Workshop Speakers
“Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success.” Henry Ford.
Eva-Maria Ternité
A 1 : How to reach vulnerable people for life long guidance?
Eva-Maria has been working on Euroguidance Netherlands since 2017 and as project manager since this year. In her opinion guidance is the central issue of all education – if a person knows why she or he wants to do what, motivation and effect of learning will be a lot higher than if not. Eva-Maria is working at CINOP, which hosts Euroguidance, as a consultant and trainer for vocational issues like guidance indeed, talent development of professionals and team development.
![Eva-Maria Ternité](/dam/jcr:e542d6d6-61a3-44d3-9a94-246bf9922e6c/A1_-Eva-Maria-Ternite.jpg)
Daniëlla van Uden
A 1 : How to reach vulnerable people for life long guidance?
Daniëlla van Uden has been working on Euroguidance since 2022 . She works as a researcher at ECBO, the research department of CINOP, which hosts Euroguidance. She is conducting research on education and labour market issues, with a special interest in international contexts and vulnerable groups. For Euroguidance, Daniëlla participated in the exploration of reaching vulnerable people. Currently, she is working on a follow-up exploration, diving into the context of the Netherlands.
![Daniëlla van Uden](/dam/jcr:ae5e09c1-84bc-4917-9eab-d85de1ab042a/A1_-Daniella-van-Uden.jpg)
Katarina Brajdić
A 2 : Go online! What can European Solidarity Corps General Online Training bring to our networks?
Katarina Brajdić is the Head of Department for European Solidarity Corps and Eurodesk in Croatian national agency since 2019 and former Eurodesk national coordinator and Erasmus+ programme officer.
She has experience of working in the youth sector as a scout leader, and she experienced long term mobility and worked and lived in London for one year and in Germany for two years.
A graduate in comparative literature and Croatian language, before joining the world of European mobility programmes she worked as a teacher at University of Zagreb and in school education.
![Katarina Brajdić](/dam/jcr:6391ffc3-cad7-4097-862d-3cfee08b97c2/Katrina-Brajdic-11.jpg)
Marta Traks
A 3 : Unique academic e-course for career practitioners on mobility in Europe
Marta Traks is national EURES (European Employment Services) coordinator at Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund, responsible for the national performance of EURES services supporting the free movement of workers within Europe. She has extensive experience in job counseling of job seekers looking for work abroad and delivering various supporting services for internationally recruiting companies. During her professional career she was highly trained in all aspects of European labour mobility, employers’ needs and the sensitivity of mobile workers. She is EURES training expert delivering the international trainings for her European colleagues and trainer at the national Settle in Estonia program supporting foreigner’s migration and subsequent integration in Estonia.
With over 20 years´ experience in the fields of employment and the labour market and having worked with a large number of people from different countries she considers the importance of understanding cultural diversity and continues learning.
![Marta Traks](/dam/jcr:db406de8-0de4-44c0-9c84-7492462e8788/A3_-Marta-Traks.jpg)
Monika Toiger
A 3 : Unique academic e-course for career practitioners on mobility in Europe
Monika Toiger is the National Coordination Office team member of EURES (European Employment Services) at the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund. She has extensive experience and expertise in the field of social security and labour migration in the European Union. She is certified as a EURES trainer and offers international training courses, meaning that she is well versed in multiculturalism.
Her personal and professional experience has taught her that labour migration provides invaluable experience for the rest of a person’s life. This, however, requires proper preparation and knowledge of the functioning of labour migration and its trends, opportunities, and threats. Monika continues to contribute to the development of training courses and services in this field.
![Monika Toiger](/dam/jcr:45300c4b-06b7-4339-b124-66b63ba38ded/A3_-Monika-Toiger.jpg)
Margit Rammo
A 3 : Unique academic e-course for career practitioners on mobility in Europe
Margit Rammo has been working in the field of lifelong guidance since 1998 when she was appointed to establish the Estonian resource centre for guidance. She is qualified as Master of Arts in Social Sciences, specialized in Educational Leadership with the focus on encouragement of innovativeness in educational institutions. During her professional career she has been involved in international guidance cooperation with European Union institutions (European Commission, Cedefop, European Training Foundation, etc.) and European networks (Euroguidance, European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network, CareersNet, Academia etc.), but also beyond Europe, e.g. ICCDPP and IAEVG. As the Euroguidance Manager in Estonia, her role is to inspire innovation in education and in lifelong guidance among the European guidance community – to encourage internationalization and competence development in guidance, and to promote the value of learning mobility abroad.
