Traducción automática
El presente sitio Web está traducido a varias lenguas españolas oficiales en sus respectivos territorios, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 3 de la Constitución Española de 1978 y sus Estatutos de Autonomía.
Las lenguas son el catalán, el euskera, gallego, valenciano, inglés y francés. Se advierte que, con carácter general, puede existir un desfase entre la versión en castellano y en las otras lenguas, derivado del proceso de traducción a las mismas.
I worked for more than one year
Protects the contributory unemployment who can work, and wishing to lose employment temporarily or permanently or temporarily reduced see their ordinary working from a low of a 10 and 70 per cent, for the procedure under article 47 the amended text Act on the status of Workers or in the midst of a bankruptcy procedure.
For access to the same is required, in addition to meet the requirements that are mentioned below prior contributions, the unemployment benefit of the individual workers to Social security.
The public employment service state An Autonomous Agency responsible for the management and control of unemployment benefits. The Instituto Social de la Marina to management on unemployment benefits for working people included in the special regime of Social security.
Contributory benefit Includes the Social insurance payments due to retirement, temporary incapacity, disability, death and survival, health care, maternity, paternity and care of children affected by cancer or other serious illness.
This will be eligible for unemployment benefit, provided that there are legal situations of unemployment, have established the minimum period of contribution required and are not in the situations of incompatibility, as follows:
- Persons employed workers included in the General Social security contributors, by the contingency of unemployment.
- Persons employed workers in special Social security to protect this contingency of unemployment (coal mining, Special Regime of workers of the sea), working people in employment, fixed by the special agricultural capacity of Social security, persons casual employment the same system and the people of the special system for Employees of household.
- The partners and members of cooperatives and associated work cooperatives community exploitation as well as partners and members of other cooperatives, to be included in a Social security system that protects this possibility.
- Sentenced persons who may have been released from prison for serving a sentence or probation.
- Working people returning emigrants.
- Working people in spain, foreign nationals from countries that belong to the european union or to the european economic area or outside the european union nor the European Economic Area residing legally in our country and that meet the requirements legally required, shall be entitled to unemployment benefits of level of contributors, as long as they are registered as a jobseeker.
- The staff of employment and staff on temporary collaboration in administrative law in the service of the Public administrations.
- To complement and military professional military officers and Act No.
- Members of local councils and boards of the General Historical Territories “ Juntas Forales ”, Canary Island Councils and island Councils Baleares , which play such positions on a full or partial pay and paid by the office.
- Elected representatives of the trade union constituted under the organic law 11 / 1985 , on freedom of association, to address trade union functions with full or partial, always paid to a fee.
- Senior officials of public administrations which they are full-time paid staff and public officer or be entitled to receive any compensatory allowance as a result of his dismissal.
Suspension, resumption, extinction.