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NOE: New employment opportunities in strategic sectors - Red COE

NOE: New employment opportunities in strategic sectors organized the network COE

Within the annual programme of work of the state centre for Guidance, enterprise and innovation for employment on the exercise 2023 for the purposes of the royal decree 818 / 2021 , 28 september, which governs the activation programmes for the use of national employment System (SNE), is the role of dialogue with representative associations of persons employed women and the social economy in the area of guidance and innovation for employment aimed at improving the efficiency or reinforcement of its orientation, prospecting and mediation capacity-building and entrepreneurship.
To complete this task, since the state centre is maintained contact with representative associations and leading strategic sectors of the state, with the aim of pooling the needs and opportunities posed by individual productive sector to promote innovative projects that promote employment. This contact is made by the organization of journeys of vocational guidance, prospecting and brokering in order to present the guiding staff of the autonomous communities, the labour market trends and innovation in employment.
The conferences were carried out through webinarios intended to convene expert round tables to provide their vision of current labour market and their experiences to facilitate the integration into the labour market and to transmit it to the voices of the autonomous communities and agents of the network COE.
First NOE: Transport Sector ( 2 june 2023 )
Presentations (PDF)
Second NOE: Green energy Sector ( 6 july 2023 )
Presentations (PDF)
Third NOE: The Data processing centers (First Part) ( 17 july 2023 )
Documentation (PDF)
Fourth NOE: The Data processing centers (Part Two) ( 19 september 2023 )
Documentation (PDF)