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Employment forum FIBEST Valladolid 2015

The 11 march 2015 se celebró, en el Campus Universitario Río Esgueva de la Universidad de Valladolid the XVI employment forum FiBEST, organized by the BEST student association in collaboration with the Vicerrectorado of teaching and university student Valladolid and with the support of the board Castilla y León through the public employment service of Castilla y León (ECYL), of the Provincial deputation of Valladolid and the city of Valladolid .

BEST stands for Board European Students of Technology, non-profit association present in 96 european universities 33 countries. Valladolid it is local group of the university of Valladolid , consisting of over 50 students in technical careers working helping students to meet challenges will face in the future to finalize its studies and formándoles cross-cutting skills.

Therefore, is a FIBEST employment forum developed by and for students, whose main objectives are to promote employment and business practices as a complement to the formation, facilitate the search for the first jobs for university graduates and students from terminal grades accelerating their integration into the world of work and to raise awareness of entrepreneurship and available facilities for your own business. In short, help them discover the labour market, the potential and where they can find opportunities according to their qualifications.

The inauguration of the forum took place in the hall of the school of Industrial Engineering and was attended by D. José Carlos Rodríguez Fernández, vice-president and manager of ECYL; D. Jesús Angel Pisano Alonso, Director of the school of Industrial Engineering university Valladolid , Dña. María Cristina Pérez Barreiro, Vicerrectora de Estudiantes de la Universidad de Valladolid , D. Fernando Rubio Ballestero, Coordinador de la Presidencia del Ayuntamiento de Valladolid and D. José María Pinilla Giménez, vice-president of the BEST events Valladolid .

He also served on the table D. Gregorio González Roldán, deputy director-General for Institutional Relations and legal assistance of the SEPE, who had a representative role in the event of an intervention.

The SEPE was present at the forum with a stand of 6 m 2 with a booth in the public were met, a table with a laptop at the targeting of individual participants concerned and display of information leaflets.

The booth was treated permanently, under the supervision of D. Luis Antonio Gómez Churches, The Provincial Director of the SEPE in Valladolid for staff of the Provincial Directorate. It reported, mainly, on contracts for the training and learning, and on the Dual Observatory. Available Occupations of brochures, both of these items as of other subjects of interest to participants, as the Portal Empléate or Certificates of professionalism.