
Traducción automática

El presente sitio Web está traducido a varias lenguas españolas oficiales en sus respectivos territorios, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 3 de la Constitución Española de 1978 y sus Estatutos de Autonomía.

Las lenguas son el catalán, el euskera, gallego, valenciano, inglés y francés. Se advierte que, con carácter general, puede existir un desfase entre la versión en castellano y en las otras lenguas, derivado del proceso de traducción a las mismas.

Centers and entities eLearning

Through eLearning mode, you can provide vocational training for employment related to educational specialities included in the catalogue that for this purpose, is regulated by the command TMS/ 283 / 2019 , 12 March.

Training entities with eLearning offerings have to comply with these requirements:

  • Having an accreditation for each of the formative specialities certificate of professionalism that will give at this mode or an entry for the remaining.
  • Communicate the beginning of any formative action they give, and in the event that is directed to obtain certificates of professionalism and not funded public, also have express authorization to accomplish this.
  • Provide the formative actions according to the demands técnico-pedagógicas, technological, of spaces, facilities, equipment and human means established criteria, as well as facilitating and assume joint responsibility in monitoring the participation of students of learning and its evaluation.

To be able to provide any of the specialties included in the catalogue of Formative Specialities, training entities should:

  • Be accredited in the state registration training Entities over the formative specialities certificate of professionalism.
  • Estar inscritas en el Registro Estatal de Entidades de Formación para el resto de especialidades formativas.

For seek accreditation to public service state employment or register through this agency, training entities have to:

  • Having its registered office (or prosecutor in the case of individual entrepreneur) in any city Autonomous. And also include training centres with those who have signed the realization of meetings in eLearning mode (mentoring and final evaluation of training module for the specialties of certificate of professionalism; final evaluation for the formative specialities not aimed at obtaining certificates of professionalism when this is established in its training programme) those who are located in Ceuta or Melilla.
  • Fill out and submit by electronic means, through the electronic site public employment Service State both the accreditation request, as the statement responsible for registration.

Check if your computer fulfills the requirements for the use of the electronic registration service.

These procedures may submit to the public employment service state, both stakeholders as those others (agents, representatives, …) acting on their behalf and that have authorization to represent third parties, where credited this representation under Article 5 the law 39 / 2015 , 1 October, administrative procedure common of public administrations.

To make arrangements for accreditation or registration in the eLearning modality, is required to have DNI electronic, digital certificate in force admitted by public administrations or permanent password provided by the platform Cl@ve, and accompany them of the supporting documentation required in each case.

Once processed, electronic registration of public service state employment automatically issued a receipt electronically signed, which requires the date and time of presentation, a number of entry into the register and, where appropriate, the maximum set by regulation for resolution and notification of this procedure, as well as the effects that can produce the administrative silence. This voucher is valid for the purposes of beginning the calculation of deadlines for the administration and does not prejudge the final admission of the same if any exist of the causes of rejection laid down in Article 29 . 1 the royal decree 1671 / 2009 , 6 November.

The public employment service shall State electronically to stakeholders resolutions and administrative actions which affect their rights and interests in the place they brought to this effect, according to law 39 / 2015 , 1 October.

In the area of public employment service state, companies and accredited training centres for the eLearning mode can provide not accions formatives publicly funded on those certificates of professionalism in those which are credited serving, among others, these obligations:

  • Having previously authorized by the public employment service State, each of the formative actions that go to impart through private initiative and to inform the agency, the start of These prior to its start date.
  • Have accessible and updated to its acquisition by the public employment service State monitoring data contained in its web service, according to the model and transmission protocols set out in Annex V of the command TMS/ 369 / 2019 , 28 March.
  • Go to the proceedings of monitoring and control and quality audits, on the formative actions thus authorized, makes the public employment service State.
  • Refer to public service state employment documentation for the evaluation process, based on that this body certify the formation overtaken by students participating in the training actions which has authorized delivery.

Estas solicitudes de autorización o comunicaciones de inicio referidas a acciones formativas que se impartan mediante teleformación con fondos no públicos se tramitarán a través de la electronic site public employment Service State and should be submitted electronically before it.

Check if your computer fulfills the minimum requirements for the use of the electronic registration service.

May submit a request for authorization and communication of beginning both stakeholders, such as those others (agents, representatives, …) acting on their behalf and that have authorization to represent third parties, where credited this representation, according to Article 5 the law 39 / 2015 , 1 October, administrative procedure common of public administrations.

For the presentation of the authorization request or communication of beginning, is required to have DNI electronic, digital certificate in force admitted by public administrations or permanent password provided by the platform Cl@ve, and with the supporting documentation required in each of them.

Once processed, the electronic record of public service state employment automatically issued a receipt electronically signed, which requires the date and time of presentation, a number of log entry and the maximum set by regulation for resolution and notification of the authorization requested, as well as the effects that can produce the administrative silence.

This voucher is valid for purposes of beginning the calculation of deadlines for the administration and does not prejudge the final admission of the same if any exist of the causes of rejection laid down in Article 29 . 1 the royal decree 1671 / 2009 , 6 November.

The public employment service shall State electronically to stakeholders resolutions and administrative actions which affect their rights and interests in the place they brought to this effect, according to law 39 / 2015 , 1 October.