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Las lenguas son el catalán, el euskera, gallego, valenciano, inglés y francés. Se advierte que, con carácter general, puede existir un desfase entre la versión en castellano y en las otras lenguas, derivado del proceso de traducción a las mismas.
Partnerships with the project
Observatoire des Occupations
What is?
TheObservatory for occupations in the public employment service Estatal (SEPE)it is a technical area with a distributed network in the central services and in the provincial directorates of the SEPE, which provides information and analyses the labour market using qualitative and quantitative techniques, based on the social indicators. The result of this work is valuable information to anticipate and respond to the demands of the labour market.
The Observatory has different publications in analysing the situation of women in the labour market and, in this regard, it is important to remember that the employment inequalitiesare among the most obvious and significant impact on the lives of people “ to affect a majority of the population - women from all social groups, which account for over 50 % of our societies ” (Diagnostic report on the degree of integration of gender perspectives into common services and programmes in active employment policies).
Publications of occupations in the field of equality
Report of the labour market of women
This report is a study of the situation, behavior, evolution and trends of one of the groups of most interest to the labour market, women. For that use the following sources: socio-economic indicators and labour, social security, recruitment and the number of jobseekers stops.
Catalogue gender gap
This Catalogue, semi-annual periocidad, falls within the project “ actions to foster the transversality of gender equality in all the active employment policy ”, funded with EU Funds Next Generation, promotes guide the intervention of public employment services (members of the national system of employment) towards the elimination of gender gaps in access, maintenance and promotion in employment.