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The match between labour supply and demand

The match between labour supply and demand 2024

The public employment service Estatal (SEPE) introduced the second edition of the report “ the adjustment of supply and demand for employment in the labour market. 2024 ” developed by the observatory of occupations. This report is in line with the prospective investigations focused on the labour market situation, provide for their future evolution and anticipate their behaviour, to provide diagnostic and solutions to possible imbalances detected.

Mismatches concern not only possible for people to find decent and productive work, they are also a drag on growth in employment, improving the productivity and economic and social development. Currently, some companies show certain difficulties in filling certain positions within their companies, both for low and high qualification

Why are currently seeing this? To answer this question, the observatory of occupations has initiated a new line of work to collect information about the mismatch between labour supply and demand.

There are several reasons argued by the experts we consulted; in the labour market are in conformity with the profiles required, others considered that it did not need better-educated professionals; but also conditions of employment or the lack of mobility in the spanish workers reluctant to change their residence and the lack of generational replacement are the most recurrent arguments offered as dysfunctional.

A key factor is training. The study has identified many occupations associated with lack of graduates in vocational training, something detected for years. A situation that was trying to alleviate with measures such as the recent Act of Management and integration of vocational training, to facilitate the coverage of these professionals in the labour fabric, approaching us more to european standards.

In the coming years companies and workers must cope with changes in the workplace. Factors such as technology, the demographic composition, the settings of employment and new business models and corporate strategies, is altering the characteristics and content. One of the salient features in this process of accelerated shift is the clear existence of a skills gap.