
Traducción automática

El presente sitio Web está traducido a varias lenguas españolas oficiales en sus respectivos territorios, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 3 de la Constitución Española de 1978 y sus Estatutos de Autonomía.

Las lenguas son el catalán, el euskera, gallego, valenciano, inglés y francés. Se advierte que, con carácter general, puede existir un desfase entre la versión en castellano y en las otras lenguas, derivado del proceso de traducción a las mismas.

Illes Balears

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Below, you can consult some of the calls for aid.

Convener Description Addressed to Start End
Autonomous Community of islands Baleares Comprehensive Itineraries CANCION SOIB insertion 2019 - 2020
Comprehensive itineraries insertion, co-funded by the European Social Fund, under the Operational Programme youth employment 2014 - 2020 .
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01/01/2019 31/12/2020
Autonomous Community of islands Baleares Mixed programmes employment and training
Call of subsidies to introduce mixed projects of employment and training for unemployed young people aged 16 and 30 registered in the national system of Youth Guarantee.
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Entities 15/03/2019 31/03/2020
Autonomous Community of islands Baleares Public aid aimed at promoting youth return 2018
Return Plan of the talent of the islands Baleares for young baleares abroad wishing to return home.
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01/10/2018 15/10/2019
Autonomous Community of islands Baleares Scholarships Success in secondary education adults
If you are a young person most of unoccupied 18 años and less than 30 upper años that second, third or fourth secondary This Adults (SPANISH) of This centres for adults islands Baleares , you can apply for grants to get.
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Young 01/07/2019 31/07/2020
Autonomous Community of islands Baleares Scholarships Success attend FP
If you are a young person of male circumcision unoccupied 18 años and less than 30 años cycles that upper class professional training funded the públicos CAIB, you can apply for grants to get.
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Young 01/07/2019 31/07/2020
Autonomous Community of islands Baleares Scholarships Success attend actions FP
If you are young male circumcision 16 años and less than 30 años, estás in situación of unoccupied and has extended or estás by issuing algún funded by the current has finished SOIB or end of a fter 1 January 2018 and before 1 July 2019 you can request a éxito scholarship.
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Young 30/06/2019 01/08/2020