Traducción automática
El presente sitio Web está traducido a varias lenguas españolas oficiales en sus respectivos territorios, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 3 de la Constitución Española de 1978 y sus Estatutos de Autonomía.
Las lenguas son el catalán, el euskera, gallego, valenciano, inglés y francés. Se advierte que, con carácter general, puede existir un desfase entre la versión en castellano y en las otras lenguas, derivado del proceso de traducción a las mismas.
Acquisition of new competences for the digital processing, green and productive
Actuaciones destinadas
al refuerzo de formación y empleabilidad
de las personas trabajadoras o en ERTE
El objetivo es ofrecer
diferentes cursos de formación
que ayuden a personas profesionales
a adaptarse a las nuevas oportunidades
para que no queden fuera
del mercado laboral.
Hay distintas líneas de acción:
Expediente de Regulación Temporal
de Empleo:
Es un mecanismo legal
que permite a las empresas
suspender temporalmente
los contratos laborales
o reducir la jornada de trabajo
de sus empleados
por causas económicas, técnicas,
organizativas o productivas.
Convocatorias de ayudas
para aprender nuevas habilidades
sobre transformación digital,
ecológica y productiva.
Se dirige a personas trabajadoras
del sector del turismo
y a las personas desempleadas
o en ERTE.Las acciones de formación
tendrán una duración media
de 65 horas. -
Financiación de formación
para aprender nuevas habilidades
sobre transformación digital,
ecológica y productiva.Se dirige a personas trabajadoras
del sector del turismo
y a las personas desempleadas
o en ERTE,
que recibirán una ayuda directa
para que se formen en estos asuntos. -
Detección de las necesidades
en materia de capacidades.Se hará una encuesta
a 23 sectores productivos
como mínimo
para saber cuáles son
las demandas de formación
y recualificación profesional
del mercado laboral,
incluidas la transición digital
y la transición ecológica.El objetivo es anticiparnos a los cambios
y buscar personas adecuadas
ante a la posible gran necesidad
de mano de obra cualificada.Recualificación profesional:
es formar a alguien
para que pueda trabajar
en una nueva actividad
Puedes consultar la información legal
pulsando en los siguientes enlaces:

- BOE 209 of 31 august. Excerpt from Resolution of the General directorate of Public employment service, State amending of 23 december 2021 on the open invitation for grants to support the filling of vacancies in strategic sectors of national concern through the financing of training actions include commitments for recruitment of unemployed persons for the years 2022 and 2023 in the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience
- BOE 209 of 31 august. Excerpt from Resolution of the General directorate of Public employment service, State amending of 23 december 2021 on the open invitation for grants to support the filling of vacancies in strategic sectors of national concern through the financing of training actions include commitments for recruitment of unemployed persons for the years 2022 and 2023 in the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience
- BOE 157 of 1 july 2022 . Excerpt from Resolution of the General directorate of Public employment service, State amending of 23 december 2021 on the open invitation for grants to support the filling of vacancies in strategic sectors of national concern through the financing of training actions include commitments for recruitment of unemployed persons for the years 2022 and 2023 in the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience.
- BOE 151 of 25 june 2022 . Excerpt from Resolution of the General directorate of Public employment service, State amending of 23 december 2021 on the open invitation for grants to support the filling of vacancies in strategic sectors of national concern through the financing of training actions include commitments for recruitment of unemployed persons for the years 2022 and 2023 in the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience.
- BOE 141 of 14 june 2022 . Excerpt from Resolution of the General directorate of Public employment service, State amending of 23 december 2021 on the open invitation for grants to support the filling of vacancies in strategic sectors of national concern through the financing of training actions include commitments for recruitment of unemployed persons for the years 2022 and 2023 in the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience
- BOE 127 of 28 may 2022 . Excerpt from Resolution of the General directorate of Public employment service, State amending of 23 december 2021 on the open invitation for grants to support the filling of vacancies in strategic sectors of national concern through the financing of training actions include commitments for recruitment of unemployed persons for the years 2022 and 2023 in the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience.
- BOE 95 of 21 april 2022 . Excerpt from the Resolution 7 april 2022 the directorate General of the public employment service, State amending of 22 december 2021 , which approves, the open invitation for grants for the conduct of training programmes at the national level, advanced training for working people who have been or are included in ERTE, for budgetary periods 2022 and 2023 in the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resliencia
- BOE 313 of 30 december 2021 Order TES/. 1490 / 2021 , 23 december, amending order TES/ 897 / 2021 , 19 august, which distributed territorially for fiscal year 2021 for its management by the autonomous communities with powers assumed in the workplace, credits financed by the mechanism for the recovery and resilience, aimed at implementation of investment projects "national Plan of Competency and" "New Public Policies for a dynamic labour market, resilient and inclusive" collected in the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience.
- BOE 311 of 28 december 2021 . Excerpt from the Resolution 23 december 2021 , the public employment service, which approves, under the procedure, the open invitation for grants to support the filling of vacancies in strategic sectors of national concern through the financing of training actions include commitments for recruitment of unemployed persons for the years, 2022 and 2023 in the framework of the PRTR.
- BOE 308 of 24 december 2021 . Excerpt from the Resolution, 22 december 2021 , the public employment service, which approves, under the procedure, the open invitation for grants for the conduct of training programmes at the national level, advanced training for working people who have been or are included in cases of temporary regulation of employment (ERTE), for budgetary periods 2022 and 2023 in the framework of the PRTR
- BOE 271 of 12 november 2021 . Excerpt from the Resolution 4 march 2021 , the public employment service, which approves the convening for the granting of public subsidies for the implementation of training programmes adopted by the state, aimed primarily at the sectoral scope of tourism, in the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience.
- Resolution to the project's implementation C 23 I 3 financing of training (microcredit) for the acquisition of new competences for adaptation to the digital processing, ecological and productive of the recovery Plan, processing, and resilience (PDF, 236 KB)
- Excerpt from the resolution 28 july 2022 , de la DirecciónGeneral del Servicio Público de Empleo Estatal, que modifica la de 22 december 2021 , which approves, the open invitation desubvenciones for the implementation of training of Ámbitoestatal, intended for advanced quehayan facilities throughout the state or are included in ERTE, ejerciciospresupuestarios 2022 and 2023 in the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resliencia.
- Royal Decree 978 / 2022 , 22 november, which governs the granting of direct subsidies, for the budget period 2022 , aimed at financing for development activities to provide investment "acquisition of new competences for the transformation, green and digital" productive, in particular of the draft training "Financing (microcredit)", within the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience -Financiado by the european union - Next Generation Us.
- Corrigendum of the royal decree 978 / 2022 , 22 november, which governs the granting of direct subsidies, for the budget period 2022 , aimed at financing for development activities to provide investment "acquisition of new competences for the transformation, green and digital" productive, in particular of the draft training "Financing (microcredit)", within the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience -Financiado by the european union - Next Generation Us.