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Frequently Asked Questions

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Youth Guarantee initiative is a union whose aim is to ensure that young people between 16 and 29 years could get a job offer continuing education, or a period of practice after completing the formal education or to be unemployed.

In any case Youth Guarantee, in spain offers a comprehensive approach, preventive and early intervention to help facilitate the improvement of employability and to enter the labour market of young people.

Young people between 16 and 29 years who are not in a position to study or train or work for themselves or others as they constitute one of the population groups with more difficulties of access to employment at the moment and it is therefore a very heterogeneous population includes young people with low-skilled and highly qualified young people.

  • Have spanish nationality or to be citizens of the union or the state party of European Economic Agreement or in switzerland in Spain in the exercise of freedom of movement and residence. Also may be registered for foreigners in possession of an authorization to reside in spanish territory, necessary to work, as well as unaccompanied minors provide Accreditation of Child protection services of the autonomous community that individually justified the access, through the registration, activities or programmes of education or training that are of benefit to them.
  • Be registered in any location of the national territory.
  • Have more than 16 years and below 30 years.
  • Not having worked in the calendar day preceding the date of submission.
  • Having received training in the calendar day preceding the date of submission.
  • Having received training actions in the calendar day preceding the date of submission.
  • Statement expresses you are interested in participating in the national Youth Guarantee, acquiring a commitment to active participation in the proceedings being conducted in the framework of the Youth Guarantee. In the case of job seekers is sufficient to register in the public employment services.

Once the person concerned has been registered in the system will be able to receive offers, of the list of actions through their autonomous community, the General state administration, the entities that provide assistance in managing the European Social Fund or companies seeking to apply any of the incentives provided under the rules so as to the recruitment of young persons.

While Youth Guarantee applies throughout the national territory and access will be on an equal footing to all young people to receive attention, with special dedication to those at a disadvantage and/or at risk of social exclusion, the autonomous communities play a decisive role as a system whose success will depend on the good coordination between the various administrations. For that reason, a commission had been set up between the General state administration and the autonomous communities for the coordination, evaluation and follow-up to the National System of Youth Guarantee.

Moreover, in accordance with the ministry of labour, Migration and Social security, may establish, within their competence, specific mechanisms for the registration and coordination mechanisms for actions that are being carried out in its territory.

For enjoying the benefits of Youth Guarantee, you must comply with the requirementsset and access File of Youth Guaranteeto register.

Access to electronic identity card/certificate

The simplest and quickest way to access the file is through electronic identity card, electronic certificate recognized or other means established by law and to be created for use by users.

For information

Access an assisted

In the centres and services of the SIKH Network (youth information Services), in coordination with INJUVE, assistance will also be given to complete the application for registration with the support of qualified staff.

Click here and find your nearest SIKH centre.

Access through the system Cl@ve

This is a common platform for the identification, authentication and electronic signature, an interoperable system horizontal and avoids the public administrations have to implement and manage their own systems of identification and signature, and citizens have to use different methods of identification to interact electronically with the administration. Cl@ve access

Registration with username and password

Puedes iniciar tu inscripción en el Sistema Nacional de Garantía Juvenil cumplimentando el web-form.

Once you reply to some questions that will enable us to prove your identity, you can then fill in your application. During the process, you will be asked a password that you can use to enter your profile of Youth Guarantee on future occasions. If you have already password, click here.

Other forms of access

The registration must be carried out through telematics in all cases with the exception of those disabled persons or more 33 % and/or at risk of social exclusion that enjoy the certificate evidence thereof.

These people can register by presenting form in the deputy registration the General state administration and the autonomous communities and the entities established in article 16 . 4 Law 39 / 2015 , 1 october, of Common Administrative Procedure of the public authorities.

In addition, registration or renewal as a jobseeker in a public employment service implies registration in the Youth Guarantee national if they meet the requirements.

Once it has submitted an application for registration by either the process set out above, will consist of the audit of the requirements through consultations with relevant agencies such as the treasury of Social security or the General police directorate. This is an administrative procedure that requires a certain time, we are trying to ensure the most of the information is correct, given that, by putting registered in Youth Guarantee, a person may benefit from actions envisaged within programmes that have specific economic allocation, such as the european Social fund.

After obtaining the response to such consultations should be seized, the corresponding resolution taking as the date of effect on the application for registration. Currently, the average is around three or four working days, from the moment is completed correctly registration application, without prejudice to that may exist some specific points to lengthen the process.

If you set up your a NIE and now you have DNI, call 060 or write to and we will inform you of how to proceed in order to make the change in Security, taking your updated data.