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El presente sitio Web está traducido a varias lenguas españolas oficiales en sus respectivos territorios, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 3 de la Constitución Española de 1978 y sus Estatutos de Autonomía.
Las lenguas son el catalán, el euskera, gallego, valenciano, inglés y francés. Se advierte que, con carácter general, puede existir un desfase entre la versión en castellano y en las otras lenguas, derivado del proceso de traducción a las mismas.
The grant of quotations insufficient - i worked at least one year
You can take advantage of this allowance if you are unemployed person that you are legally unemployed without having covered at least 360 days or longer to have the right to contributory benefit, provided that you have contributed at least 90 days.
In the case that six monthsbefore the application acredites several legal situations of unemployment for the purposes of determining the occupation period quoted for the recognition of the allowance shall be taken into account all contributions that have not been computed for the recognition of previous contributory allowance or another.
Shall not be considered as previous law recognising under the suspension of the employment contract due to the decision of the individual worker are forced to leave their jobs as a result of being the victim of gender-based violence.
You can access this allowance if you keep one or several part-time contracts, provided that the amount of days worked in such contracts may be less than full-time and comply with the other requirements.
The date of application of the grant you will require:
- To be in total unemployment, or work part-time. If you keep several part-time work, the amount of days worked less than a whole day.
- Having served for at least 90 days.
- If, subsequent to the date of the questionof the grant (Last became legally unemployed), has worked by self-employed or for others, you must have ceased in the last work involuntarily or legally unemployed, respectively.
- Belegal status of unemploymentfrom 1 november 2024 .
- Sign the agreement of activity.
- Do not have the right to the contributory unemployment benefit.
- Not to find yourself on any pretext whatsoever of incompatibility.
- You mustlack of incomeown, or, alternatively, credits family responsibilities.
- Requirements lack of incomeand, where appropriate, of the existence of family responsibilitiesshould compete in the date of application of the grant, as well as the date of application of their extension or resumptions.
- Application of the grant within six months after the date of the question, therefore, if not conducted in this period shall be refused.
- If you have agreed to accredit to six months or more quoted without family responsibilities, to request its extension if acreditas that you have in the term of office of the twelve months after the date of the legal situation of unemployment, in which case, from the date of the application you will extend the duration of the right to 21 months, regardless of whether the first right already recognised was exhausted.
- Sign a statement in which responsible you to record all revenues and revenue from the previous calendar month both by you as, where appropriate, by the rest of the members of your family unit.
- Be registered or registered as a jobseeker at the time of the resolution of the request.
- If you have the right to unemployment allowance for working womenover 52 yearspercibirías,.
You can get more information on thea telephone hotline to citizenship.
Plugin to support employment (CAE) unemployment benefit.