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New Projects of territorial balance and equity

Projects for vulnerable groups
These projects will be directed towards the long-term unemployed, who will continue the personalized itineraries for individual, which will be integrated different actions, such as: actions of advice and counselling, orientation programmes, assistance by tracking teams of employment, training and fellowship for reconciliation, aid to the employment of and follow-up to the proceedings.

- Order TES/ 1151 / 2021 , 24 october, establishing the regulatory basis for the granting of public subsidies, for the financing of investment component 23 "territorial new projects for the rebalancing and equity, and vulnerable groups" "territorial new projects for the rebalancing and equity. Enterprise and microenterprise programme" in the cities of Ceuta and Melilla, in the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience.
- Excerpt from the resolution 14 december 2021 , the public employment service, which approves, under the procedure, the call for the granting of public subsidies, for the financing of investment component 23 New projects "territorial balance and equity. Vulnerable" "New projects and territorial balance and equity. Enterprise and microenterprise programme", in the city of Melilla.
- Excerpt from the Resolution of the SEPE of 20 december 2021 , which approves, advance, the call for the provision of grants, aimed at investment finance component 23 New projects "territorial balance and equity. Vulnerable groups and Enterprise and microenterprise programme, within the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience in the city of Ceuta.
- Royal Decree 902 / 2021 , 19 october, which governs the granting of direct subsidies, for the budget period 2021 for the financing of the development of proceedings of the New investment projects "territorial balance and equity", within the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience.
- Resolution 27 december 2021 of the General secretariat, which is published the convention between the public employment service state and the valencia Valencia na, for the development of pilot projects aimed at young people, through actions within the proposed Collective 'especially vulnerable ” and draft ‘ Entrepreneurship and micro-enterprises' included in the Investment 4 New projects, ‘ territorial balance and equity "the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience.
- Resolution 27 december 2021 of the General secretariat, which is published the convention between the public employment service state and the autonomous community of Extremadura for the development of pilot projects aimed at young people, through actions within the proposed Collective "especially vulnerable" and draft "enterprise and microenterprise programme" included in the Investment 4 new projects, "territorial balance and equity" the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience, in accordance with the royal decree 902 / 2021 , 19 october, which governs the granting of direct subsidies, for the budget period 2021 for the financing of the development of proceedings of the New investment projects "territorial balance and equity", within the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience.
- Resolution 27 december 2021 of the General secretariat, which is published the convention between the public employment service provided by the state and autonomous Community País Vasco for the development of pilot projects aimed at young people, through actions within the proposed Collective 'especially vulnerable ” and draft ‘ Entrepreneurship and micro-enterprises' included in the Investment 4 New projects, ‘ territorial balance and equity "the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience, in accordance with the royal decree 902 / 2021 , 19 october, which governs the granting of direct subsidies, for the budget period 2021 for the financing of the development of proceedings of the ‘ New investment projects for the territorial balance and equity ”, in the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience.
- Excerpt from the Resolution of the SEPE 01 august 2022 , which approves the convening for the provision of grants, aimed at investment finance component 23 New projects "territorial balance and equity. Vulnerable groups, in the territorial scope of the city of Ceuta, within the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience.
- Resolution of the public employment service, which approves the convening, on the granting of public subsidies, for the financing of investment component 23 “ new projects of territorial balance and equity. Vulnerable groups. ” in the territorial scope of the city of Ceuta, within the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience. (PDF, 373 KB)
- Excerpt from the resolution 17 august 2022 , the public employment service, which approves the convening for the granting of public subsidies, for the financing of investment component 23 New projects "territorial balance and equity vulnerable".
- Resolution of the public employment service, which approves the seek, for the granting of public subsidies, for the financing of investment component 23 “ new projects of territorial balance and equity. Vulnerable groups ” in the territorial scope of the city of Melilla, in the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience. (PDF, 333 KB)
- Royal Decree 979 / 2022 , 22 november, which governs the granting of direct subsidies, for the budget period 2022 for the financing of the development of proceedings of the New investment projects "territorial balance and equity", within the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience -Financiado by the european union - Next Generation Us.
- Resolution 29 december 2022 of the General secretariat, which is published the convention between the public employment service state and the autonomous community of Castilla-La Mancha for the development of pilot projects aimed at vulnerable young people, through actions within the project “ especially vulnerable Groups' included in the Investment 4 New projects, ‘ territorial balance and equity "the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience -financiado by the european union - NextGenerationEU.
- Resolution 30 december 2022 of the General secretariat, which is published the convention between the public employment service through State, and the autonomous community of the Region Murcia for the development of pilot projects aimed at vulnerable people, through actions within the project “ especially vulnerable Groups' included in the Investment 4 New projects, ‘ territorial balance and equity "the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience, funded by the european Europea-Next Generation Us.
Projects for enterprise and microenterprise programme
These projects will address the demographic challenge and will facilitate productive transformation, in particular towards a green economy and digital. The initiatives funded include agricultural projects, local sustainable development, social economy initiatives for action cultural and artistic ecological transition initiatives, local development, rural tourism and heritage histórico-artístico, among others.
The projects to finance actions such as: actions of social entrepreneurship and self-employed, studies of the labour market, promotion and support local development, implementation of cooperatives or micro-enterprises, networking, participation in seminars and dissemination actions.

