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El presente sitio Web está traducido a varias lenguas españolas oficiales en sus respectivos territorios, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 3 de la Constitución Española de 1978 y sus Estatutos de Autonomía.

Las lenguas son el catalán, el euskera, gallego, valenciano, inglés y francés. Se advierte que, con carácter general, puede existir un desfase entre la versión en castellano y en las otras lenguas, derivado del proceso de traducción a las mismas.

Obligations, infractions and sanctions

Persons who receive unemployment benefits should comply with a range of obligations under the law.

Failure to comply with these obligations is to commit offences are punishable according to existing laws.

If you are applicant or beneficiary of unemployment benefits is some of the following obligations:

  1. Paying unemployment.
  2. Provide documentation and information necessary for the recognition, suspension, termination or resumption of the right to benefits.
  3. Inform the public employment service with the autonomous communities and the public employment service Estatal (SEPE) the domicile to receive notifications and, if you have changed his place of residence, to communicate this change in timing. If it is not guaranteed to receive communications in the house that you have provided, you will be obliged to provide the public employment service autonomous community and the SEPE data necessary to realize the communication by electronic means.
  4. Register as a jobseeker, maintain the registration and to comply with the requirements of the the agreement of activity.
  5. Appearing before the SEPE, the public employment service or the placement agencies when previously you require.
  6. Actively seeking employment and participate in efforts to improve your fosters employability determined by the public employment service within an itinerary.
  7. When you are required or requested to do this, you will need to demonstrate to the public employment service Estatal (SEPE), Instituto Social de la Marina and the public employment services, autonomous actions that you have placed addressed to the active pursuit of employment, your re-employment or improvement of your fosters employability.
  8. Participate in employment programmes or actions for the promotion, training or retraining, establishing the public employment service or placement(when these collaborate with those).
  9. Accept gluingthe public employment service or the placement agencies they offered.
  10. Return, within five days, the public employment service or, if any, employment agencies (working with him), the proof of qualifying overnight presented at the place and date shown to cover the job offer, you have offered.
  11. Seek release on unemployment benefits when situations of incompatibility, suspension or termination of the right or stop satisfy the requirements for its perception, at the time of the production of these situations.
  12. Provide, within fifteen days after the cessation of work that led to the recognition of the plugin employment support.
  13. Report of the situations interruption broken sets, suspension or termination of the employment relationship that gave rise to the plugin employment support.
  14. Reintegration benefits you have earned.
  15. Submit annually the declaration under the tax on personal income.
  16. If you are receiving benefit older workers 52 years, more and no later than twelve months from the date of birth of the allowance or the date of effect of its latest resumption, you must submit to the SEPE a annual statement of your incomes, accompanied by appropriate supporting documentation.

As indicated below applies from the day 1 november 2024 all the benefits of level of contributors and unemployment benefits, regardless of the date of its recognition and of the date of its question.

If you are requesting or recipients of unemployment benefits of level of contributors or welfare.

Are minor offences:

  1. Not to appear, upon request, to the public employment service or the placement agencies working with that, except just cause.
  2. Non-return in time, except a justified cause, the public employment service or, if any, employment agencies not-for-profit, the relevant proof of that has appeared on the date and place indicated to fill the jobs provided by those.
  3. Failure to fulfil the requirements of the the agreement of activity, except just cause or force majeure, provided that the conduct is not criminalized as another minor offence or serious in this article.
  4. Do not provide the public employment service and the public employment service Estatal (SEPE), the information necessary to ensure the receipt of their notifications and communications.

Are serious offence:

  1. Work on their own or others during the perception of unemployment benefits, where there is incompatibility unless it is a very serious offence, or that the work is lawful.
  2. Not communicating, except a justified cause, the casualties on unemployment benefits at the time in a situation incompatible or to determine the suspension or termination of the right, except he is not registered or registered as a jobseeker in the public employment service competent, or when no longer meet the requirements for the right to their perception provided that at any of these causes have perceived abuse of the allowance.
  3. Rejecting an offer of suitable employment, whether provided by the public employment services or by employment agencies working with those other than just cause.
  4. To refuse to engage in actions, programmes or activities identified in the itinerary or customized plan for the improvement of employability and access to the labour market, except a justified cause, offered by the public employment services or partners.

Are serious offences:

  1. Acting fraudulently with a view to:
    • Improper benefits or higher than those that apply.
    • Unduly prolong their enjoyment by providing data or false documents.
    • Simulate the employment relationship.
    • Skip legally binding statements or other breaches that may cause fraudulent perceptions.
  2. To ensure the application or take your contributory benefit or unemployment allowance with self-employment or employment, except in cases expressly provided for in the corresponding regulations.
  3. Collusion with the employer or entrepreneurs to benefit of unemployment benefits.
  4. The non-implementation or deviation in the implementation of the unemployment benefits payable as to put in place a programme to promote employment.

In the case of applicants and beneficiaries of unemployment benefits offences are punishable:

  • Theminor offencesare punishable according to the following schedule:
    • 1 .ª infringement. Loss of one month.
    • 2 .ª infringement. Loss of three months of benefits.
    • 3 .ª infringement. Loss of six months of benefits.
    • 4 .ª infringement. Termination of benefits.

These will apply from the first offence and when between the commission of a minor offence and does not have passed the 365 days, regardless of the type of offence.

  • Thegrave violationsare punishable according to the following schedule:
    • 1 .ª Infringement. Loss of three months of benefits.
    • 2 .ª Infringement. Loss of six months of benefits.
    • 3 .ª Infringement. Termination of benefits.

These will apply from the first offence and when between the commission of a grave breach and does not have passed the 365 days, regardless of the type of offence.

  • Thevery serious offencesare punishable with extinction. You may exclude from the right to receive any financial benefit and, where appropriate, to help promote employment for one year, as well as the right to participate during that period in vocational training for employment.

If the violation of obligations and affect compliance with conservation of the requirements to the provision, may suspend the SEPE cautelarmente the same.