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El presente sitio Web está traducido a varias lenguas españolas oficiales en sus respectivos territorios, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 3 de la Constitución Española de 1978 y sus Estatutos de Autonomía.

Las lenguas son el catalán, el euskera, gallego, valenciano, inglés y francés. Se advierte que, con carácter general, puede existir un desfase entre la versión en castellano y en las otras lenguas, derivado del proceso de traducción a las mismas.


ReferNet is a network created in 2002 by the Cedefop, European centre for the development of vocational training, to respond to the growing demand for information in the field of vocational training and facilitate the analysis and comparison of the training policies of member states of the European Union, Islandia and Norwegian. Represents a structured system, decentralized and interconnected to the collection, follow-up and dissemination of information, which provides data on national systems of vocational training thanks to the expertise of key agencies in this field.

The ReferNet structure is based on national consortia in each partner country where each of them is composed of a coordinating entity and other organizations involved in training activities in each country.

Functions of the network

  • Develop updates on vocational training systems in Europe, its evolution and other topics related to the professional skills and the labour market.
    • Compilation and presentation of data and regular information on matters and actions vocational training for work and comparative analysis of themes of FP in Europa of Cedefop and the European institutions.
    • Development of the contents of publications on vocational training systems of Cedefop.
  • Develop articles on topics of public interest and national news and specific themes related to vocational training and the labour market of each country.
  • Develop a bibliographic database in vocational subjects:
  • Disseminate information and events related to vocational training in Europa:
    • The Information bulletin and Brief notes the Cedefop in several languages. Cedefop additionally offers the possibility of subscribing to a service of email alerts to keep abreast of publications on FP in individual member states, Norwegian and Islandia.
    • Events held in partner countries of the network in the field of education and training.
  • Give visibility to professional training activities between citizens and stakeholders in vocational training in Europe.

Promotional video and marking the 10th anniversary of the network

Coordination of the network

The work of ReferNet coordinates from Cedefop with organizations of each participating state. It works according to annual workplans, defined on the basis of the association agreement between the Cedefop and the umbrella organization of the network in each participating country.

More information: refer@cedefop.europa.eu

Twitter: @Cedefop

In Spain, In the period ReferNet 2016 - 2019 relies on the State Foundation for job training.

More information: refernet@fundae.es

Web space: www.refernet.es

Twitter: @Refernet _ en

ReferNet facilitates and updated information in the field of vocational training. This information is structured and adjusts to different media or media proposed by Cedefop which facilitates the comparison and analysis of vocational training systems of countries that make up the European network.

The activities of Refernet-españa are developed in the framework of plans of work agreed between the SEPE annually and Cedefop for the network:

  • Compilation and sent to Cedefop of information on topics of FP and progress in line with the commitments of the communiqué of Witches as well as more recent research in the field of vocational training in Spain. Based on the reports of individual Member states of the union, the Cedefop publishes comparative reports on topics of interest as the benefits of vocational training, transition to the labour market or other connected).
  • Development of Country report the number of Cedefop "VET in Europe: country report" which offers a description of the system of education and training from a selection of information on certain aspects: policy developments of FP, design of qualifications and vocational training programs and other reports and publications related Cedefop FP.
  • Contribution to the development of bibliographic database of Cedefop a través de la selección e indexación de material publicado en España en materia de formación profesional, con especial atención a monografías, artículos, informes de investigación, documentos electrónicos, sitios, etc.
  • Dissemination of public competitions, employment opportunities and information of Cedefop vocational training and employment.
  • Dissemination of events in FP in Spain and the European Union members of the European network and the consortium national.
  • Collaboration with national unity of Eurydice in the information provided by the Eurypedia (European A8lh on National Education Systems) on the structure of the educational system and vocational training in Spain.