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Plugin employment support

If you adopt a unemployment allowance contributory benefit or of insufficient contributions in question, which took place from the day 1 november 2024 and keep one or several part-time contracts (being the total time worked less than full-time), since the first day you have the right to benefits compatibilizarás It as a complement to promote employment, without the possibility of subsequently suspended because they were working part-time.

On the assumption that, once they have been in question subsidy which take place from 1 november 2024 , you start a self-employed work full-time or compatibility, necessarily him as a complement to promote employment, without the possibility of stopping for this cause.

As a complement to the compatibility of support for employment is not voluntary, applies ex officio in all cases.

If the contract that grants compatibilizas is full-time, you will move on to draw the allowance as a complement to promote employment, even though not renueves demand for jobs.

The days percibas as a complement to the employment support will shrivel on the duration of your benefit, irrespective of the amount paid.

The maximum duration of support to employment 180 days, with a minimum length of contract that gave rise to the same and also limit the number of days that have tried to draw the maximum length of the grant.

Once the law quarterly allowance, if you keep the employed workforce full time or partial, and you ask for the extension of the grant and recognize you as you will move plugin percibiéndolo promoting employment.

The income you get employment full-time or part-time during the period percibas plugin to promote employment, is not considered to resumptions and extensions of the grant.

If, despite not compute these revenues, do not meet the requirement of lack of income or family responsibilities demanded, as appropriate, to request the extension within six months.
If you allow the right to maintain the quarterly work you are compatibilizando, are not interested in continue receiving the allowance as a complement to the employment support, you can expect to request the extension by the end of the contract, or earlier, provided that, in the latter case, do no later than six months since the exhaustion of quarterly right in accordance with the requirements for this.

If you grant compatibilizando limits. 180 days, that is the number of days maximum that can be made compatible, and you have not exhausted the grant shall be suspended and you can resume when acredites a legal status of unemploymentin the contract has ensured or in another post. But once earned the 180 days, you cannot bring back the same benefits or contract with a full-time or one-time.

The maximum duration of 180 days of employment support you can drink it in one or several labour relations compatible with the grant.

If the employment relationship that was compatibilizas extinguiera with legal status of unemployment and the grant was resumed, without having seen the 180 days of employment support, at the time you start a new working relationship is to activate the plugin to support employment again.

If the 180 days for a maximum duration that can be reconciled as a complement to promote employment, whether it be in the first employment relationship or in subsequent labour relations compatible, the grant will be suspended.

Amount of support for employment

Each quarter benefit as a complement to the employment support will be determined according to the agreed day when you start the compatibility, without affecting, as appropriate, other situations of supervening moonlighting. Therefore, Only the amount will be affected by the quarter benefit may be that you might encounter.

The following table shows the percentage of percibirásindicator for multi-effect income (IPREM):

Quarter subsidy It falls. Full-time employment It falls. Part-time > = 75 per cent of the day It falls. Part-time employment < 75% and > = 50 per cent of the day It falls. Part-time employment < 50per cent of the day
1 480 € 450 € 420 € 360 €
2 360 € 300 € 270 € 240 €
3 240 € 210 € 180 € 150 €
4 180 € 150 € 120 € 90 €
5 et seq. 120 € 90 € 60 € 30 €


The employment support as you can collect it maximum 180 days, both if you have one or several labour relations.

On the duration of your allowance will shrivel day you have gained an addition to promoting employment.

Cessation in the employment relationship that has led to the employment support

If is extinguished or suspended the contract of employment, or cut fixed activity log plugin that originated employment support, you will receive so inform the public employment service Estatal (SEPE) within fifteen days after such situations occur. This suspension or termination will involve the suspension of the grant, which you can resume its meeting upon request at maximum 6 months from the suspension of the same, without compatibility, provided that acredites that you are in legal status of unemployment, you have to be registered as a jobseeker and that you meet the requirements of lack of incomeor family responsibilities,in his case.

If not the SEPE comunicaras cessation of work that you were compatibilizando by the deadline, as soon as you will be detected low in the grant from the date of cessation, said to occur, in his case, charges for amounts that you have received from the date of cessation.

In case of terminations in the work that you were compatibilizando without legal status of unemployment, can receive acredites compensation when a new legal situation of unemployment.

If you have stopped without legally unemployed having generated inappropriate charges, will reproach us for.

If, however, at the date of termination or suspension of the employment relationship or interruption fixed if you are a discontinuous, mantuvieras another employment relationship, you can continue to draw the plugin to support employment. In this case, it will adjust its size, according to the day of work of the employment relationship and to keep the quarter of the recovery of the grant at the time of the change.

Cases in which you cannot make the allowance as a complement to the employment support

You will not be able to reconcile the employed workforce with the grant within the following cases:

  • When you hire a company having authorized dossier in employment regulations at the time of recruitment.
  • If you have worked over the last twelve months preceding the date of the contract in the company employing them.
  • If your employment relationship has been suspended under a RIT or the Network.
  • If you are, spouse, ascendant, descendant or another relative by consanguinity or affinity, or in his case by adoption, to the second degree inclusive, employer-employee, or of who may jobs or a member of the organs of administration of a society.

In such cases, when you transmit the compatibility of the grant as an add-on to promote employment, if not you say that some of the reasons indicated above, for initiating an employment relationship that cannot be compatible, and subsequently to be detected, the public employment service State may initiate punitive procedure for non-reporting the existence of a case of suspension of the grant, generating inappropriate charges.