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El presente sitio Web está traducido a varias lenguas españolas oficiales en sus respectivos territorios, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 3 de la Constitución Española de 1978 y sus Estatutos de Autonomía.

Las lenguas son el catalán, el euskera, gallego, valenciano, inglés y francés. Se advierte que, con carácter general, puede existir un desfase entre la versión en castellano y en las otras lenguas, derivado del proceso de traducción a las mismas.

Majorcan Valencia na

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Below, you can consult some of the calls for aid.

Convener Description Addressed to Start End
ACTION AGAINST HUNGER Itinerary youth entrepreneurship Livest Undertakes.
Advice, training and funding to young people with entrepreneurial ideas through agile methodologies, and prototyping gamificación. We Generation In
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Young 01/01/2019 30/05/2022
Majorcan Valencia na YOUNG AVALEM PLUS, EMCUJU- 2019
Grant programme aimed at the recruitment of qualified young people by local entities, under the national system of Youth Guarantee 2019 .
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Entities 01/02/2018 31/12/2020
Majorcan Valencia na YOUNG AVALEM PLUS, EMCUJU- 2019
Grant programme for the recruitment of young people by local entities, under the national system of Youth Guarantee, for the exercise of 2019 .
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Entities 18/05/2019 31/12/2020
Majorcan Valencia na AVALEM YOUNG, ECOGJU - 2019
Aid to the initial indefinite hiring of young people. AVALEM JOVES Youth - Guaranteed.
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Companies 30/01/2019 31/10/2021
Majorcan Valencia na AVALEM YOUNG, ECOJUP - 2019
Grants to encourage the hiring in practices of qualified young people -AVALEM JOVES- under the national system of Youth Guarantee.
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Entities/Companies 05/02/2019 31/10/2020
Majorcan Valencia na YOUNG AVALEM PLUS, EMCUJU- 2018
Grant programme aimed at the recruitment of qualified young people by local entities, under the national system of Youth Guarantee 2019 .
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Entities 01/03/2018 31/12/2019
Majorcan Valencia na YOUNG AVALEM PLUS, EMPUJU - 2018
Grant programme for the recruitment of young people by local entities, under the national system of Youth Guarantee, for the exercise of 2019 .
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Entities 01/03/2018 31/12/2019
Majorcan Valencia na ECOTDI 2020 Program to promote hiring people with severe functional diversity
ORDER 10 / 2018 , 12 July, the Conselleria of sustainable economy, productive sectors, trade and labour, which approves the program bases reguladoras employment promotion for hiring persons belonging to vulnerable groups.
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Entities 01/02/2020
Majorcan Valencia na Aid programme for recruitment in practices of certain vulnerable groups.
ORDER 10 / 2018 , 12 July, the Conselleria of sustainable economy, productive sectors, trade and labour, which approves the rules of the program for promoting employment for recruiting peronas belonging to vulnerable groups.
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Entities 06/02/2020 30/09/2020
Majorcan Valencia na ECOGJU - 2020 . Aid to the initial indefinite hiring of young people. AVALEM JOVES Youth - Guaranteed
Order 8 / 2018 , 25 June, the Conselleria of sustainable economy, productive sectors, trade and labour, which approves the bases reguladoras agenda of promoting employment for the recruitment of qualified young people (AVALEM JOVES), under the national system of Youth Guarantee (DOGV of 28/06/2018 ).
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Entities 14/02/2020 30/09/2020
Majorcan Valencia na Grants for recruitment in practices of qualified young people (AVALEM JOVES)
Order 8 / 2018 , 25 June, the Conselleria of sustainable economy, productive sectors, trade and labour, which approves the bases reguladoras agenda of promoting employment for the recruitment of qualified young people (AVALEM JOVES), under the national system of Youth Guarantee (DOGV of 28/06/2018 ).
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Entities 14/02/2020 30/09/2020
Camera Valencia Convocatòria mobility scheme to promote transnational mobility
The mobility scheme aims to promote transnational mobility and improve the level of employability among youth beneficiaries of the national system of Youth Guarantee. The duration of this Invitation is from the 29/01/2020 until 31/07/2020 or, until exhausting budget availability. The international stays in practices will take place, preferably, along 2020 and will have a duration of three or six months.
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Young 29/01/2020 31/07/2020
Majorcan Valencia na Grants to businesses for hiring skilled young under the national system of Youth Guarantee (Avalem Joves).
Last 13 February was published the call for the exercise 2020 the programme for the promotion (AVALEM JOVES), under the national system of Youth Guarantee. There are two types of grants: 1 In practice. Recruitment of qualified young people. 2 Indefinitely. Hiring skilled young people
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Entities 14/02/2020 30/09/2020