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El presente sitio Web está traducido a varias lenguas españolas oficiales en sus respectivos territorios, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 3 de la Constitución Española de 1978 y sus Estatutos de Autonomía.
Las lenguas son el catalán, el euskera, gallego, valenciano, inglés y francés. Se advierte que, con carácter general, puede existir un desfase entre la versión en castellano y en las otras lenguas, derivado del proceso de traducción a las mismas.
Rules on protection against unemployment
In this database, you can check the compilation of standards published in the official gazette of the state relating to the provisions on protection for unemployment.

- General act on Social security royal Legislative Decree 8 / 2015 PDF | 1895 Kb
- Royal Decree 625 / 1985 , 2 april, which develops the law 31 / 1984 , 2 august, unemployment protection | PDF. 439 Kb
- Law 36 / 2011 , 10 october, which regulates the Social Jurisdiction
- Decreto-ley Real 8 / 2019 , 8 march, urgent measures of social protection and fight against insecurity in the day of work
- Law 45 / 2002 , 12 december, on urgent measures to reform of the unemployment protection and improvement of fosters employability
- Royal Decree 1483 / 2012 by approving the regulations of the collective redundancies and suspension of contracts and reduced working hours
- Royal Decree 1484 / 2012 , 29 october, on the respective financial contributions by companies with benefits to carry out collective redundancies affecting workers 50 years or more
- Decreto-ley Real 16 / 2022 , 6 september, for the improvement of working conditions and social security for working people in the service of the home
- Decreto-Ley Real 1 / 2023 , 10 january, urgent measures in the area of incentives for employment and enhancing social protection of persons artists

- Royal Legislative Decree 8 / 2015 , 30 in october, which approves the consolidated text of the General law on Social security
- Royal decree law 4 / 2022 , 15 march, which urgent measures of support for the agricultural sector by drought, in the area of protection against unemployment
- Decreto-ley Real 18 / 2022 , 18 march, which take measures for the protection of persons any agricultural workers affected by drought
- Andalucía and Extremadura Royal Decree: 5 / 1997 , 10 january SEASS subsidy
- Andalucía and Extremadura Royal Decree: 426 / 2003 , 11 april regulates agricultural income
ADDITIONAL PROVISION VIGÉSIMASÉPTIMA, regulates the special allowance of unemployment.

- Royal Decree 1044 / 1985 , 19 june which regulates the payment of unemployment benefit in their mode of payment for the present value of its amount, as a measure of promoting employment
- Law 31 / 2015 , 9 september, on amending and updating the rules on self-employment, and steps taken for the promotion and encouragement of self-employment and Social Economy. PDF | 319 Kb
- Law 20 / 2007 , 11 july, the independent work statute
- Law 5 / 2011 , 29 march social economy,

- The treaty on the functioning of the european union: freedom of movement of labour and Social security rights (art. 48 ).
- The Regulation (EC) no 883 / 2004 , 29 april 2004 on the coordination of Social security systems (basic regulation)
- The Regulation (EC) no 987 / 2009 , 16 september 2009 by adopting the rules of application of regulation EC 883 / 2004 (Implementing rules and regulations) In force since 1 may 2010 .
Another interest legislation
- Interpretation: jurisprudence european court of justice Judgment of: 9 november 2017 : POC computation in part-time contracts vertical.
- Relationship agreement Future (ARF) or trade and cooperation agreement between the eu and the united kingdom. Protocol for the Coordination of Social security.
- TheDecreto-ley Real 38 / 2020 , 29 december: Affects Gibraltar after entry into force Of ARF and until there is no convention between España-uk on Gibraltar.