- Order TES/ 1151 / 2021 , 24 october, establishing the regulatory basis for the granting of public subsidies, for the financing of investment component 23 "territorial new projects for the rebalancing and equity, and vulnerable groups" "territorial new projects for the rebalancing and equity. Enterprise and microenterprise programme" in the cities of Ceuta and Melilla, in the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience.
- Excerpt from the resolution 14 december 2021 , the public employment service, which approves, under the procedure, the call for the granting of public subsidies, for the financing of investment component 23 New projects "territorial balance and equity. Vulnerable" "New projects and territorial balance and equity. Enterprise and microenterprise programme", in the city of Melilla.
- Excerpt from the Resolution of the SEPE of 20 december 2021 , which approves, advance, the call for the provision of grants, aimed at investment finance component 23 New projects "territorial balance and equity. Vulnerable groups and Enterprise and microenterprise programme, within the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience in the city of Ceuta.
- Royal Decree 902 / 2021 , 19 october, which governs the granting of direct subsidies, for the budget period 2021 for the financing of the development of proceedings of the New investment projects "territorial balance and equity", within the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience.
- Resolution 27 december 2021 of the General secretariat, which is published the convention between the public employment service state and the valencia Valencia na, for the development of pilot projects aimed at young people, through actions within the proposed Collective 'especially vulnerable ” and draft ‘ Entrepreneurship and micro-enterprises' included in the Investment 4 New projects, ‘ territorial balance and equity "the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience.
- Resolution 27 december 2021 of the General secretariat, which is published the convention between the public employment service state and the autonomous community of Extremadura for the development of pilot projects aimed at young people, through actions within the proposed Collective "especially vulnerable" and draft "enterprise and microenterprise programme" included in the Investment 4 new projects, "territorial balance and equity" the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience, in accordance with the royal decree 902 / 2021 , 19 october, which governs the granting of direct subsidies, for the budget period 2021 for the financing of the development of proceedings of the New investment projects "territorial balance and equity", within the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience.
- Resolution 27 december 2021 of the General secretariat, which is published the convention between the public employment service provided by the state and autonomous Community País Vasco for the development of pilot projects aimed at young people, through actions within the proposed Collective 'especially vulnerable ” and draft ‘ Entrepreneurship and micro-enterprises' included in the Investment 4 New projects, ‘ territorial balance and equity "the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience, in accordance with the royal decree 902 / 2021 , 19 october, which governs the granting of direct subsidies, for the budget period 2021 for the financing of the development of proceedings of the ‘ New investment projects for the territorial balance and equity ”, in the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience.
- Resolution 27 december 2021 of the General secretariat, which is published the convention between the public employment service state and the autonomous community of Navarra for the development of a project for rebalancing and equity for the promotion of entrepreneurship and micro-enterprises in the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience, as part of the economic revival of the eastern Pyrenees Navarra , in accordance with the royal decree 902 / 2021 , 19 october, which governs the granting of direct subsidies, for the budget period 2021 for the financing of the development of proceedings of the New investment projects "territorial balance and equity", within the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience.
- Order TES/ 1050 / 2022 , 28 october, amending the Order TES/ 1151 / 2021 , 24 october, establishing the regulatory basis for the granting of public subsidies, for the financing of investment component 23 New projects "territorial balance and equity. Vulnerable groups." "New projects and territorial balance and equity. Enterprise and microenterprise programme" in the cities of Ceuta and Melilla, in the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience.
- Royal Decree 979 / 2022 , 22 november, which governs the granting of direct subsidies, for the budget period 2022 for the financing of the development of proceedings of the New investment projects "territorial balance and equity", within the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience -Financiado by the european union - Next Generation Us.
- Excerpt from the resolution 28 november 2022 , the public employment service, which approves the convening for the granting of public subsidies, for the financing of investment component 23 New projects "territorial balance and equity. Enterprise and microenterprise programme"
- Excerpt from the Resolution of the SEPE of 2 december 2022 , which approves the convening for the provision of grants, aimed at investment finance component 23 New projects "territorial balance and equity. Enterprise and microenterprise programme, within the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience in the city of Ceuta.
- Resolution 29 december 2022 of the General secretariat, which is published the convention between the public employment service through State, and the autonomous community of Andalucía for the development of a pilot project aimed at promoting the culture of entrepreneurship to the transformation of entrepreneurship and enterprise, encouraging the culture of entrepreneurship in rural areas where collaborative networking, promotion and development of digital tools and creation of an advisory network, specialty that promotes growth in the social economy, including on investment 4 New projects, ‘ territorial balance and equity "the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience, funded by the european Europea-NextGenerationEU.