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Reductions and bonuses to Social security

Reductions and bonuses to Social security schemes to employed persons as provided for in the Law 20 / 2007 , 11 july, of the statute of the Self-Employed as amended by the Decreto-ley Real 13 / 2022 , 26 july, which established a new system of contributions to the self-employed or self-employed persons and improving the protection due to cessation of activity and the Decreto-ley Real 14 / 2022 , 1 august, of measures of economic sustainability in the area of transport, in the area of fellowships and grants, as well as cost-saving measures, energy efficiency and reducing energy dependence on natural gas.


100 per cent of the quota for common contingencies resulting from applying to the average worker in the twelve months preceding the date on which to commence this bonus, the type of contribution for common contingencies in force at all times, excluding for temporary disability resulting from such contingencies.

This bonus shall be compatible with the established in the royal Decreto-Ley 11 / 1998 .


The duration will be held during the period of rest.


Article 38 the law 20 / 2007 , 11 july, of the statute of the Self-Employed, amended by royal Decreto-ley 13 / 2022 , 26 july, which established a new system of contributions to the self-employed or self-employed persons and improving the protection due to cessation of activity and the royal Decreto-ley 14 / 2022 , 1 august, of measures of economic sustainability in the area of transport, in the area of fellowships and grants, as well as cost-saving measures, energy efficiency and reducing energy dependence on natural gas.

Self-employed women who had ceased in its work on maternity, adoption, custody for adoption, foster care and guardianship and return to engage in any activity in the 2 following years to the effective date of cessation.


Bonus equivalent 80 percent of the quota for common contingencies resulting from the average basis of the workers in twelve months preceding the date on which stopped in their activities, the type of contribution for common contingencies in force at all times, excluding for temporary disability resulting from such contingencies.


During the 24 months after the date of return.


Article 38 bis of the law 20 / 2007 , 11 july, of the statute of the Self-Employed, amended by royal Decreto-ley 13 / 2022 , 26 july, which established a new system of contributions to the self-employed or self-employed persons and improving the protection due to cessation of activity and the royal Decreto-ley 14 / 2022 , 1 august, of measures of economic sustainability in the area of transport, in the area of fellowships and grants, as well as cost-saving measures, energy efficiency and reducing energy dependence on natural gas.

Self-employed or self-employed persons causing high initial or that had not been in high in the two years immediately preceding, from the date of the effects of high, the special regime of Social security for the self-employed or self-employed persons.

Will also apply, when fulfilling the requirements established in them, to self-employed workers that they are included in the first contribution of the special regime of the workers' Social security of the sea, as well as corporate partners capital and labour societies and members of cooperatives workers work associated that firmly within the special regime of Social security for the self-employed or self-employed or in the special regime of Social security of workers of the sea, within the group first quote


In general, apply a reduced fee for common contingencies and professionals, whereas workers excepcionados contribute on cessation of activity and vocational training.

The annual amount of the reduced fee will be established in the law of general state budget and its distribution among these rules may be determined.

You can also apply a reduced fee for the next twelve calendar months, concerning those self-employed workers whose net annual economic returns, in terms of article 308 . 1 .c) of the revised text of the General law on Social security, are lower than the annual minimum wage corresponding to this period.

When this second period covers part of two consecutive calendar years, the requirement relating to economic returns must be observed in each


From the date of effect of the high and during the twelve calendar months following complete.

The right to reductions in the price referred to in this article shall terminate when the self-employed are low in the Special Regime of Social security for the self-employed or self-employed persons during any of the periods apply.

When the self-employed or self-employed persons covered by this article have a disability degree equal or exceed the 33 per cent, or are victims of gender violence or victims of terrorism, the implementation of the fee referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 will be, respectively, 24 full calendar months and 36 full calendar months


Article 38 ter 20 / 2007 , 11 july, of the statute of the Self-Employed, amended by royal Decreto-ley 13 / 2022 , 26 july, which established a new system of contributions to the self-employed or self-employed persons and improving the protection due to cessation of activity and the royal Decreto-ley 14 / 2022 , 1 august, of measures of economic sustainability in the area of transport, in the area of fellowships and grants, as well as cost-saving measures, energy efficiency and reducing energy dependence on natural gas.

Self-employed workers that are the beneficiaries of the provision for the care of children affected by cancer or other serious illness, referred to in chapter X of title II of the revised text of the General law on Social security.


Bonus 75 percent of the quota for common contingencies resulting from applying to the average worker in the twelve months preceding the date on which to commence this bonus, the type of contribution for common contingencies in force at the time,

excluding for temporary disability resulting from common contingencies, the special regime for self-employed or self-employed persons.


During the period of perception of that provision.


Article 38 quarter the law 20 / 2007 , 11 july, of the statute of the Self-Employed, amended by royal Decreto-ley 13 / 2022 , 26 july, which established a new system of contributions to the self-employed or self-employed persons and improving the protection due to cessation of activity.

Self-employed workers that are the beneficiaries of the provision for the care of children affected by cancer or other serious illness, referred to in chapter X of title II of the revised text of the General law on Social security.


Bonus 75 percent of the quota for common contingencies resulting from applying to the average worker in the twelve months preceding the date on which to commence this bonus, the type of contribution for common contingencies in force at the time,

excluding for temporary disability resulting from common contingencies, the special regime for self-employed or self-employed persons.


During the period of perception of that provision.


Article 38 the law 20 / 2007 , 11 july, of the statute of the Self-Employed, amended by royal Decreto-ley 13 / 2022 , 26 july, which established a new system of contributions to the self-employed or self-employed persons and improving the protection due to cessation of activity.