![Margit Rammo](/dam/jcr:e34fc899-2be4-48bb-a671-9bb7ec61f092/A3_-Margit-Rammo.jpg)
Anu Puulmann
A 3 : Unique academic e-course for career practitioners on mobility in Europe
Anu Puulmann has a a rich professional background, from being an international student in Denmark and after coming back to Estonia, working in the public sector within education. Her true passion has been guidance and she keeps coming back to it. She is qualified as Master of Science in Innovation Management.
She has different experiences as a guidance practitioner both in Denmark and Estonia and now working as Euroguidance coordinator in Estonia, supporting guidance professionals
![Anu Puulmann](/dam/jcr:3c0b3a3f-feb0-4988-b923-20f71dfbc787/A3_-Anu-Puulmann.jpg)
Heli Oruaas
A 3 : Unique academic e-course for career practitioners on mobility in Europe
Heli Oruaas have managed and maintained development of Estonian National Register of Professions years 2005 - 2017 . Main tasks have been customer support, supply and introduce of IT-developments according to the legal framework. Cooperation with Ministry of Education and Research and with other members of the education network. Also, cooperation with Estonian Competent Authorities and registers in network level as well in specific technical questions like data exchange or validation.
Since 2018 Heli Oruaas changed position to Estonian Europass Centre and is responsible of Europass international network, documents (CV, diploma supplement, qualification certificate supplement, language passport and mobility passport) maintenance and support now.
Other primary responsibility is implementing EQF and EstQF and maintaining the network.
![Heli Oruaas](/dam/jcr:8505b920-527b-46c8-ac4a-363ca7a8944d/A3_-Heli-Oruaas.jpg)
Hrvoje Grganović
A 4 : Europass – The new digital tool to bridge the gap between the Networks
Hrvoje Grganović is a communications and stakeholders outreach expert specialised in community management and network collaboration. He is currently working as project and communication support officer for the Europass project at the Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission. Hrvoje has a rich background in citizen focused outreach and communication, as well as grassroots volunteering in civil society organisations.
![Hrvoje Grganović](/dam/jcr:7f9606fe-9bc9-4a88-8a6a-63a850039220/Hrvoje-Grganovic.jpg)
Maxine Sundara
A 4 : Europass – The new digital tool to bridge the gap between the Networks
Maxine Sundara Segaran is a communications expert specialised in external communications for the public sector. She is currently working as the communications consultant and content strategist for the Europass project at the Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission
![Maxine Sundara](/dam/jcr:f7604b0e-2eab-465c-a4cb-5ba34e44cfe3/Maxine-Sundara.jpg)
Christine Voelkl
A 4 : Europass – The new digital tool to bridge the gap between the Networks
Christine Voelkl holds the position of Policy Officer for Europass at the European Commission’s Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion.
With more than 15 years of professional experience as Project Adviser for EU education programmes including Erasmus+ as well as field experience in the area of education, training & youth, Christine has a strong interest in the connection between lifelong learning and the world of work. Moreover, she is passionate about creating links between people from different cultures, sharing good practices and creating innovation.
Christine believes in Europass as a powerful tool that responds to people’s needs in today’s labour market and education and training systems.
Franziska Bopp
B 1 : A short overview on European Digital Credentials for Learning
Franziska Bopp is Head of National Europass Center Germany since 2012 . The National Europass Center is located in the National Agency for Erasmus+ VET and Adult Education in the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB). She has studied Political Sciences and Spanish with a focus on Latin America and the European Union. in 2011 - 2012 she was policy officer in the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
![Franziska Bopp](/dam/jcr:64ad983c-fcf8-4e4f-acfa-e98fd7392b31/1.jpg)
Alexandra Enzi
B 1 : A short overview on European Digital Credentials for Learning
Alexandra Enzi has been working as an EU Programme Officer in the National Europass Centre Austria since 2012 . The OeAD – Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation – is the Europass Centre in Austria. Europass is part of the department for Erasmus+. She has studied English and American Studies, as well as German studies. Previously she worked as a programme officer in the Fulbright Programme.
