Traducción automática
El presente sitio Web está traducido a varias lenguas españolas oficiales en sus respectivos territorios, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 3 de la Constitución Española de 1978 y sus Estatutos de Autonomía.
Las lenguas son el catalán, el euskera, gallego, valenciano, inglés y francés. Se advierte que, con carácter general, puede existir un desfase entre la versión en castellano y en las otras lenguas, derivado del proceso de traducción a las mismas.
New Projects of territorial balance and equity
The rapid transformation of the digital economy and society has turned the digital skills in basic tools for taking advantage of opportunities offered by: new and accessible forms of communication and access to services, professional profiles and new business opportunities for companies to respond to global challenges, new possibilities of access to information, public services and economic activity.
Component 19
Investment 3 "Digital Skills for employment" component 19 National Plan of "Digital Capabilities (digital skills)", in which the public employment service participates actively as a State organ, includes performances managers qualification and advanced training aimed at employed and unemployed people to strengthen the current active employment policies, in particular a set of services and orientation programmes, employment and training for employment in the workplace aimed at improving the possibilities of access to employment, employed or self-employed, unemployed persons, maintenance of employment and career advancement for persons employed and the promotion of entrepreneurship and the social economy.
Procurement for the development of the itinerary of "digital literacy for women employed in the framework of Agricultural employment promotion (PROFEA)"
The service contract for digital literacy working people engaged in the framework of Agricultural employment promotion, PROFEA, in the SEPE Dossier: PA. 3 / 22
- Publication in the official gazette (BOE) of 16 december 2021 , the announcement of tenders: General Directorate of public service of State Employment Service. Subject: digital literacy for women who work in the framework of agricultural employment promotion, profea (C 19 I 3 , recovery plan, transformation and resilience of the spanish economy) Dossier: PA. 3 / 22 .
- Publication in the official gazette of spain 27 april 2022 the announcement of execution of contracts: General Directorate of public service of State Employment Service. Subject: digital literacy for women who work in the framework of agricultural employment promotion, profea (c 19 i 3 , recovery plan, transformation and resilience of the spanish economy) Dossier: PA. 3 / 22
- Publication in the beijing platform for recruitment of the public Sector 5 december 2021 , the announcement of Tenders
E-learning training of persons employed women and the Social economy through public technological platform
- In the publication of BDNS 20 april 2021 of the resolution of the public employment service state 15 april 2021 , which approves the convening for the granting of public subsidies for the implementation of training programmes adopted by the state, for the acquisition and improvement of professional skills related to technological change and transformation, digital priority to persons employed in the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience.
- In the publication BDNS the 28 september 2021 the extension of term through the resolution of the General directorate of public employment Service by establishing the extension of time to resolve and notify the resolution of proceedings, as foreseen in resolution of 15 april 2021 , the public employment service, which approves the convening for the granting of public subsidies for the implementation of training programmes adopted by the state, for the acquisition and improvement of professional skills related to technological change and transformation, digital priority to persons employed in the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience.
- Publication in the official gazette of spain 23 april 2021 extract of the Resolution 15 april 2021 , the public employment service, which approves the convening for the granting of public subsidies for the implementation of training programmes adopted by the state, for the acquisition and improvement of professional skills related to technological change and transformation, digital priority to persons employed in the framework of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience.