Appointment Electronic

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El presente sitio Web está traducido a varias lenguas españolas oficiales en sus respectivos territorios, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 3 de la Constitución Española de 1978 y sus Estatutos de Autonomía.

Las lenguas son el catalán, el euskera, gallego, valenciano, inglés y francés. Se advierte que, con carácter general, puede existir un desfase entre la versión en castellano y en las otras lenguas, derivado del proceso de traducción a las mismas.

I have granted a scholarship

The benefits and unemployment benefits are compatible with the conduct of training in enterprises, institutions or entities included in training programmes and external academic practices. The realization of the practices will determine the inclusion in the system of Social security of persons.

These practices can be:

  • Carried out by university students and university students, addressed to:
    • the official introduction of courses of degree and master, phd, or
    • a diploma of the university, either from lifelong learning, a diploma of specialization or expert.
  • Carried out by students of vocational training, provided that they will not lend themselves in the regime of intensive professional training (occurs alternating training at the heart of vocational training in productive activity and recompensed in the framework of a training contract).
  • Carried out by students from Higher Artistic professionals, artistic and sports lessons of the educational system.

From 23 may 2024 economic perceptions payable by the audience to such practices should not be computed as their whether the beneficiary is paid to the person or any other member of the family unit.

Whether practices paid and unpaid work, is no obligation to Social security as assimilated to self-employed workers, thus withdrawing from protective action unemployment protection, as well as the coverage of Wage guarantee fund and by Training. In the case of unpaid practices also be excluded from protection for temporary disability resulting from common contingencies.

You can get more information on the phone attention to citizenship.