![Alexandra Enzi](/dam/jcr:5c77eb04-3175-491e-a622-1554f25f94dc/B1_-Alexandra-Enzi-267x300--1-.jpg)
Jan Vogel
B 2 : Team Management between trust and control
Jan Vogel is the manager of the recruiting centre Europe within the International Services of the German Federal Employment Agency (ZAV). He has over 10 years of work experience and manages his team from distance since 2019 with team members located all over the country.
![Jan Vogel](/dam/jcr:2dd796f9-2792-43da-bf46-f5b40096e388/B2_-Jan-Vogel.jpg)
Grazia Cannarsa
B 3 : Greening youth information services. E 3 : Eurodesk Tools.
Grazia Cannarsa has been working for Eurodesk Brussels Link since 2003 . Her main task is to research information on learning mobility opportunities and everything relevant to youth and youth workers.This information will then be spread through the netkwork’s communication channels to support young people becoming active citizens. Grazia believes that information is key to unlock the potential of the new generations.
![Grazia Cannarsa](/dam/jcr:afce8157-b563-4a76-91fe-0d93d0163abd/B3_-Grazia-Cannarsa.jpg)
Ghiță Kraszuk
B 3 : Greening youth information services. E 3 : Eurodesk Tools.
Ghiță Kraszuk has been working for Eurodesk Brussels Link since 2015 . He is passionate about gadgets, new tech, bots, artificial intelligence and automation, and enjoys being part of the humans that drive Eurodesk Network further as pioneers of both youth information and digital information. Ghiță knows mostly everything about Google, DiscoverEU programme and lately discovered the meaning of life – which is either 42 or going abroad with Erasmus.
![Ghiță Kraszuk](/dam/jcr:21e89320-e13d-4266-a41a-2495ba93f3e2/B3_-Ghita-Kraszuk.jpg)
Tibor Bors Borbély-Pecze
B 4 : Labour market management skills among career practitioners: tackling increasing complexity
Tibor Bors Borbély-Pecze is a Senior Project Officer in Budapest. He has been working for the Public Employment Service (PES) of Hungary for 23 years now. His specific areas of expertise are; PES service design and implementation and lifelong guidance policy development. He has also been active as a PES and career/lifelong guidance (LLG) development expert at the international level. He is bechlearning assessor of the EU PES Network since 2015 . He was involved of the reviews of the IT, HR, PL, HU, PT, RO, and under the EU neighbourhood policies: Georgian, North-Macedonian
He is the author of more than 200 journal articles, books and book chapters. His the Co-editor of the Hungarian Labour Market Review. He is a second term volunteer in the CEDEFOP CareersNet network and member of the Advisory Board.
Specialities are: policy, education, guidance, career development, labour market policy, policy design and development.
![Tibor Bors Borbély-Pecze](/dam/jcr:f9c0f775-2d60-4d5f-af93-6a8b1f87b6a6/B4_-Tibor-Bors-Borbely-Pecze.jpg)
Nathalie Rivault
C 1 : Fair Mobility in a digitalised world: Concrete Measures within the European networks
Nathalie Rivault is the head of the EURES NCO in Germany since 2016 . Before entering the German PES (Bundesagentur für Arbeit), she worked in the EU Commission in DG employment. Within the German PES, she led a local employment agency close to Cologne and worked within the regional direction for the implementation of ESF and EU projects helping small and midsized enterprises by overcoming transformation challenges.
Dr. Lena Sundheimer
C 1 : Fair Mobility in a digitalised world: Concrete Measures within the European networks
Dr. Lena Sundheimer works within the EURES network since 2014 and has accompanied projects such as Mobi-Pro-EU, the European Solidarity Corps or Targeted Mobility Schemes. Since 2018 she works within the EURES Management of the International Placement Services of the Bundesagentur für Arbeit, thus planning projects with partners all over Europe.
