
Traducción automática

El presente sitio Web está traducido a varias lenguas españolas oficiales en sus respectivos territorios, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 3 de la Constitución Española de 1978 y sus Estatutos de Autonomía.

Las lenguas son el catalán, el euskera, gallego, valenciano, inglés y francés. Se advierte que, con carácter general, puede existir un desfase entre la versión en castellano y en las otras lenguas, derivado del proceso de traducción a las mismas.

EURES find workers in Europe

The entrepreneur can access EURES to search for workers and enables the hiring of employees in any member state, thus raising the level of its staff, improving its products and expanding its activities.

EURES is a network composed of public employment services Europeans who helps you find needed workers and provides advice on aspects related to mobility within the European economic area.

When your company needs to find staff can go to the network EURES. Find workers in another European country can be a difficult task if you have not done previously. How to start? What should take into account? How To get help and support?. The counselors EURES, both Spain as the rest of Europe, it facilitates the necessary advice for this purpose.

Before seeking candidates in other countries, contact your public employment service and expose their needs for recruitment. This service can help you find suitable candidates.

To take into account

  • Clearly defines the capabilities, specific skills and qualifications needed to play the jobs offered.
  • Consider that can take more time to find candidates from other European countries and set realistic deadlines.
  • Take into account the practical aspects which should solve a foreign worker to find accommodation or housing.
  • Consider the level of linguistic competence required by the candidates. If You do not speak their language fluently but believes that are suitable for the post, think how to communicate with them. For candidates can be particularly difficult the telephone interviews. Explore other options with his counselor EURES: videoconferencing, interviews, etc.infórmese of if there are any administrative obstacles before you start hiring. Forms of hiring vary from one country to another, as well as relations between business and candidates. It may happen that the behaviour of a candidate seem out of the ordinary but it should only to cultural differences. It does not allow this influence your opinion; on the contrary, focus on skills and the ability of the candidate, help him to integrate.

The portal EURES has a database of more than300.000job seekers who wish to work in other countries. Register today your company opening a free accountMy EURES. It is quick and easy to use.

Apart from selection processes, EURES can provide you with information and advice on issues affecting the mobility of European citizens as degrees equivalency, social security, taxation, etc.

Employers EURES services

We help you spread your job offer in Europa, providing a computer system at European level that allows the real-time dissemination of job vacancies, especially those that require the domain of other languages, the special needing qualifications and experience or seeking qualified professionals, hardly reclutables in the market.

We help you achieve:

  • Suitable candidates for their vacancies at European level, with particular skills and qualifications needed (languages, specialization, etc.).
  • The dissemination of job offers outside the national level in any of the countries of the European Economic Area Swiss more.
  • First-hand information on legal and practical aspects, linked to international mobility.
  • Advice on Social security procedures and formulas of employment, on temporary displacement of their workers to another country.
  • Information on relevant agencies in each country in terms of employment, Social security, unemployment, etc.
  • Please contact your EURES counselor to present and disseminate their job offer.
  • If you need a large number of workers, we can help you organise a large-scale recruitment in collaboration with other countries of the European Economic Area.
  • It is desirable to prepare a presentation to candidates in the advertising company and explain its support for the integration of staff. It Is Useful and translate it into your website.
  • You can also attend job fairs EURES in other countries of the EEE where candidates with the desired characteristics. Before any candidate, is always efficient use examples to illustrate job opportunities and intervene in them, if possible, migrant workers who have been integrated well.
  • Likewise, do not forget to communicate the result of the process to those who have worked with you in recruitment.

1) Presentation of job offers

Job vacancies of Spanish companies to the countries of the UE/EEE, will take place in specific situations as:

  • Offers in those expressly the entrepreneur requests notification to other countries. This is where the entrepreneur search specified non-existing Community worker in the local labour market.
  • Offers that contain certain requirements professionals predictable its notification to other countries. Can be demands idiomáticas, multicultural experience, experience in companies or sectors of international character, etc.
  • Offers of occupations/professions that have deficit of local labour. This is meant, those for which there is great difficulty in finding skilled workers at the national level / local.

Job vacancies are always present through the Councillor EURES its province, either in person, by email, regular mail or fax.

The offers that are published from any country in the European Economic Area (EEE), in the common database of public employment services Europeans have to contemplate a series of data authorised to allow a wider dissemination as possible and rigorous.

2) Search for workers for HP

You can search for their candidates accessing the database from My EURES.

In the margin of the left "Company", you have two options:

  • To register as a new user, through the link: Creating an account My EURES.
  • For successive times, through the link: Enter my mind My EURES.

Below and in both cases, follow the instructions, read the conditions that appear on screen and fill in the requested data.

After having followed these steps, you will receive your password in the email address you indicated by registering, for subsequent accesses.

The Counselor EURES is responsible for receiving these data and register supply in the common database of public employment services Europeans. People interested will contact the employer either directly or through the Counselor.

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