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Information and procedures for ERTE/NETWORK Persons

Support measures for individuals and businesses affected by DANA

The DANA october 2024 has left a deep imprint on Spain, especially in the Comunidad Valenciana . Given this situation, the government has implemented a comprehensive package of measures, as reflected in Decreto-ley Real 7 / 2024 , 11 november, to protect their jobs, businesses and vulnerable groups affected. These measures are organized around two main axes: employment and Social security.

If your company is ERTE ETOP, i.e. by economic, technical, organizational or production, and you hit a reduction of your day with the suspension or the employment relationship

To receive benefit during that period, you should make an individual application through one of these ways:


Personin an office of the benefits, asking for appointment to go on that day and hour. Cumplimentarás digital an application with the manager in table, even if you can also download the application form and to bring it already completed and signed. The request for contributory benefit can be downloaded here.

Of not having sufficient contributions (requires 360 quoted days minimum standards that have not been used in an earlier delivery) you may request a quote insufficient allowance. You will recognise you are able to meet the requirement of their own (less than 75 per cent of the SMI) and the family unit and if:

  • Has contributed at least 90 some days and family (spouse or children who have no income exceeding 75 per cent of the SMI).
  • Has contributed at least 180 days and do not have family responsibilities.

In case you have to apply for the allowance,the form this would be another. You can also use by countries in the office, in digital format, when you deal with the manager.

Electronic site SEPE

Through the way in the headquarters of the SEPEde solicitud, para el que se requiere certificado electrónico, DNIe o usuario permanente cl@ve.

In this link you can inciar this procedure.

We recommend you specified address, in the field "" Comments here, that it is a ERTE ETOP and company name.

Presolicitud form

Presentingpresolicitud form, indicating, in the field "" Observations that it is a ERTE ETOP and company, so that the request directly to the competent unit.

In this link you can inciciar this procedure.

If your company is in force majeure ERTE you affected by a reduction of your day with the suspension or the employment relationship

To receive benefit during that period, you should make an individual application of contributory service. You Will Have the right to it, regardless of the contributions you have, as it does not take into account for this situation of force majeure. Solicitarás through one of these ways:


In person in an office of benefits by appointment. Cumplimentarás an application with the manager or already completed the ll application form is at the site of the SEPE.

Electronic site SEPE

Through the headquarters of the SEPE of request, to the required electronic certificate, Italy (permanent or user cl@ve.

In this link you can start this process.

We recommend you specified address in the field "" Comments here, that it is a ERTE FM and company name.

Presolicitud form

Presenting presolicitud form, indicating, in the field "" Observations that it is a ERTE FM and company, so that the request directly to the competent unit.

In this link you can start this process.

If your company has authorized the Mechanism you NETWORK affected by a reduction of your day with the suspension or the employment relationship

To receive benefit during that period, your company the authorization of use of your data, referred to the SEPE a collective application for recognition of social NETWORK linked to the Mechanism.

In addition transmit monthly information days in suspension or reduced working hours so that you are paid days at no charge, as appropriate