Mia Trcol
C 2 : A perfect fit or a perfect storm? Creating synergies between Euroguidance & Europass
Mia Trcol is a project coordinator for Euroguidance and Europass Croatia at the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes (National Agency for Erasmus+, ESC and Horizon Europe in Croatia) where she has been working since 2015 . Prior to her current post, she worked as a teacher and a translator. She holds a Master’s degree in English language and literature and French language and literature and her professional interests include the development of career management skills through lifelong guidance and mobility in Europe.
![Mia Trcol](/dam/jcr:008f557d-9f29-44dd-ab25-494186f1584b/C2_-Mia-Trcol-.jpg)
Ladislav Ostroha
C 3 : Professional development through self-paced online course: Lessons learned from the C-Course project.
Ladislav Ostroha is a coordinator of the Euroguidance centre in Slovakia where his main duty is to create training and mobility opportunities for career practitioners and professionals. Over the 5 years of his involvement in the Euroguidance network, he has been involved in numerous national as well as transnational guidance-related training events and initiatives. As of 2019 , he has been an active member of the professional association of career practitioners in Slovakia, and in 2021 he was elected a Board Member of the Association. His expertise includes lifelong guidance, social inclusion and digital transformation of the labour market
![Ladislav Ostroha](/dam/jcr:87714562-32ac-410e-a488-e4f8b417825f/C3_-Ladislav-Ostroha-.jpg)
Dt.łgorzata Fiedot-Davies
C 4 : Face to face or digital? How do we communicate with young people today?
Before moving to Ireland, Małgorzata Fiedot-Davies studied, volunteered, lived, and worked for NGO’s and international organisations in Poland, USA, Germany, and France. She worked as a leader and interpreter for bi- and multilateral youth and youth workers exchanges, interpreter for migrant women and refugees, and as a Polish language teacher for the German border police!
Since 2003 , Małgorzata has been working as the Eurodesk Ireland Coordinator with Léargas, the Irish National Agency for Erasmus+ in Adult Education, School Education, Vocational Education and Training, and Youth.
Małgorzata’s professional areas of interest are cross-sectoral cooperation and networking, creating meaningful links between organisations and people, intercultural communication and exchanges.
Dt.łgorzata speaks Polish, German, French, English, Russian, Spanish and some Italian.
![Dt.łgorzata Fiedot-Davies](/dam/jcr:d16b6309-87a2-40f9-8cdd-b08a74e421c7/Diseno-sin-titulo-11.png)
Valérie Van Hees
D 1 : Inclusivament mobility. Call to action.
Valérie Van Hees is the coordinator of the Support Centre for Inclusive Higher Education (SIHO) in Belgium. With over 20 years of experience in the field of policy and inclusion in higher education, she is also the project manager of the European project PLAR-U-PAGs. She authored European reports on social dimension as well as a framework self-assessment tool and a training package to support higher education authorities and institutions in implementing sustainable inclusion strategies at institutional and national level. At national level she coordinated the development of MoodSpace.
![Valérie Van Hees](/dam/jcr:346012f5-610b-40c5-864a-23c5a66a4ef3/D1_-Valerie-Van-Hees.jpg)
Miriam Petra Ómarsdóttir Awad
D 2 : Some good practices and sowing the seeds for an inclusive mindset.
Miriam Petra Ómarsdóttir Awad is the Eurodesk National Coordinator and the ID officer of the Icelandic NA for Erasmus+. Miriam has a MA degree in Global Relations from the University of Iceland, where her thesis subject was studying the effects of prejudice on self-identities. She also holds a BA degree in French studies from the same institution, during which she did an exchange to Université Laval in Québec. Her work experience includes being a flight attendant, working at the Embassy of Canada in Iceland and holding a temporary position at the Embassy of Iceland in Paris/Delegation of Iceland to UNESCO. She has been an active anti-racist activist in Iceland for years and since spring 2021 Miriam has held presentations and workshops for around 1000 young people in Iceland on the topic of anti-racism, prejudice and inclusion.
