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El presente sitio Web está traducido a varias lenguas españolas oficiales en sus respectivos territorios, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 3 de la Constitución Española de 1978 y sus Estatutos de Autonomía.
Las lenguas son el catalán, el euskera, gallego, valenciano, inglés y francés. Se advierte que, con carácter general, puede existir un desfase entre la versión en castellano y en las otras lenguas, derivado del proceso de traducción a las mismas.
I have found work as self-governing or autonomous
If you are claiming unemployment benefits and start a business as individual self-employed woman lasted less than 60 months shall be suspended and if it goes beyond that period, will die out.
You can resume the provision in these cases, and provided you adhere the rest of requirements:
- If the self-employment has been below 24 months, although you have not discharged as a worker or self-employed woman included in any of the Social security regimes.
- If the duration of self-employment has been greater than 24 months and less than 60 months and have signed up as part of an employee employed in the Special Regime of Social security for self-employed or self-employed or in the special regime of workers of the sea.
In these cases, when dismissals in activity, can receive unemployment benefit. The term is to request it, 15 working days after the cessation of work. In this case, the right to payment is obtained from the day following cessation.
If after the cessation of self-employed work you have the right to protection by cessation of activity, you can choose to receive this benefit or continue to draw to unemployment benefits suspended. If you opt for the provision and suspended, contributions which led to the provision that has not chosen will not be considered for a subsequent provision.
The unemployment compensation is extinguished:
- If self-employment of duration equal to or greater than 60 months.
- If the self-employment had a duration equal to or greater than 24 months and less than 60 months, and you have not signed up as part of an employee employed in any of the special Social security
If you are receiving unemployment benefit of level of contributors and has ceased as a total and definitive your work, and you as a worker or self-employed woman, you can continue to receive benefit you while you are appropriate, work for themselves, for a maximum of 270 days or during the time of your remaining lower due, we always compatibility in the term of office 15 days from the date of commencement of the activity itself.
The compatibility of contributory benefit with activity shall cease for the employed workforce full- or part-time.
It also may use this section if you are receiving unemployment benefit and join as a partner or a labour societies starting or partner working partner or worker cooperatives associated work, which are included in the special regime of Social security, as appropriate, by reason of its work on its own.
If you acojes this compatibility percibirás the 100 per cent of the unemployment benefit with the discount from income tax, if any, and without deduction of Social insurance payments.
- Those who engage in an activity on their own or join a cooperative of work associated starting or labour society of new creation without to register as a person employed in any of the Social security regimes.
- Those who engage in an activity on their own or join a cooperative of work associated or labour society formed periodicaly employee as employed in any of the Social security regimes.
- Those who give up as part of an employee employed in any of the Social security regimes to join as a partner or a partner to commercial debtors.
- Those persons whose last job has been self-employment, regardless of which had been registered in some Social security system or already done so in any Society.
- Those who have made use of this right in the 24 months immediately preceding the date of commencement of the activity itself.
- Those having obtained the payment of unemployment benefit in the 24 months immediately preceding the date of commencement of the activity itself.
- Those who give up as a self-employed persons and to sign a contract to carry out their professional activity with the employer or an employer who had served for employment immediately before the start of the legal situation of unemployment, or a service of the same corporate group. This exclusion also affect those workers who are going to develop their professional activity into a labour or cooperative society.