Appointment Electronic

Learning By Leaving

Imagen Learning By Leaving Conference 2022.SPAIN

“Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success.” Henry Ford.

The Conference Learning by Leaving 2022: “Digital nomads in the XXI century” focuses on the relationship between mobility and digitalization, how they are linked and how the digital skills of users influence their mobility opportunities and a better management of their personal and professional life projects, as well as how to facilitate the development of digital skills in real mobility experiences. How can the digital world best support citizens’ mobility? Are youths ready to face the demands of today’s society? Do they all have the necessary skills and competences to meet this challenge?. 

This event is aimed at sharing the programs, strategies and resources that the different networks implied are developing for the acquisition of digital competence in citizens and its impact on mobility.


  • To reflect on the evolution of the concept of mobility: is virtual mobility real mobility?
  • To present pioneering and innovative experiences related to digitalization processes that facilitate mobility
  • To present the objectives and initiatives of the European Commission in the digital field.
  • To discuss the use and scope of digital tools and their impact on employment, training, guidance and mobility of citizens.
  • To analyze possible strategies to mitigate the digital gap and the barriers in the access and intensive use of new technologies.
  • To get to know the social networks most used by the different population groups and the use they make of them.

The conference will be held in Palma (Majorca) on 26, 27 and 28 October 2022 at the Hotel Management School of the Balearic Islands. The School is located between the city of Palma and the Serra de Tramuntana, within the university campus.

This event is organised by the following Spanish networks: Euroguidance, Europass, EURES and Eurodesk

Registered attendees: