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El presente sitio Web está traducido a varias lenguas españolas oficiales en sus respectivos territorios, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 3 de la Constitución Española de 1978 y sus Estatutos de Autonomía.

Las lenguas son el catalán, el euskera, gallego, valenciano, inglés y francés. Se advierte que, con carácter general, puede existir un desfase entre la versión en castellano y en las otras lenguas, derivado del proceso de traducción a las mismas.

I have more than 52 years

If you have 52 years of age or over has exhausted the benefit or unemployment allowance, knows what you must meet requirements and information necessary to claim a subsidy for most of unemployment 52 years.


You can be a beneficiary of this allowance if you meet the following requirements:

A) to find yourself on one of the two situations:

  • Having exhausted the day 1 november 2024 or later, contributory unemployment benefit, in this case, it eliminates the requirement of stay enrolled or registered as a jobseeker during the period of one month, so that the date of the questionit is the contributory benefit.
  • Creditslegal status of unemploymentthe day 1 november 2024 or later, having contributed at least 90 days.

(B) Have 52 in the years when they find in one of the situations mentioned under (A) above.

(C) Be in total employment or work part-time.

(D) on the date of the recognition of the right, be registered or registered as a jobseeker, and signing the the agreement of activity.

(E) to demonstrate that, at the date of the questionfor (contributory benefit or legal status of unemployment) meet the following conditions:

E. 1 ) Meet all requirements, except the age, to access any contributory retirement pension in the Social security system. You can also access this allowance reunías if all requirements except have 52 years of age when agotaste contributory benefit acreditaste or legal status of unemploymentand at least 90 days of such contributions. In this case, you can request access to childcare supplement from the date of this that thou, provided that at the date of submission of the application comply with the requirement of lack of incomeand you have been registered or registered steadily as a jobseeker in public employment services from the date of the contributory benefit or legal status of unemploymentto date of the request of the grant.

E. 2 ) Have contributed effectively in spain for the contingency of unemployment for at least six years during your working life.

F) Acreditar, en la fecha de presentación de la solicitud, que cumples el requisito de lack of their own. The observance of this requirement you must keep it from the perception of the grant.

Similarly, you can have it sent if reúnes all requirements specified above, and meet the age of 52 years during the perception of the following allowances:

  • Contributory benefit.
  • Quotation insufficient to contributory benefit.

If you have received or completed the Renta Activa de inserción the cessation of activity or special allowance for unemployment, you cannot access the largest grant 52 years.

You may also request to older workers 52 years you are able to meet all requirements set for the benefit of over 52 years on the date on which you have the right to resume any subsidy, in this case is considered as the date of the questionthe resumption of the grant.

The right to unemployment allowance is obtained from the day following thequestion, if they are applying within fifteen days after the date of the same. Requested after the deadline, the right to an allowance is obtained at the time of the request.

Obligations, infractions and sanctions

Suspension or termination, resumption

The investigation began with the statement provided by one of the victims, which allowed the agents be after the track this criminal group focusing on trafficking in women for sexual exploitation.Investigations led to find out how the group of cross-caught women from south american origin, mainly of colombian nationality, through social networks and persons of confidence. The victims, in very vulnerable position in their countries of origin, travelling to Spain with the aim of improving their living conditions. Once here, were forced into prostitution to settle the debt of the cost of travel. This debt, he was also added other payments that women should be carried out to exploiters, 50 per day for maintenance and eur 300 per month for accommodation.<h3 class="display-4Serif">Ties in Switzerland</h3>The victims were transferred by different clubs of the national territory for prostitution, to be handled by the members of sexual services to be carried out and tariffs in charge. The officers have also been able to confirm that one of the detainees had connections in Switzerland and some women came to be transferred to that country to be sexually exploited.One of the victims of the lattice, during your stay in one of the national clubs, witnessed how two minors had been held against their will to engage in prostitution with special guests. As A result of witnessing this event, the victim was sexually assaulted on two occasions and threatened with death, which is why i had to flee the country.During the inquiry researchers have found that detainees, that did not make any paid work, carried out in recent months shipments of money abroad in the amount of €66,500.<h3 class="display-4Serif">With the deal is not trafficking</h3>This operation is part of the Plan of the national police against trafficking in human beings for Sexual exploitation. The National Police has telephone line 900 10 50 90 and mail to facilitate the collaboration of citizens and the complaint, anonymous and confidential information of this type of crime, not being reflected the so-called on the telephone bill.