![Miriam Petra Ómarsdóttir Awad](/dam/jcr:8769a308-cdb7-40fe-bef1-4851b303fba6/D2_-Miriam-Petra-Omarsdottir-Awad.jpg)
Ramon G. M. Magi
D 3 : The new normal activities’ format.
Ramon G. M. Magi has been working since 1983 in areas related to the development of the potential of young people. Particularly, he has acquired a wide experience in the sectors of transnational learning mobility (intercultural education, exchanges, volunteering, education and professional and training internships) and active participation processes in society (information, guidance and leadership in the local, national and European contexts).
He held the position of Vice-President, first, and Secretary General, then, of the CIGRI (Italian Youth Committee for International Relations, a body recognized nationally and internationally as the de facto national youth council of Italy, 1988 - 1994 ); he was elected Vice-President of CENYC (Council of European National Youth Committees, 1990 - 1992 ) and Member of the Board of Auditors of YFEC (Youth Forum of the European Communities, 1992 - 1993 ); he was first Treasurer and then President of ICYE (International Culture and Youth Exchange, 1997 - 2007 ).
Over the past 30 years he has worked for public and private entities in the fields of information and guidance for young people; training of stakeholders and planning of policies and action plans in favor of youth at the local, national, European and international level. He is an expert in the field of information, guidance and training on European policies for youth.
In particular, he developed the Eurodesk project in Italy. Since 1997 he has held the position of Chairperson of Eurodesk Italy, the non-profit body governed by public law operating the project in Italy.
![Ramon G. M. Magi](/dam/jcr:70e12aa1-b95a-41a9-b0b6-75f6fb6b1dad/D3_-Ramon-G.-M.-Magi-.jpg)
Ildiko Mazar
D 4 : Everything you ever wanted to know about the European Digital Credentials for Learning and more
Ildiko Mazar has 25 years of professional experience in the field of open education and e-learning. In recent years she focused mostly on supporting the development and uptake of innovative solutions in the fields of competence development and digital (micro-)credentialising. Since 2019 she has been supporting the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion in the implementation and roll-out of a technical infrastructure called European Digital Credentials for Learning (EDC), that enables the standard documentation and verification of data related to formal and non-formal learning. In addition to contributing to the development, she is also providing hands-on implementation support to stakeholders using the EDC standards, code, tools or services.
![Ildiko Mazar](/dam/jcr:f58818b0-46b4-4475-89a3-e29456e94e98/Ildiko-Mazar.jpg)
Dainius Jakučionis
I 1 : How social media impacts youth’s selection of profession?
Dainius Jakučionis is a cognitive and behavioural therapist and medical doctor. He works with individuals and groups to help them alleviate psychological burden. Also, as a Euroguidance ambassador in Lithuania, he helps other career counselors to better lead their guidance.
![Dainius Jakučionis](/dam/jcr:3aa4fa66-2081-408e-92cc-7d052cf34684/E1_-Dainius-Jakucionis-.jpg)
Mustafa Tiryaki
I 2 : Guidance in the Digital World: Needs and Obligations
Mustafa Tiryaki works in the Turkish Employment Agency in the Foreign Relations and Projects Department. He has experience in implementation of interventions on improving career guidance and counselling services including JVC services as the Coordinator of the Euroguidance. Also, he is carrying out EU related issues and EU/other international projects of the Agency.
Giacomo Bulian
E 4 : The hidden potential behind Digital skills self-assessment in Europass
Giacomo Bulian is a Business Consultant at NTT Data Europe & LATAM.
He is currently a member of the Business Analysis team of the new Europass platform for the Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion. He is involved in drafting business and functional requirements, co-developing the approach for new tools, engaging stakeholders and partner organisations, and liasing with the UX and developers’ teams. Giacomo also works as an online economy researcher on a project for Measuring the Cultural and Creative Sectors in the EU for the Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, where he is involved in desk research activities, drafting of reports and deliverables, and supporting in activities’ planning.
![Giacomo Bulian](/dam/jcr:2399587e-6cb1-4245-b5ea-f6b8f9f893c8/Giacomo-Bulian.jpg)