Traducción automática
El presente sitio Web está traducido a varias lenguas españolas oficiales en sus respectivos territorios, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 3 de la Constitución Española de 1978 y sus Estatutos de Autonomía.
Las lenguas son el catalán, el euskera, gallego, valenciano, inglés y francés. Se advierte que, con carácter general, puede existir un desfase entre la versión en castellano y en las otras lenguas, derivado del proceso de traducción a las mismas.
I transfer abroad
If you are gaining contributory unemployment benefit or subsidy and transferred abroad, the conditions for the provision will vary depending on the ground and the duration of your move.
If you are gaining contributory benefit or unemployment benefit, in the case of transfer of residence abroad to find or performing work, for international cooperation actions or professional development, it is mandatory to give notice prior to departure to the public employment service and State that this authorizes it. If the transfer takes less than twelve months, providing continuous suspension, if more than twelve months, is extinguished.
If you do not have conveyed to the public service of the State Employment abroad, will be an offence which will lead to the beginning of a punitive procedure, the penalty is the extinction of law.
When leaving Spain was discontinued the provision allowance or seeing you, and you are out of work, you can request the resumption of the benefit or subsidy.
You will receive these benefits from the day following your return to Spain, provided that the resumption in applying the term 15 business days after that date and justifiques prove one of the reasons given.
If you are gaining contributory unemployment benefit or subsidy and transferred abroad for one year or more to work, find work, conduct studies to improve your professional qualification, or by international cooperation actions, the benefit or allowance is extinguished.
If you are french or spanish and you're coming back from a country outside the European Unionor to the european economic area, or of Australia and Switzerland, you could have the right to charge a allowance as person returned emigrant.
If you are gaining contributory unemployment benefit or subsidy, and transferred abroad by any cause, if the output is not greater than 30 calendar days, whether continuous or not, during each calendar year, the provision is always that you can meet the obligations set by law.
Among these obligations is to inform the public employment service autonomous community and the public employment service Estatal (SEPE), so you should communicate the SEPE before occur.
The day that sales of Spain or the day that you're coming back, are not days of stay abroad as such, even if they are for transfer. Not included on the day of departure or return within 30 days of stay abroad, even if you aren ’ t fully available these two days to comply with the the agreement of activity.
The return from abroad, you must appear in the office of the first business day following your return.
If you are gaining contributory unemployment benefit or subsidy and transferred abroad by any cause, if the stay abroad is for a period continued or not, above 30 days and up 90 calendar days within a maximum period of each calendar year, benefits are put on hold.
Before such departure is mandatory prior notice to the public employment service state and that its consent to such an exit.
If by than 90 days and is not to work, find work, conduct studies to improve your professional qualification, or by international cooperation actions, the provision or grant is extinguished.
If percibes benefits and has been registered or registered as a jobseeker for at least four weeks in Spain and you were relocated to seek employment to a country of the European Union, The European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland, you can export the allowances for three months, renewable for another three.
For this you must:
- Seeking the authorization of displacement to the public employment service.
- The document, or request 2 . You will facilitate a fact sheet on the issues of concern with regard to the period of residence in another country.
- Register as a jobseeker in the country to which you were relocated, within seven days of the date of leave available to public employment services.
Payment of hazard pay continue to be undertaken using the same system that during your stay in Spain.
The persons who are nationals of countries outside the eu/eea or Switzerland can export the provision to seek employment in these (except to denmark, switzerland, iceland, norway and Liechtenstein), provided that justify the option of registering in its employment services and will develop a work in the country where you intend to move through the corresponding authorization of residence or work.
The persons who are nationals of countries outside the eu/eea or Switzerland, which met the requirements, you can export the unemployment benefits to the united kingdom, application of regulation EC 859 / 2003 allowing for a period of three months, without extension.
- If you are french or spanish you and not worked in spain in the 6 years prior to your departure abroad, you could have the right to charge a allowance as person returned emigrantif you're coming back from a country outside the EU/EEAneither of Switzerland.
- If you've worked in spain in the 6 years prior to your departure abroad and not you gained unemployment benefit for these contributions, you can request contributory unemployment benefit if reúnes 360 quoted days before your departure, or a subsidy if before you priced between marcharte 90 and 359 days.

- Model contributory official application (PDF, 277 KB)
- Formal model of the request of the unemployment allowance (PDF, 1 MB)
- Communication departure/transfer abroad (PDF, 258 KB)
- Application for leave to shift to a state of the european Union (PDF, 228 KB)
- Request for an extension of the period authorized to transfer to a state of the european Union (PDF, 228 KB)
- Request for the reopening of the period authorized to transfer to a state of the european Union (PDF, 232 KB)