible for them, the functioning of the linked page or possible damages that may derive from access or use of the same.

Not allowedsince no website, application for mobile phone or e-mail address is the domain link,except in cases of authorizationexpresses in writing of the SEPE.

In addition,such links should respect the following conditions:

  • a) that can only be links with the Home Page or home page of this website;
  • (b) the establishment of the link does not imply any type of agreement, contract, sponsorship or recommendation by the SEPE page of the link.

At any time, the SEPE may withhold authorization referred to in paragraph above, no need to give any cause. In this case, the page that has made the link should proceed to its immediate deletion, as soon as the debtor receives notification of the revocation of authorizations by the SEPE.


The SEPE expressly prohibits the realization of “ framings ” or the use by third parties of any other mechanisms that alter the design, original configuration or Web content.


The SEPE reported the use of the tool Google Analyticsen this Portal/Site/website exclusively for statisticians.

Privacy policy - protection of personal data

Through this portal (electronic) are not collected personal data without your knowledge, nor are yielded to third parties.

  • To offer better service and facilitate the use, including an analysis of statistical data the number of pages visited, the number of visits, and frequency of use. For this purpose, the public employment service (SEPE) uses the statistical data prepared by Google Analytics.
  • The SEPE does not use cookies to collect information from users, or record the IP addresses.Cookies are used exclusively own, session, with technical purpose, in order to facilitate user navigation through the site by facilitating access to services offered as well as the various options available.

The portal, which holds the SEPE, contains links to other websites, for the privacy policies are outside the SEPE, each of them will show its privacy policy and cookies. With a general nature, can accept or reject the third party cookies from the configuration options of your browser.

Internal system of Information

In addition, the data collected in the channel of information of irregularities of the SEPE, https :// company = sepe, will be treated by the company IDBO CONSULTANTS S.L.U with CIF B 87229506 and domicile en la calle Serrano 32 , floor 1 C, 28001 Madrid (Spain).

This company will be responsible for the treatment of data that will be used only within the framework of the internal system of information under the law 2 / 2023 , 20 february, which regulates the protection of persons to report on violations policy and fight against corruption. Guests are able to outsource services with other companies also responsible for treatment, which, to provide the service of correct form could access those personal data required under the authority and in strict accordance with appropriate technical and organisational. It has been outsourced to the company Born 2 code Software Labs SL – with CIF B 88148341 located in C/ Guzmán el Bueno no. 133 – Floor 4 IZ – 28003 – Madrid the provision of services relating to the management and/or technical maintenance of the software tool, as well as, for the accommodation of the data (Saas-Solution – software through the internet).

In any case, the SEPE as responsabile del trattamento adopts technical and organizational measures to ensure more adequate secrecy, confidentiality, integrity and availability of personal data and information provided.

Here we proporcionamosla background information on the data protection policy in the public employment service.

Responsabile del trattamento

The public employment service Estatal (hereinafter SEPE) with registered address en Calle Condesa de Venadito n. 9 28027 – Madrid it is the holder of this Web Portal and responsible for the processing of your data, in the terms of regulation (EU) 2016 / 679 the european parliament and the council, 27 april 2016 (RGPD), relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the treatment of personal data and the free movement of such data and repealing directive 95 / 46 /Ec, and in accordance with Organic Law 3 / 2018 , 5 december on the protection of personal data and guarantee of the digital rights to this end, will adopt the necessary measures to avoid the alteration, loss, processing or unauthorized access of personal data.

The personal data that you may be collected directly from the data subject shall be treated as confidential and will be incorporated into the corresponding treatment activity ownership of the SEPE.

The updated list of activities of the SEPE treatment takes place are available on the following link to the registration of activities of the ministry of labour and Social Economy.

Purpose and legitimacy of treatment. Deadlines for Conservation of personal data. Assignments and International Transfers of personal data

The collection and automatic processing of personal data for the purpose of managing, provision, extension and improvement of services requested at each time by the user and the follow-up to queries made by users. The aim is for each of the activities of treatment that is accessible in the register of Treatment activities.

The processing of personal data is made primarily to the fulfilment of legal obligations on the part of the SEPE, or for the performance of functions carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of public powers conferred al responsabile del trattamento, mainly through the Royal Decree 1383 / 2008 , 1 august, which approves the organizational structure and institutional participation in the public employment service State within the framework of the royal decree 208 / 1996 , 9 february, regulating the management information services and attention to the citizen.

You can consult the legal basis for each of the treatment activities carried out by the SEPE in the register of treatment activities.

The deadlines for conservation of their personal data will be determined depending on the rules applicable to the particular case and, in any event, during the time required to comply with the purpose for obtaining and to determine possible responsibilities which might arise from the end, in addition to the periods laid down in the regulations and administrative documentation.

In general there will be no communications of personal data to third parties, unless required by law, including estarlas communications to the ombudsman, judges and courts, please consult the targeted for each of the activities in the register of treatment activities.

Exercise of Rights

You have the right to access, rectification, deletion and portability of your data, limitation and opposition to the treatment, as well as to non-decisions solely in the automated treatment of your data, where appropriate, to the public employment service. In the case of ignoring the Organ responsible for the treatment or if you need to conduct consultations concerning data protection, may be addressed to the delegation for the protection of Data via the

The person concerned may lodge a complaint to spanish data protection agency, when it considers that have violated their rights to protection of personal data.

The data will be gathered via the corresponding forms, which contain only the fields necessary for the processing of benefits or services that may be requested, and will be retained for the time to meet the essential services, on the basis of existing legislation, on prescription. It is up to you the updating of their own data; the public employment service State will not be liable for its inaccuracy if do not communicate changes that have been produced.

The SEPE reserves the right to modify this privacy policy to reflect current developments in legislation, jurisprudence or interpretation of speeches delivered in the Spanish data protection agency. In this case, the SEPE announced these changes, clearly indicating and advance the changes, and to request, if necessary, its acceptance of those changes.