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El presente sitio Web está traducido a varias lenguas españolas oficiales en sus respectivos territorios, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 3 de la Constitución Española de 1978 y sus Estatutos de Autonomía.

Las lenguas son el catalán, el euskera, gallego, valenciano, inglés y francés. Se advierte que, con carácter general, puede existir un desfase entre la versión en castellano y en las otras lenguas, derivado del proceso de traducción a las mismas.


In the consolidated text of the General law on Social security, adopted by Royal Legislative Decree 8 / 2015 , 30 october, regulates the situations of incompatibility of unemployment benefits.

The perception of the contributory benefit or unemployment is incompatible:

  • With the paid work for full-time employment, labour regime, administrative or similar situations, involving the inclusion in any regime of Social security system, but did not intend to contribute on the contingency of unemployment, except when it is established compatibility in any programme for the promotion of employment.
  • With self-employment, except in the case of the compatibility of less than 270 days or for outstanding lower amount. This support will be possible when the recipient or perceptora provision has ceased as a final and complete its work and as a person causes high self-employed woman in one of the Social security regimes, upon request in the term of office 15 days from the date of commencement of the activity itself. It is also applicable this compatibility people receiving unemployment benefit to be incorporated as partners or partners in labour societies starting or cooperative work associated, who are stuck or enclosed in the special regime of Social security, as appropriate, by reason of its work on its own.
  • With research activities or cooperation with pay, which involve exclusive devotion.
  • With the exercise by election or appointment of public or trade union or senior posts, paid, which involve exclusive devotion.
  • Upon receiving a pension or an economic nature of Social security at both the contributory and non-contributory, except that these have been compatible with the work that led to unemployment benefit or except the provision of non-contributory invalidity.
  • With the activation of the reservation recompensed referred to in Royal Decree 1691 / 2003 , 12 december, approving the regulations of access and status of voluntary reservists.
  • With any other situation involving the right to economic perceptions of public character as a replacement for treatment of loss of remuneration payable for the cessation of activity, with a link administrative or labour.

The perception of the contributory unemployment benefit is consistent:

  • With the paid work for a third part-time, without prejudice to the corresponding discount in the amount of benefit.
  • With the employed workforce full-time, when it is established compatibility in any programme for the promotion of employment.
  • With self-employment, provided that the recipient or perceptora provision has ceased as a final and complete its work and as a person causes high self-employed woman in one of the Social security regimes, for a maximum of 270 days or for outstanding lower, upon request in the term of office 15 days from the date of commencement of the activity itself. It is also applicable this compatibility people receiving unemployment benefit to be incorporated as partners or partners in labour societies starting or partners workers for work associated cooperatives, they are framed or enclosed in the special regime of Social security, as appropriate, by reason of its work on its own. made map made map
    Graduating from the compatibility of service with self-employment:
    - Persons who cause high as persons employed in any of the Social security regimes to join as a partner or a partner to commercial debtors.
    - Those persons whose last job has been self-employment, regardless of who had caused high in some Social security system or already done so in any Society.
    - Those who made use of this right in the 24 months immediately preceding the date of commencement of the activity itself.
    - Those having obtained the payment of unemployment benefit in the 24 months immediately preceding the date of commencement of the activity itself.
    - Those who constitute as self-employed persons and sign a contract for the realization of their professional activity with the employer or an employer who had served for employment as a matter of immediately prior to the start of the legal status of unemploymentor a company in the same corporate group that. It will also affect this exclusion to the individual worker will develop their professional activity with his last employer or an employer, not directly but through a cooperative work or new posts.
  • From 23 may 2024 , with the organization of training, external academic practices including in vocational training programmes or training programmes in the workplace.
    Are excluded from the compatibility of the formative practices:
    - The practices carried out in vocational training is carried out intensive alternating training at the heart of vocational training or company or agency equated with productive activity and recompensed in the framework of a training contract.
  • With the appropriate compensation for termination of employment contract.
  • With the partial retirement pension.
  • With pensions or benefits of an economic nature of Social security that were compatible with the work that gave rise to the benefit.
  • With Social security benefits by son or daughter.
  • With the exercise by election or appointment of public or trade union involving paid part-time employment, without prejudice to the corresponding deduction in the amount of benefit.
  • With the receipt of any kind of minimum wages, social or similar aid for social assistance granted by any administration.
  • The perception of non-contributory benefits from Social security, except the retirement age.