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Here you can consult and download instructions which affect unemployment benefits, by order of publication in the same, in accordance with the law 19 / 2013 , 9 december, of transparency, access to public information and good governance.
You can get more information on unemployment benefits by clicking here.
“ Level of hazard: contributory unemployment legal situations produced the day 30 or 31-12-2021
Instructions of the department of migration for the issuance of certificates of Returning Emigrant
Modification of income and family responsibilities 07/11/2019 .
- Interim instructions for the implementation, in the area of unemployment benefit, of the royal Decreto-ley 11 / 2021 , 27 may, on urgent measures for the defence of employment, economic revival and the protection of self-employed workers
- Instruction on extension of application and implementation of technical incidence procedures into computer systems of the SEPE
- instruction on self-determination of the date of commencement of the benefits derived from ERTE COVID - 19 among the 30 september 2020 and 26 january 2021
- Instruction on self-determination of the deadline and the amount of benefits in cases of successive accesses to the protection against unemployment as a result of different regulatory procedures temporary employment arising from the COVID - 19 .
- Unemployment benefit of workers laid partially indicating the legal status of unemployment
- Interim instructions for the implementation, in the area of protection for unemployment, of the royal Decreto-Ley 2 / 2021 , 26 january, for the promotion and consolidation of social measures in defence of employment
- Interim instructions for the application, in the area of protection for unemployment, of the royal Decreto-ley 32 / 2020 , 3 november, which approved social support measures for protection by unemployment and support to the cultural sector.
- Interim instructions for the implementation, in the area of protection for unemployment, of the royal Decreto-ley 30 / 2020 , 29 september, from social measures in defence of employment.
- Instruction in income and family responsibilities ( 07/11/2019 ).
- Instructions for the application of the Royal Decree Law 8 / 2019 urgent measures of social protection and fight against insecurity in the day of work
- Extension of protection for unemployment to all professional sportsmen.
- Community nationals do not end special employment relationship of residence for the training of specialists in health sciences (MIR) in Spain.
- Interim instructions for implementation of the programme of Activation for employment regulated by the RDL 16 / 2014 as extended by the RDL 7 / 2017 .
- Interim instructions on the incidence of the constitutional court's judgement 61 / 2018 , 7 june, in subsidies for older workers 55 years.
- Interim instructions for the implementation of the twenty-seventh additional provision of TRLGSS creates and regulates the special allowance for unemployment.
- On instructions no. minimum of actual days for access to agricultural unemployment allowance or to agricultural income in Andalucía and Extremadura for various reasons.
- Impact on unemployment benefits of a number of situations of unpaid leave.
- Legal possibility of concluding several part-time contracts with the same company and access to unemployment benefits after losing one of them to maintain in force another or others.
- Recruitment of persons employed women of their children/minors 30 years.
- Calculation of contributions in-time contracts.
- Interest on late payments by the SEPE
- Occasional loss of rent or lack of family responsibilities by the person receiving the subsidy.
- Instructions of the General directorate for public employment service on the implementation of the order ESS/ 729 / 2017 , 31 july, which contains provisions for the implementation of anti-Social Security contained in the agreements of the council of ministers, 9 and 23 december 2016 it, who are declared certain autonomous communities and provinces, areas severely affected by an emergency civil protection, as a result of floods and tiebacks, and steps taken to repair the damage.
- Limitation period in corporate responsibility.
- Treatment of holidays with pay and unused in temporary work agencies (UMA).
- Consideration of periods of strikes and lockouts to determine the duration of the provision.
- Perception of salaries of following a lump-sum payment of unemployment benefit.
- Accreditation of family responsibilities who reside in countries outside the eu/eea or Switzerland.
- Unemployment allowance: Counting of income.
- Access to the programme of Renta Activa de inserción by long-term unemployed workers.
- Compatibility and incompatibility of unemployment benefits with training practices labour or not.(Cancelled).
- The right of option between benefit older workers 52 / 55 years and contributory benefit agricultural potential of people.
- Holders of authorisations of residence of the Law 14 / 2013 of 27 september, of support for entrepreneurship and their internationalization.
- Interim instructions to access to the released from prison according to the Additional Provision of the Sixty-Sixth TRLGSS (currently item 274 . 2 )
- Legally unemployed people with other members of cooperatives.