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Youth employment

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An emergency plan against youth unemployment to facilitate the employment, build stable working lives and increase the education and training of young people, is one of the priority and cross-cutting elements of the proceedings of the Recovery Plan.

Investment 1 “ Youth Employment ” has three programmes aimed at young people aged 16 and 29 years, and emphasizes the areas of the transition and the green economy, the digitization of services, social cohesion, combating depopulation and local development in rural areas:

The programme Tandemit is a draft dual training to employment on the model of the workshop schools while applied to public projects and social council.

First professional experience in public administrationsis a first taste of employment within the services provided by the public administrations, which will benefit both unemployed young people whose formative stage is completed and accredited.

Programme i investigate: pattern of employment for young researchers and tecnólogas in research bodies, public universities, technological centres, science and technology parks and public entities subject to private law, together with enterprises making investments in research and innovation and submit a research project and not-for-profit private entities such as foundations.