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El presente sitio Web está traducido a varias lenguas españolas oficiales en sus respectivos territorios, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 3 de la Constitución Española de 1978 y sus Estatutos de Autonomía.
Las lenguas son el catalán, el euskera, gallego, valenciano, inglés y francés. Se advierte que, con carácter general, puede existir un desfase entre la versión en castellano y en las otras lenguas, derivado del proceso de traducción a las mismas.
I have worked or want to work in the eu
TheEuropean Union(EU) establishes a common set of standards that protect the rights of social security of its citizens on Europe.
These regulations apply to:
- The persons who are nationals of the eu, iceland, Liechtenstein, norway and switzerland, which are or have been held in one of those countries and their families.
- Stateless persons or refugees residing in the eu, iceland, Liechtenstein, norway and switzerland, which are or have been held in one of those countries and their families.
- The persons who are nationals of non-eu countries who reside legally in the territory of the eu and that have been shifted between its member countries and their families.
The 1 may 2010 entered into force two norms that modernize regulations coordination: 883 / 2004 and 987 / 2009 Here to view the information from the commission.
Work carried out in countries of the eu/eea Area/Switzerland
If you have done some work in a country at community level, you can use for the periods of access to unemployment benefits in other countries of the European Union (EU), The European Economic Area(EEE) and switzerland.
To access to protection by unemployment in Spain, will be taken into account, in addition to contributions made in Spain, which is based in other countries of the eu/eea and switzerland.
The information on the periods will be exchanged, primarily by electronic means, between the institutions and there is no requirement that migrant workers receive PD Or 1 but the institution that the processing of unemployment benefits, it shall seek the necessary information through electronic data interchange (EESSI) with the competent institution of the country in which they conducted their performances.
This will reduce the duration of the provision to be adopted in Spain in so many days as you have gained such a provision in any other country in the Community level.
The persons who are not nationals of countries of the eu/eea or Switzerland can use the quoted in these (except in Denmark, switzerland, iceland, norway and Liechtenstein) to collect unemployment benefits, if they have the right to reside and work legally in the territory of the member state to which request such benefits.
Work performed in spain
You can make use of the periods of the spanish Social Security to unemployment benefits in another country of the eu/eea or Switzerland.
The information on the periods in Spain will be exchanged, primarily by electronic means, between the institutions and there is no requirement that migrant workers seeking PD Or 1 before his departure from spain but that the institution in the country to the processing of unemployment benefits should ask the spanish institution necessary information through electronic data interchange (EESSI).
If, however, the person would like to request Or document 1 before the public employment service Estatal must contact with the Provincial directorate where it made its last work in Spain.
Work carried out in countries not belonging to the community but with which there is a convention to make use of the periods:
United Kingdom
In the case of The United Kingdom, as the trade and cooperation agreement between the eu and the united kingdom of 24 december 2020 , enables assert periods in the uk or other state member of the european union for the access to unemployment benefits, the information of the sessions will also be paid mainly through the electronic exchange between institutions (See information about the Brexit).
In the case of countries that do not belong to the community level, but with which spain has signed a Social security agreement that allows for the aggregation of periods of insurance, occupation or quote for access to unemployment benefits (at present is reduced to Australia), you will need to apply to the public employment service state institution established by the competent australian document AUS/E 1 to justify the time you have made contributions in that country.
For more information please call of attention to citizenship
If you are seeing an provision and has been registered or register as a jobseeker in Spain during 4 weeks at a minimum, and you were relocated to seek employment to a country of the eu/eea or Switzerland, you can export the benefit during 3 months with the possibility of extending it by other 3 months.
For this you must:
- Requesting authorization to move miento y el documento U 2 the office of benefits from public employment service.
- Register as a jobseeker in another member state within seven days of the date of leave available to public employment services.
Payment of hazard pay continue to be undertaken using the same system that during your stay in Spain.
The persons who are not nationals of the eu/eea or Switzerland, are able to export the provision to seek employment in eu/eea (except in denmark, iceland, norway and Liechtenstein) or in Switzerland, if warranted, with the corresponding authorization of residence or work, who can register in its employment services and that will be legally employed.

- Practical guide for workers moving within the eu (PDF, 546 KB)
- Guide european legislation on Social Security (PDF, 435 KB)
- Application for leave to shift to a state of the european Union (PDF, 228 KB)
- Request for an extension of the period allowed for the displacement in a state of the european Union (PDF, 228 KB)
- Request for the reopening of the period allowed for the displacement in a state of the european Union (PDF, 232 KB)