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El presente sitio Web está traducido a varias lenguas españolas oficiales en sus respectivos territorios, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 3 de la Constitución Española de 1978 y sus Estatutos de Autonomía.
Las lenguas son el catalán, el euskera, gallego, valenciano, inglés y francés. Se advierte que, con carácter general, puede existir un desfase entre la versión en castellano y en las otras lenguas, derivado del proceso de traducción a las mismas.
Allowance for persons who are victims of gender violence or sexual abuse
What you can do if you are an unemployed person suffer gender-based violence, sexual or exercised by parents or children.
If you are a person victim of gender-based violence, sexual or exercised by parents or children can access the unemployment allowance if you meet the requirements.
This allowance is managed by the public employment service Estatal (SEPE).
Consider themselves victims of gender-based violence women on the violence perpetrated by those who are or have been their spouses or of those who are or have been linked to them by similar relationships of emotional health, even without cohabitation, as a result of discrimination, the situation of inequality and power relations of men over women.
It was also considered to be victims of gender-based violence women when by persons indicated in the preceding paragraph, even without cohabitation, and in order to cause injury or damage, to exercise violence their families or relatives minors.
He considers himself a victim of sexual violence a person who has been any act of a sexual nature or non-consensual governing the free development of their sex lives in any public or private, including the digital divide, which includes the dissemination of sexual violence, pornography and the non-voluntary segregation in any case, and the sexual extortion through technological means.
Victims are included as women, adolescents, girls and children victims of sexual violence in Spain, regardless of their nationality, or who have been victims of sexual violence perpetrated abroad, provided that they are a spanish citizen.
Are considered sexual violence:
- Offences against sexual freedom.
- Acts of aggression and sexual harassment, indecent exposure, provocation, prostitution and sexual exploitation and corruption of minors.
- Female genital mutilation.
- Forced marriage.
- Harassment with sexual connotation.
- Trafficking for sexual exploitation.
Common requirements of the grant of the three types of violence:
- To be fully unemployed or unemployed, or work part-time.
- Application of the grant within six months after the date of the question, which, in this case, is issued by the competent administration the corresponding report that you are a victim of gender violence or sexual abuse, that in issuing the report of the public prosecutor, or the date you notified the corresponding judgement or ruling.
- Do not have the right to unemployment benefit of level of contributors.
There have been recipients of three rights the renta activa de inserción (RAI)as victims of gender violence or sexual abuse, even when they have enjoyed completely for a period of maximum duration of the RAI. YES you can access this allowance if you have been a recipient of three programmes RAI for victims of gender violence or sexual regulated in the Royal Decree 1369 / 2006 provided that, since the date of birth of the first of the rights to the request of the grant three or more years. You will also have the right if you have been recipients of the RAI regulated in the previous rules Royal Decree 1369 / 2006 .
Persons who have exhausted the maximum duration of the grantin each case appropriate to be victims of gender violence or sexual abuse, they get back to the same if they so request, stating to comply with the requirements, after three or more years since the birth of the first right the renta activa de inserción (as a victim of gender violence or sexual or since the birth of the right of the grant regulated in this provision if i have not previously seen the renta activa de inserción (as a victim of gender violence or sexual abuse.
Be registered as a jobseeker.
Signing the the agreement of activity.
Lack of their ownand if you have a spouse, partner, in fact and/or children aged under 26 years or over, or disabled children accommodated and received or in custody for adoption or fostering, you will necessarily fulfil the requirement of family responsibilities. Requires that this requirement is met at the date of application of the grant, as well as on the dates of the request of its extensions and resumptions.
To be a victim of domestic violence, sexual violence or violence by your parents or your children.