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El presente sitio Web está traducido a varias lenguas españolas oficiales en sus respectivos territorios, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 3 de la Constitución Española de 1978 y sus Estatutos de Autonomía.
Las lenguas son el catalán, el euskera, gallego, valenciano, inglés y francés. Se advierte que, con carácter general, puede existir un desfase entre la versión en castellano y en las otras lenguas, derivado del proceso de traducción a las mismas.
Situation of birth, adoption, custody for adoption or fostering
Below shows what happens if, while you are seeing or contributory unemployment benefit, proceed to the situation of birth and child care (including adoption, custody for adoption or fostering).
As you can see, the treatment is different depending on the provision accrued.
If your situation of birth and child care (including adoption, custody for adoption or fostering) happens while you are seeing an unemployment benefit level of contributors,suspensionthis in order to begin the recovery of the situation of birth and child care (incluiye adoption, custody for adoption or fostering), which is paid by the national Social security institute (INSS).
You can request suspension through the electronic site public employment Services, or State of the office of benefits (office of employment in the case of Ceuta and Melilla), the request of cites in the electronic siteor by calling the mobile of appointment .
For the duration of any of these situations, are not days of unemployment benefit. When finished, you can resume the provision and receive the same amount for as long as you were before the suspension.
Next to the communication of lowyou must submit:
- In the case of maternity, family record book or document confirming the adoption or placement in care, or report maternity leave, or any document proving this situation.
- In the case of paternity, the family record book, or a document attesting to the adoption or placement.
You will receive a copy of the application of low submitted, in which the date and reason for the low.
With that document, you must go to the office of the INSS to apply for birth, adoption, custody for adoption or fostering, as it is the INSS approved and benefits of birth status, adoption, custody for adoption or placement of persons who are becoming aware of the contributory unemployment benefit.
Once the period from birth and child care (including adoption, custody for adoption or fostering), and following reactivation of the demand for employment, you now 15 days to make application to your office for the resumption of benefits for unemployment benefit. Requesting outside this time period, will resume from the date of request and will involve the loss of so many days of delivery as between the date on which had finalized the provision of birth and child care (including adoption, custody for adoption or fostering) and the date of submission.
If while percibes unemployment allowance, the situation of birth and child care (including adoption, custody for adoption or fostering), you will move on to draw the grant for the same amount and duration. You Will Need To deliver in the employment bureau the medical report of the Social security to the Public employment service of their autonomous community suspend the demand for employment; therefore, you don't have to renew, or you will be convened from training or offers.
If when allow you go on to the situation of the situation of birth, adoption, custody for adoption or fostering, you will not be entitled to these situations allowance paid by INSS.
You can get more information, telephone help lines to citizenship.