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El presente sitio Web está traducido a varias lenguas españolas oficiales en sus respectivos territorios, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 3 de la Constitución Española de 1978 y sus Estatutos de Autonomía.
Las lenguas son el catalán, el euskera, gallego, valenciano, inglés y francés. Se advierte que, con carácter general, puede existir un desfase entre la versión en castellano y en las otras lenguas, derivado del proceso de traducción a las mismas.
Allowance returning emigrants
It is a grant to persons of spanish emigrants returning certain countries in which they worked, provided that they have no right to the contributory unemployment have contributed less than 360 days 6 years prior to his departure from Spain.
You can be a beneficiary of this allowance if you meet the following requirements:
a) Ser español o española que retornas a España para fijar tu residencia de forma permanente.
(b) certify the emigrant status returned through the certificate of returning Emigrant issued by the area or Unit of labour and immigration of the delegation or Sub-Delegation of the government of the province for the home which have set your residence in Spain.
In the certificate of returning Migrants have entered the following information:
- Returning emigrant status.
- Date of the last output of Spain (or acquisition of spanish nationality if is going to set their residence in spain for the first time).
- The date of return.
- Time worked in the foreign country as a spaniard.
- The occupation period of contributory service; in his case.
- You have no unemployment benefit in that country.
(c) Be in unemployment.
However, you can access this allowance after your return to spain when you start in Spain one or several labour relations part-time, provided that the amount of days worked less than a full time, and meet other requirements, including lack of income. In this case, the amount of the contribution is deducted the proportionate share of the times.
You can also access to childcare supplement if requested within six months since our return to spain, although, following the return, you have worked for a third party for three or more months, and comply with the requirements to access the insufficient contributions allowance. In this case, to access any of the subsidies, it is necessary to have ceased in Last place withlegal status of unemployment.
(d) not having had unemployment benefits in the country in which you worked.
(e) not be entitled to unemployment benefit of level of contributors in Spain.
(f) be registered or registered as a jobseeker and signing the the agreement of activity.
(g) Have returned to japan from non- The European Economic Area, or there is no convention on protection by unemployment.
(h) have worked in the countries referred to in the subsequent letter, at least twelve months in the past six years since its Last departure from spain, or from the date of acquisition of spanish nationality, in the case of children or grandchildren of spanish emigrants who will take up residence in Spain for the first time.
(i)Lack of their ownat the time of application of the high initial, when your incomes of any nature during the calendar month before that date failed 75 percent of the SMIremain irrelevant, whether or not to have family responsibilities.
The requirement of lack of income is understood in the application of the initial high when the income of any nature of yourself during the calendar month before that date, do not exceed 75 % the minimum wage, excluding the proportionate share of two extraordinary pay.
For the purposes of determining if the request of the initial high, as in the application of the resumption and of the extensions of the grant, you must sign a statement responsible in which you must register all revenues and revenue have been earned over the previous calendar month.
If you work for an employer, this allowance is incompatible with this work from the 1 november 2024 until 31 may 2025 , except if the work part-time, and you are recognized compatibility to meet all requirements, in which case will be deducted from the amount paid by the working time. This deduction shall be effected in addition to when access the subsidy to maintain a part-time appointment, when receiving the grant and part-time work.
In the latter case, if you request compatibility within fifteen days after the date of commencement of the employment relationship, would be applied since that date, and if the request after this period, shall apply from the date of application.
From 1 june 2025 apply the regime of compatibility as support pluginthe employment subsidy for the returning emigrants.