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El presente sitio Web está traducido a varias lenguas españolas oficiales en sus respectivos territorios, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 3 de la Constitución Española de 1978 y sus Estatutos de Autonomía.
Las lenguas son el catalán, el euskera, gallego, valenciano, inglés y francés. Se advierte que, con carácter general, puede existir un desfase entre la versión en castellano y en las otras lenguas, derivado del proceso de traducción a las mismas.
Support measures for persons affected by DANA
Protection by inactivity by DANA
All those workers who contribute to unemployment in their employment relationship and who have been affected in its work on the effects of the DANA are entitled to a contributory suspension of the contract or for reduced working hours, unless there is some incompatibility.
This provision does not require extraordinary previous periods of contribution (there is no need to have worked and contributed for at least 360 days). There is no consumption of periods quoted (don't spend quotations).
If you have the right to this provision, percibirás the 70 per cent of the base figure for the duration of this situation, it must be dependent on inactivity that you have what you have to work because of the DANA.
Persons under the authority of the home
If you are working person at the service of the home and your activity has been interrupted or reduced because of the DANA, you will have the right to unemployment benefit in the same conditions as all other persons workers.
You can request your contributory benefit you do not have the minimum period. You do not consume quotations and time cobres insurance against the DANA you will also consider priced in future benefits.
You will need to submit individual application (is the collective application as ERTE) within the 15 working days following the temporary halt in the work. You Must accompany your request with a responsible statementyour employer or employers. You can apply:
- In person, appointmentin an office of the SEPE benefits, contributing in a responsible role statement for each situation of partial or total inactivity (for each work).
- Through electronic requestat the seat of the SEPE, for what you would need digital certificate or user cl@ve. Adjuntarás as an annex to the electronic request a statement responsible for each situation of partial or total inactivity.
- Presentingpresolicitud form. Adjuntarás as an annex to the form of a statement presolicitud responsible for each situation of partial or total inactivity.
If you submit your application viewed (electronic request or presolicitud), it is desirable that the specified address in the comments that what you ask for is the provision by ERTE DANA and you are working person at the service of the home. And don't forget to attach the declaration is responsible for each work temporarily cesas.
Don't forget to tell us when you come back to work in each contract or if you extend working hours on as disclosed in the declaration responsible, since it recalculate your benefit. And, when you come back to your activity, comunícanoslo normal for us to take delivery of low and does not need to regularize after reclamarte and quantities. You can do so from the presolicitudthrough Low provision, indicating, in the field observations for what you feel (increase in activity by so many hours since that date, an end to the inactivity by DANA since that date, etc.)