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El presente sitio Web está traducido a varias lenguas españolas oficiales en sus respectivos territorios, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 3 de la Constitución Española de 1978 y sus Estatutos de Autonomía.

Las lenguas son el catalán, el euskera, gallego, valenciano, inglés y francés. Se advierte que, con carácter general, puede existir un desfase entre la versión en castellano y en las otras lenguas, derivado del proceso de traducción a las mismas.


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Check employment standards, to unemployment benefits and on-the-job training at both the national and the European union.

You can also check the regulations of the SEPE as well as the provisions of a general nature affecting our competences.

Regulations of the Agency our

General scope

  • Law 14 / 2022 , 8 july, amending act 19 / 2013 , 9 december, of transparency, access to public information and good governance, in order to regulate the statistics of microenterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMES) in procurement.
  • Organization Act 7 / 2021 , 26 mayon the protection of personal data treated for the purpose of prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of criminal offences and on the execution of criminal sanctions.
  • Law 39 / 2015 , 1 octoberthe administrative procedures, joint public administrations, ‘ BOE » no. 236 two october 2015 .
  • Law 40 / 2015 , 1 octoberLegal Regime, of the public Sector, "BOE » no. 236 two october 2015 .
  • Spanish Constitution», « BOE. 311 , of 29 december 1978 .


  • Decreto-ley Real 2 / 2024 , 21 maythat urgent measures for simplifying and improving the welfare level of protection by unemployment, and to complete the transposition of directive (EU) 2019 / 1158 the european parliament and the council, 20 june 2019 on the compatibility of family and professional life of the parents and caregivers, and repealing Directive 2010 / 18 /EU of the council. (BOE » no. 124 , 22/05/2024 ).
  • Royal Decree 438 / 2024 , 30 april, to develop Common Portfolio of services of the national system of employment and guaranteed services provided by law 3 / 2023 , 28 february, of Employment. (BOE no. 106 , 1 may 2024 ).
  • Order TES/ 630 / 2023 , 14 june, territorially distributed for fiscal year 2023 for its management by the autonomous communities with powers assumed, credits the realm of work financed by the general state budget, not financed with the mechanism for the recovery and resilience, ‘ BOE » no. 144 , 17 june 2023 .
  • Order TES/ 629 / 2023 , 14 june, territorially distributed for fiscal year 2023 for its management by the autonomous communities with powers assumed in the workplace, credits financed by the mechanism for the recovery and resilience, aimed at implementation of investment projects within the framework of the components 19 National Plan of "Digital Skills" and 23 "New Public Policies for a dynamic labour market, resilient and inclusive" collected in the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience, « WEBSITE » no. 144 , 17 june 2023 .
  • Decreto-ley Real 1 / 2023 , 10 januaryurgent measures on incentives for employment and enhancing social protection of persons artists, ‘ BOE » no. 9 , 11/01/2023 .
  • Resolution 26 april 2022 ,the secretariat of state of employment and Social Economy, which issued the decision of the council of ministers of 19 april 2022 , which approves the annual Plan of employment policy 2022 under article 11 . 2 the consolidated text of the employment act, approved by the royal Legislative Decree 3 / 2015 , 23 october.
  • Decreto-ley Real 32 / 2021 , 28 decemberof urgent measures to labour reform, ensuring stability in employment and the transformation of the labour market, ‘ BOE » no. 313 , 30 december 2021 .
  • Royal Decree 1069 / 2021 , 4 december, which approves the strategy for Active Support to employment 2021 - 2024 .
  • Royal Decree 818 / 2021 , 28 september, which governs the activation programmes for the use of national employment System, "BOE » no. 233 , 29 september 2021 .
  • Resolution 24 june 2021 ,the secretariat of state of employment and Social Economy, which issued the decision of the council of ministers of 8 june 2021 , which approves the Youth Guarantee Plan Plus 2021 - 2027 of decent work for young people.
  • Resolución of 29 april 2021 , the department, which publishes the agreement of the council of ministers of the 27 april 2021 , which approves the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience, « WEBSITE » no. 103 , 30 april 2021 .
  • Royal Legislative Decree 8 / 2015 , 30 octoberon the consolidated text of the General law on Social security, ‘ BOE » no. 261 , 31/10/2015 .
  • Royal Legislative Decree 2 / 2015 , 23 octoberon the consolidated text of the law of the workers' statute, ‘ BOE » no. 255 , 24 october 2015 .

Scope of the european Union